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Psychology Poster

Transcript: Starting salary for entry level is $65,000 and maximize to $110,000. Photos Photos Starting salary at entry level is $45,000 and maximizes above $100,000. The goal is to identify similar and differing behaviors in the individuals and ancestors. Bachelor: 4 years Master: 6 years PHD: 6-8 years Hire Rate: 19% Social Psychology Forensic Psychology Shelby Joseph Cognitive Bachelor: 4 years Master: 6 years PHD: 6-8 years Hire Rate: 15% Psychology Poster Bachelor: 4 years Master: 6 years PHD: 6-8 years Hire Rate: 15% Bachelor: 4 years Master: 6 years PHD: 6-8 years Hire Rate: 15% Bachelor: 4 years Master: 6 years PHD: 6-8 years Hire Rate: 12% Cultural psychologist work on examining values, customs, beliefs, and change. Social psychology is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. Starting salary for the entry level is $35,000 and maximizes at $104,000. Photos Starting salary at entry level is about $57,000 and can maximize to $114,040. Environmental psychology work in homes, workplaces, schools, stores, and cultural centers. Cognitive psychologist work in classrooms to laboratories to government offices and neuroscientist. Environmental psychology is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the interplay between individuals and their surroundings. This is a clinical-oriented position where they treat patients full time or at a facility in solo practice. Cultural psychology is the study of how psychological and behavioral tendencies are rooted in and embodied in culture. They apply psychology to the criminal justice system then they access or evaluate the offense. They work with risky populations like trauma survivors. They also design correctional programs. Environmental Cultural Psychology Forensic psychologist will often study and analyze research from other professionals, as well as conduct their own research. They might study criminals and their crimes, for instance, to determine what traits certain types of criminals have. They work often at consulting firms, market research companies and elementary schools. They cater to groups of people. Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mind and mental function. Photos This is a therapy-oriented position where they may work in academic settings, government agencies, or for the private sector. Some also spent a lot of time outdoors. Starting salary for entry level is $87,000 and can maximize to $116,000. Social psychologist is a research-oriented position where if employed at a college a psychologist would engage in research on gender, race, and other conflicts. add logo here

Psychology Poster

Transcript: Decreasing Stress Among College Students By: Ashlee Lavan Abstract The following will analyze two studies done that were used to measure stress and anxiety and how to reduce it. Ultimately, both are intended to see how one can decrease stress among college students by participating in different stress reliever activities. However, each conducts unique forms of study among their student participants. The first article, A Comparison of Four Stress Reduction Modalities on Measures of Stress among University Students, discussed different things that can be used to reduce stress among college students. It measured in particular four forms of stress relievers and which one was the most effective among everyone. 1st study The second article, Mindfulness Practices in a Developmental Psychology Class: Student Outcomes, Practical Strategies, and Future Directions, also uses college students for their study but in this one they do an experiment with two different groups. The goal is to see which group shows decreasing levels of stress and anxiety. 2nd study What was the purpose of the two studies? Introduction The purpose of the study is to examine four stress relievers for college students due to the high numbers of people in college being stressed which leads to other diseases and disorders. The researchers seek to answer how to help students with stress that are inexpensive and easy to implement. The study was meant to examine four stress relievers which included a massage chair, chi machine, rejuvenation lounger, and meditation. 1st study The goal of this study is to compare student’s participation in classroom-based mindfulness practices and changes in their mindfulness and psychological well- being. The idea was the students in the class with the mindfulness component would result in a decrease of stress and anxiety when compared to the other group of students. 2nd study Who participated in the studies? What did the researchers ask the participants to do? Method Most of the patients were from Northern Utah and attended Weber State University that consisted of mostly Caucasian people. The study used students who went to a university stress relief center and collected this data from February 2015 to August 2017. The data included each student’s name, gender, and time they came in as well as their PS level and the stress management they were participating in. Their blood pressure and HR were also measured before and after. 1st study The participants consisted of 51 undergraduate students enrolled in upper- level psychology classes at a liberal arts institution. Twenty- six of those students were enrolled in the class with the mindfulness component and the other twenty- five students were in the class that did not include mindfulness. The mindfulness group would take the first 5-10 minutes of class to do mindfulness practices. They were also expected to practice mindfulness on their own at least three times a week outside of class and record their exercises in a log that had to be turned in with periodic reflection papers. 2nd study What did the researchers find? Results Both genders used the stress center almost equally where the massage chair and sitting meditating were most popular in males. Whereas, the rejuvenation lounger and chi machine were more popular for females. The modality used the most however among both was the massage chair and the sitting meditation being the least. The independent variable in the study was the four relaxation methods and the dependent variables included the PS, SBP, DBP, and HR. The dependent variables would then be compared from before the relaxation method to then after they finished. Gain scores would be accumulated and compared to each stress reliever method. 1st study The researchers took the results of how each student was at the beginning of the semester and then again at the end of the semester based on the group they were in. The first variable measured was anxiety and both the mindfulness and comparison group had increased numbers. Second variable measured was perceived stress, the mindfulness group numbers decreased but the comparison groups increased. Third variable measured was self- compassion, the mindfulness group decreased and the comparison group increased. Last but not least, mindfulness was measured and was shown to decrease in both groups. 2nd study What are some strengths and weaknesses? How is this information useful? Discussion Some strengths of this article include good stress relief examples and how helpful they are for college students even after one session. The results show that any time spent using one of these methods would reduce one’s PS and HR putting you in a better mind set. On the other hand, some weaknesses involve the fact of human error, incomplete recordings, and participant selection limitations. This information is useful to us because this is a model that should be implemented at other colleges or jobs. Investing in something that relieves

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