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Wall Street Presentation

Transcript: Wall Street The Wall Street Way! When was Wall Street Constructed? When was Wall Street Constructed? Wall Street was constructed on March 8, 1817. The name of the stre... Wall Street was constructed on March 8, 1817. The name of the street originates from an actual wall that was built in the 17th century by the Dutch. The area near the wall became known as Wall Street. Due to its prime location running the width of Manhattan between the East River and the Hudson River the road developed into one of the busiest trading areas in the entire city. The financial industry got its official start on Wall Street on May 17, 1792. On that day, New York's first official stock exchange was established by the signing of the Buttonwood Agreement. The Buttonwood Agreement was the document that gave birth to what is now the modern-day New York Stock Exchange or NYSE for short. The financial industry got its official start on Wall Street on M... Wall Street Crash of 1929: The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was the greatest stock market crash in the history of the United States. It happened in the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday October 29, 1929, now known as Black Tuesday. The crash started the Great Depression and stock prices did not reach the same level until late 1954. Wall Street Crash of 1929: The Benefits of Wall Street The Benefits of Wall Street Benefits Benefits -Without Wall Street there would be no middle class, meaning if you were apart of the higher class you'd remain in that class and if you were poor you would remain in the lower class. -Wall street also supports both sides of the economy, meaning those who are seeking to invest into stocks or those seeking to borrow What exactly is Wall Street's purpose? What exactly is Wall Street's purpose? The term 'Wall Street' is used as a modern or familar term that cove... The term 'Wall Street' is used as a modern or familar term that covers the financial and investment community, including stock exchanges and large banks, brokerages, securities and underwriting firms, and big businesses. Why is Wall Street So Important? Wall Street, is not only a physical place, but it is also a virtual world that serves three purposes: 1. Wall Street makes capitalism work through making the primary market a common ground for those looking to not only save capital, but to raise it too. This is done generally either through the issuance of bonds or selling shares of a business to a stockholder. 2. Wall Street also serves as a networking for people that are interested in selling or buying bonds and stocks. 3. Wall Street also influences consumer confidence because often the economy is growing which makes the consumers more likely to spend money. Why is Wall Street So Important? Henry Paulson: Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs John Thain: CEO, NYSE Group Jamie Dimon: CEO, JPMorgan Chase Stanley O'Neal: CEO and president, Merrill Lynch Larry Fink: Chairman and CEO, BlackRock Carl Icahn: Founder, Icahn Partners Steven Cohen: Chairman and CEO, SAC Capital Important People In Wall Street Jordan Belfort: Belfort is often known as the "Wolf of Wall Street" because in 1999, he pleaded guilty to fraud and related crimes in connection with stock-market manipulation and running a boiler room as part of a penny-stock scam. Infamous Person in Wall Street: Fun Fact ! Fun Fact ! Is The Wall Street We Know Today, The Only Wall Street There Ever Was? NO!


Transcript: & THE GREAT DEPRESSION WALL STREET CRASH OF 1929 Before the Crisis Causes of the crisis: - collapse of land prices - overproduction - the presence of many small banks - too much speculation on the stock market The Stock Market Crash of 1929 The Crisis The "Roaring 20s" Rapid expansion of the Stock Market Firts signs of the crash in September 1929 The beginning of the crash The Beginning of the Crash October 24th and 29th 1929 Stock falls drastically More than 16 million shares were traded The Dow Jones Indurstrial Average loss What happened? Black Thursday & Black Tuesday "You can't have an healthy Economy without confidence in the Market". Effects of the Depression and Recovery Acts People sell what is left to get some money Run on the banks Investors abandoned the Stock Market Beginning of the Great Depression Effects Consequences and recovery Recovery Plans President Herbert Hoover President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Limited role Indirect aid Volunteerism He lost against Roosevelt in 1932 Hoover's Plan NEW DEAL Direct Federal Aid Federal Programs Aid for the unemployed Roosevelt's Plan America's intimate relationship with Europe World War I Economic collapse Effects in Europe March 1929 - The Dow dropped, but bankers reassured investors. August 8 - The Federal Reserve Bank of New York raised the discount rate to 6 percent. September 3 - The Dow peaked at 381.17. That was a 27 percent increase over the prior year. October 3 - Great Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Phillip Snowden called the U.S. stock market a "speculative orgy." October 24 - Black Thursday. October 28 - Black Monday. October 29 - Black Tuesday. 1933 - President Roosevelt launched the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure bank deposits. November 23, 1954 - The Dow finally regained its September 3, 1929, high, closing at 383. Important Facts Quotation and Important Facts 1929 “It came with a speed and ferocity that left men dazed. The bottom, simply fell out of the market..... The streets were crammed with a mixed crowd — agonized little speculators,... sold-out traders,... inquisitive individuals and tourists seeking ... a closer view of the national catastrophe..... Where was it going to end?” Account of the stock market crash in the New York Times. Quotation c. 1933 There were “people living in old, rusted out car bodies.... There were people living in shacks made of orange crates. One family with a whole lot of kids were living in a piano box.” One woman’s memories of the Depression. Quotation "This was real panic." Jonathan Leonard was a reporter who was on the scene as Wall Street tumbled Quotation

Wall Street

Transcript: BlueStar would also have to take actions to ensure this didn't happen again and might now be under strict monitoring by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Three Types of Cost: If a high ranking officer of a company is caught insider trading the consequences and costs to the company can be very stiff. There was more than likely an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission that was costly for BlueStar Airlines. How to deal with the dilemma? If your company has installed a universal set of rules that apply to ethically unsound actions, like insider trading, than they should never happen. If Bud Fox had stuck to his morals the entire movie the series of events that proved to be so costly would have never happened. The stock of BlueStar Airlines wouldn't have changed as violently as it did, the Securities and Exchange Commission would never have gotten involved, and the union workers would not have been pushed to a point where they distrust the company. There are different codes that determine what is ethical and unethical that are determined by local customs and norms. These change from country to country and can even change from once area to another in one country. If ethical universalism were to be applied to insider trading then it would be very easily done away with entirely, assuming that everyone within the company follows the rule. Insider trading would be seen as a form of either lying to or deceiving the public, both of which would fall on the side of what is wrong when dealing with a UNIVERSAL set of rules. Dilemma JUST DON'T DO IT DUMMY!!! Even though it doesn't appear that Bud Fox and his level of insider trading will have the same result as Enron's fudging their accounting records, this is the prime example of what can happen to a company when it has lost all of its credibility. No employees want to work for Enron, and no customer can trust the company name enough to really want to do business with them. Level 2: The reputations of Bud Fox, Gordon Gekko, and BlueStar Airlines will all take a hit once this news has gone public. There surely was some class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of the union workers who were harmed in the breaking up of the company. What can go wrong? Ethical Universalism and let's not forget... Integrative Social Contracts Theory Don't let this be you! Level 3: While this theory combines the previous two there is still some room for interpretation if someone wants to push what is accepted. Lying and deceiving might seem to be considered universally bad, but it might not be that hard to convince someone that helping out a business partner is normal Ethical Relativism For Bud Fox and Gordon Gekko there was jail time and significant losses of income. There is a code of ethics that a company decides to adhere to that are based on a set of UNIVERSAL rules of what is right and what is wrong. What strategy would work best? When Bud and Gordon were controlling the stock price of the company all of the smaller stockholders were at their mercey, losing lots of money when it dropped incredibly low. buying or selling of corporate stock by someone in the corporation that is done so based on "inside" information not known by the public. Union employees will have lost trust in the compnay. After the insider trading was discovered BlueStar Airlines would have had to take some actions to fix what had already been made wrong by Bud Fox. Double click anywhere & add an idea Ethical Universalism Applying ethical relativism should end in the same result as ethical universalism since insider trading is still illegal. However, many people can very easily twist what is acceptable in their heads to make things work in their favor. Insider trading will never be accepted in New York City, but that didn't stop Bud Fox. Insider trading is illegal. Bud Fox eventually in charge of BlueStar Airlines but he continued to use inside information to make money by trading stocks. Enron: There are some ethical codes that are UNIVERSAL,, but in some circumstances the local norms or customs may cause some less universal ethical standards to change from one place in the world to another. Bud Fox knows how a court case will end concerning BlueStar Airlines that is beneficial to their future. With this information he tells Gordon Gekko to buy stock now before the general public hears of the court's ruling. Some Other Examples of Scandals: Insider Trading: Level 1: If the company reputation takes a big enough hit it could even begin harder to recruit talented workers to work for BlueStar Airways, and customers might begin to refuse to fly on the Airline any longer. This is the biggest cost a company can incur.

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