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School Budget Presentation Template

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School Budget Presentation

Transcript: School Budget Presentation They get it from local, state and federal taxes~Public tuition, private grants, and fundraising~Private Where does the money come from that Kennedy gets? The money that Kennedy gets comes from state funding and private funding, such as “The Future is Now” campaign and the California Department of Education. Who decides how to allocate the money in the Cupertino Union School District? The California Department of Education and the Santa Clara County Office of Education decides how to allocate the money for the Cupertino Union School District. What has Kennedy or CUSD done in time of financial hardship? CUSD has laid off teachers and increased class sizes, have management layoffs, eliminate instructions and clerical support at the central office, raise money with campaigns such as “The Future is Now” campaign, and having employee leaves without pay. Who decides what to do with the money that Kennedy gets? The superintendent decides what to do with the money. How do the budget cuts and the budget vote affect the outcome of the novel? The budget cuts and the budget vote affect the characters in Nothing but the Truth by influencing the actions of Mrs. Narwin, Dr. Palleni, Dr. Seymour, and the staff. For example, Dr. Seymour wants to cover up the suspension incident because she wants to stay on the school board. Mrs. Narwin gets mad because she couldn’t get the education grant from the school, which may have caused her to be in a bad mood and kick Philip out of the classroom. What things would be different if the school had the money to send Miss Narwin to the conference? What would be different if the school administrators were not so concerned with the budget being approved by voters? Miss Narwin wouldn’t be as mad at Philip and she wouldn’t have a problem with the school board. If school administrators were not so concerned with the budget being approved they would not care as much about Ms. Narwin’s issue with Philip. They would also probably support her and not tell her to leave. By Victor Yin Oliver Guan Varun Iyer and Raveen Sivashanker Where do the Facts Line Up im not singing, right? ... lay off teachers resulting in a bad education. The bad education will cause the district to stop giving money to the school and can possibly cause lawsuits from parents of students. The school will die off in the process. Big Ideas fine Our Sources 1. Kaplan, Jonathan. California State Government. California Budget Project. California Budget Project. 1107 9th Street, Suite 310 Sacramento, CA 95814:, 2009. Print. <> 2. Freiley, Lisa. "What Happens when a District Runs out of Money/Receivership." Oregon School Board Association, n.d. Web. 30 Oct 2012. 3. <>. "Budget Information." Edline. Cupertino Union School District, n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. <>. 4. "How the State Allocates Money for Education ."EdSource. 2012: n. page. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. <>. Is the school district managing our school's budget in the most efficient way possible? School This question will be answered by not only a slide, but by a song from a kid named Varun Iyer the Kid and will be sung by something. Individual Questions whos doing the 2nd group question The Where does a school get money from? raveen is doing it Group Questions Will What happens when a school runs out or is short of money?

CE Budget Template Presentation 091217

Transcript: Conceptual Estimate Template Template Overview Budget Summary Detailed Quantities Cost Details Historical Data For Pricing Project Comparisons Cost Breakdown By Cost Code Basis of Estimate Reports Template Overview Budget Export For Construction GENERAL SUM SHEET Header Cost Summary Specific Cost Tracking Budget Update Comparison BUDGET COST DETAIL TABS Tab Cost Summary Tab Coded Item Totals Tab Cost Details Similar Direct Building and Parking Tabs Carry Approximately 76% of the Total Budget Point of Interest CREATING A BUDGET The Nuts and Bolts How does it all come together? Itemized Tracking The Sums From Each Tab Are Then Totaled Back On The General Sum Sheet Cost Tracking Codes Are Defined On The General Sum Sheet. 5 Categories Are Pre-Defined For Tracking Sources Of Budget Costs. All Direct Budget Costs Are Identified With A Price Source Code. Then Input Throughout The Budget. Three Types of Escalation are Tracked: Proforma - Escalate Budget to Current or Specified Date. Subcontractor - Escalation Negotiated With a Specific Subcontractor (Normally Under Contract). Outsized - Escalation for a Specific Trade Above the Overall Proforma Rate. Each Tab Sums Up The Coded Line Items Escalation is Tracked Similar to Cost and Source Tracking. Fixed Items with No Applicable Source Cost Sources are Tracked Similar to Cost Tracking. Individual Building (WRAP & Podium) Takeoff's Multiple Building (SOG) Current Project Multiplier Current Project Qty. Totals Manual Adjustment To Reconcile With Directive Matrix Pricing 3 Primary Groups Sub-Groups Functions and Tables Used to Generate Budget. Previous Projects/Budgets Cost & Quantities. Used to Extrapolate Pricing and Budget Evaluation (Comparisons). Sub-Groups Sub-Groups Tools for Maintaining and Updating the Budget Template. 3 Primary Groups Sub-Groups Sub-Groups Sub-Groups Distributing a Total Dollar Value Across Cost Codes The Amount Column is Populated with the Selected Project Budget Select the most Comparable Project from the Dropdown List The % of Total $ Allocated to Each Line Item is Calculated Remove Specific Line Items from the Distribution as Needed The Percentages are Applied to the line Items Throughout the Budget Total Amounts to be Distributed are Entered at the Tops of the Detail Tabs The Amounts Entered are Distributed Throughout the Budget by the Allocated % . 3 Primary Groups Sub-Groups Sub-Groups Sub-Groups Extrapolating a Budget From Historical Unit Pricing Extrapolated Budgets are Useful For: Select the most Comparable Project from the Dropdown List Early Acquisition Budgets or Fast Turn Around Comparable Project Pricing Reference while Generating a Budget The Source Project $/UOM Rates Calculate from the Values in the Database Keep the Default UOM's, or Select from Drop Down List $ per Quantities Extrapolated Budget is Generated in Dedicated Brown Rows Throughout the Budget Budget Review BUDGET ANALYSIS & COMPARISONS Review Budget Costs and Compare Against Other Projects/Budgets History & Stats Summary By Cost Code OUTPUT / DELIVERABLES Wrap It Up Basis of Estimate Reports Comments Takeoff Items Comments Values Units Values Construction Budget Export Template Budget Cost Details Construction Budget Format

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