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Quality Management Review Presentation Template

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Quality Review

Transcript: Staff capacity is aligned & strengthened to expand the reach of The Mentoring Partnership and ensure continued quality of programs and services. Asset: forum, guest bloggers, voices of youth, grassroots solutions. Agencies receive: Web badge Coaching for improved quality. Opportunity to share their knowledge. Increased Partner investment resulting in higher quality mentoring. Resource is not just local but impacts the community/informal mentors and has national reach. QR Becomes Coaching TMP Services more closely aligned with partner needs, trends, voices of youth Quality Review Quality Review becomes Quality Coaching The Mentoring Partnership has developed and documented a clear understanding of what mentoring organizations need, and have organized its programs, services and support to have the greatest impact Incentivize Participation Resource Library AGENCY: Low incentive, HIGH process Past: Lengthy, repetitive process. Gain: An agency snapshot with remedial proscriptive steps. Technology is leveraged to expand The Mentoring Partnership’s capacity, reach and efficiency in delivering programs and services. TMP: HIGH Process, questionable reward High Impact, High reward. Stand alone resource that is evergreen. Located on our website driving traffic to us. Partner agencies sense our investment and get face to face support and technical assistance. Site Visits: Create Opportunities to learn from our partner agencies Web Badge offered to all agencies completing QR since 2011. QR Process Agencies self-select. We stop chasing. Consistent with national trends toward setting standards for mentoring. Gives programs ability to use on grants, participant applications, links to our website. Taking out the PAIN & adding GAIN! TMP Receives: Insight into Agency/area needs. Increased investment from agencies. Tighter process. Higher quality mentoring services.

Review Template

Transcript: Which of the following were stipulations of the deal for Florida? A cost of $5 million B Spain got to keep Texas C Both A and B. D Mexico got to keep Texas. Which of the following was the stipulation for settlers coming to Stephen Austin's Texas settlement? A moral and hardworking citizens B had to become Mexican citizens C had to become catholic D all of the above Which of the following were NOT famous men who died at the Alamo? A Daniel Boone B William Travis C Sam Bowie D Davy Crockett Who was the famous Spanish missionary who started the first California mission? What state was the first to grant women the right to vote? In what city did the Chinese population get so large it became known as Chinatown? What Indian tribe came east to ask about the Bible? Who was the leader of the Mormons that led them west? What was the name of the famous silver mine in Nevada? What was the title for the head of the sheep ranch? What material was used in the southwest to build houses instead of wood? What term meant that all property in a marriage was equally owned by both parties? What is the most widely celebrated Mexican holiday? What was the three part history of the territory of Louisiana? What were the three stipulations of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? What were the three motives that Lewis and Clark had for going on their journey? What were three characteristics of life in the mining camps? What were the Spanish names for the following items of the cowboy's wardrobe: - head - legs - rope What were the Spanish names for the following items of the cowboy's wardrobe: - feet - saddle - body (over garment) What country did NOT own land that was "destined" to be part of the United States? A Britain B France C Spain D Russia What were Protestant settlers from Northern Ireland called? Which of the following was NOT a concern expressed by Americans over the Louisiana Purchase? A It might cause a war with England. B It would be impossible to govern. C It cost too much money. D The act was unconstitutional. List two results of the Great Awakening. What sect was centered in the colony of Pennsylvania? US History Ch 15-17 Review What brilliant theologian became the leader of the Great Awakening in New England? A Samuel Davies B Jonathan Edwards C Gilbert Tennent D George Whitefield

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