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Neuroscience Presentation

Transcript: 18 children (8 male, 10 female) between 6 and 16 years old day care center 10- infantile CP 8- other neurodevelopmental disorders Clinical data GMFCS level handedness IQ level clinical diagnosis brain lesions Inclusion impaired motor function with some movement no piano experience good attention Piano training 30-45 minutes twice a week for 18 months 88-key MIDI controller keyboard exercises: pentatonic scale played with right hand repeated with left hand repeated with both hands Experimental tests of motor function Piano tests Box-and-Block test Hand dynamometer test Statistical analysis Box-and-Block test CP group: 5.1 blocks for nondominant hands 3.4 blocks for dominant hands GRMDC group: 0.94 blocks for nondominant hands -0.17 blocks for dominant hands Hand dynamometer test no significant changes Future improvements for the study: use a homogenous group shorter periods of training Conclusions of the study: interaction of different brain areas manual tasks requiring good hand dexterity are improved more than ones requiring hand force Infantile cerebral palsy (CP) Hand motor impairment corticospinal tract other neurodevelopmental disorders impacts quality of life Rehabilitation improvements in: finger movement accuracy keystroke speed timing accuracy Presented by: Tiffany Mathis Results Piano tests average time interval between consecutive strokes remained unchanged mean deviations decreased repeated-measures model two between-subject factors interaction factor two within-subject factors results: significant effect of session no significant effect of group, age, or interaction group x age similar model no significant effect on mean stroke interval Introduction Piano playing fine motor skills audio-visual information with motor control finger and hand movements brain plasticity Study can learning to play the piano improve finger movement in children with hand motor impairments due to brain injury during development? Reference Results Discussion Piano training in youths with hand motor impairments after damage to the developing brain Introduction Discussion regularity improved between consecutive finger strokes during piano exercises study limitations manual skill development heterogeneous origin low number of participants Methods Methods Lampe, R., Thienel, A., Mitternacht, J., Blumenstein, T., Turova, V., & Alves-Pinto, A. (2015). Piano training in youths with hand motor impairments after damage to the developing brain. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, 1929-1938.

Neuroscience Presentation

Transcript: Neuroscience Presented by Kierra Rudd Cognitive-Develpmental Cognitive-Developmetal Social interaction activates various neural areas, leading them to become more connected over time Social interaction during learning leads to greater neural activation than learning alone In order for cognitive growth to occur , children should engage in play and social interactions. (Pearson 3.68) Piaget believes children learn through expeirneces. Piaget believes children learn through expeirneces. Research shows when children are social active certain parts of their brain grow and develop. Research shows when children are social active certain parts ... Focuses on how the brain processes language, social interaction and culture. Vygotsky mentions that adult interaction and language promote social learning and make connections to new information. Baby Adam was used in an experiement to show that children need to be introduced to new words and language in order to make connections with their actions. Sociocultural Sociocultural Studies have shown that there are certain parts of the brain that regulates two important learning processes which are memory and attention. This is important because chidlren have to learn to focus there attention on social situations such as facial expressions, and they must learn to remember what they mean. (p.70 ) Inormation Processing Inormation Processing Some theorists believe that the enivornment affects how a child's brain develops. For example, microsystem influences like child abuse and and drug abuse during pregnancy can be harmful to the child's brain development. Macrosystem factors such as lack of nutrion programs for pregnant mothers and infants, and poverty also affect a child's brain developement because the child is either always under stress or does not have all the services and nutrtion it needs to develop properly. Ecological Systems Ecological Systems

Neuroscience Presentation

Transcript: WARD ROUND ATTENDANCE Endless struggle in establishing the rationale behind a prescription Reduce pressure on junior clinicians in the decision making process Reduced HAN bleeps for drug prescribing Extra set of hands!! Frailty unit showed many benefits 100% of Medicines Reconciled Less pressure on junior clinicians Staff survey showing positive improvement 95% of TTO's completed on ward Vs 24% of TTO's prior to audit CHALLENGES So then... What's missing? WARD BASED PHARMACY TEAM WARD ROUND ATTENDANCE Patient facing role Front line healthcare professionals Reduce waste Educate Minimise domino effect prescribing Clinical interventions AWP Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust References: RBCHFT 2012; Early Discharge Project RBH 2015; Frailty unit Pharmacy /service Project Carter Review - final report and recommendations. Available at: (Accessed May 2018) Efficient discharges Advanced practitioners OPTIMISATION OF MEDICINES (RBH, 2015) Medicines optimisation Ward based pharmacy team Outpatient clinics Zarmina Anwar Bedside education Non medical prescriber pharmacists Ward round attendance Minimise delays in patient discharge as a result of TTOs with unanswered queries not being processed Lack of recognition Highly specialised area Funding Communication between primary and secondary care I HAVE A DREAM HPTP (EPMA) systems Outsource outpatients Education and training Clinical pharmacy services Collaborative working Optimising use of medicines PHARMACY DEPT. AT NBT FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR A NEUROSCIENCES PHARMACIST IN THE NHS Core areas: Dispensary / Stores / Procurement Chemotherapy services Clinical Ward Services Clinical Trials Antimicrobial Stewardship Medicines Information Education & Training THE CARTER REVIEW

Neuroscience Presentation

Transcript: Vestibular neuritis Sophie Connell SID: 500717435 Causes Figure (1) Figure (3) Figure (2) Symptoms Figure (4) Duration of symptoms 2 Three weeks 1 A couple of days 3 Several months Diagnosis Figure (5) Figure (6) Figure (7) Anatomical pathology The auditory pathway Figure (8) Structures involved Auditory cortex Inner ear 2 3 Vestibulocochlear nerve 1 Treatment/ management strategy When it develops the focus is to reduce symptoms. Drugs taken to reduce nausea include ondansetron and metoclopramide, if these symptoms do not subside hospitalisation may be necessary. Parts of the body that impact balance The ears: How well inner ear functions to maintain balance The legs: How well the legs sense balance when attempting to walk or stand The eyes: How well sense of vision interprets body’s position in relation to its surroundings The body as a whole: How well interprets center of gravity Works Cited Works Cited "The ascending auditory pathway (Figure 8)." Open Learn, Accessed 1 May 2022. AUDITORY PATHWAYS TO THE BRAIN. University of Minnesota,,projected%20to%20the%20auditory%20cortex. Accessed 29 Apr. 2022. Hatton, Kelsey. "TESTS FOR DIAGNOSING VESTIBULAR DISORDERS." VEDA,,in%20a%20sound%2Dtreated%20room. Accessed 29 Apr. 2022. Left Vestibular Neuritis. Youtube, "Nystagmus." Opthamology Center Barcelona. Accessed 1 May 2022. "Special Considerations Affecting Audiometry Interpretation (Figure 7)." Accessed 1 May 2022. "Tympanometry (Figure 6)." Accessed 1 May 2022. "Vesitbular Neuritis (Figure 1)." Accessed 1 May 2022. "Vestibular Neuritis." Cleveland Clinic (Figure 4), 31 May 2019, Accessed 29 Apr. 2022. "VESTIBULAR NEURITIS (Figure 2)." National Dizzy & Balance Center, 31 Oct. 2018, Accessed 1 May 2022. The Vestibular System (Figure 2). Accessed 1 May 2022. Vestibulocochlear Nerve. 2022,,the%20pons%20and%20medulla%20oblongata.%20(1). Accessed 29 Apr. 2022. "Vestibulocochlear nerve (Figure 3)." Accessed 1 May 2022.

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