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Company History Presentation Template

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History Template

Transcript: HISTORY TIMELINE 1914-1933 1914-1933 Agustin Ingrassia Begin the WWI War reaches stalemate Zeppelins The battle of Marne The battle of Ypres The race to the sea Crushing victory for Germany Japan declared war on Germany Germany declared war on France Germany declared war on Russia Murder in Sarajevo The division of the two alliances 1914 mood in 1914 Mood in 1914 The stalemate continues Italy entered the war Second Battle of Ypres Zeppelin bombing Galipoli mixed fortunes against the Austrians 1915 Verdun And Somme Success and failure for Brusilov Romania enter the war Battle of Jutland 1916 New war commander Reinforcements sent to Italy German U-boat campaign USA declares war on Germany Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1917 Battle of Amiens Allies recover France and Belgium Kaiser abdicated 1918 Paris peace conference Treaty of Versailles signed 1919 First meeting of the League of Nations held in London. Official end of World War I. The Paris Peace Conference ends. Conference of Sanremo, Italy, about League of Nations mandates in former Ottoman territories of the Middle East Treaty of Sèvres between the Allies and the Ottoman Empire. The treaty is not recognized by the Turkish national movement, which considers the Istanbul government illegitimate The League of Nations holds its first general assembly. 1920 United States signs separate peace treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hungary. 1921 the first German officers travel to the Soviet Union for the purposes of military cooperation between Germany and the Soviet Union. Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Treaty of Rapallo The Russian Civil War (ongoing since 7 November 1917) ends in Bolshevik victory with the defeat of the last White forces in Siberia. 1922 France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr in an effort to compel Germany to step up its payments of war reparations. The great inflation of 1923, the value of the German mark is destroyed. The Treaty of Lausanne, settling the boundaries of modern Turkey, is signed in Switzerland by Turkey and the Entente powers. It marks the end of the Turkish War of Independence and replaces the earlier Treaty of Sèvres. the Corfu incident: Italy bombards and occupies the Greek island of Corfu seeking to pressure Greece to pay reparations for the murder of an Italian general in Greece The Corfu incident ends; Italian troops withdraw after the Conference of Ambassadors rules in favor of Italian demands of reparations from Greece. 1923 Leader of the Soviet Union Vladimir Lenin dies The United Kingdom extends diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union. Adolf Hitler is sentenced to 5 years in jail for his participation in the Beer Hall Putsch (he serves only 8 months). France begins withdrawing its troops from the Ruhr in Germany. 1924 Retired Field Marshall Paul Von Hindenburg is elected President of Germany Hitler's autobiographical manifesto Mein Kampf is published. The Locarno Treaties are signed in London (they are ratified 14 September 1926). The treaties settle the borders of western Europe and normalize relations between Germany and the Allied powers of western Europe. 1925 Theodoros Pangalos declares himself dictator of Greece. British and Belgian troops leave Cologne, Germany. Greek dictator Theodoros Pangalos is elected president. The Treaty of Berlin is signed by Germany and the Soviet Union, which declares neutrality if either country is attacked within the next five years. Germany joins the League of Nations. 1926

Company Research Template

Transcript: DELMOCK TECHNOLOGIES INC. Company Research. Company Research Overview (Detailed in manual)* 7. Copy everything under this section, and paste the information into your company main research document. If you can’t find this information, type Not Found in your company main research document. 6. Look for the description of the company. 12. On the company website, look for the company’s organization chart. Click on the ABOUT US, WHO WE ARE, ORGANIZATION, or LEADERSHIP section. The website may also have a search bar for you to use. 21. On the company website, look for the contract vehicles that the company uses. Click on the CONTRACT VEHICLES or CONTRACTS section. The website may also have a search bar for you to use. 11. Copy everything under this section, and paste the information into your company main research document. If you can’t find this information, type Not Found in your company main research document. 30. On the company website, look for the companies that the company partners with. Click on the WHO WE SERVE, CLIENTS, TEAMS, TEAMING, TEAM WITH US or CONTRACTS section. Sometimes this list is in the ABOUT US section or in the company’s brochure/flyer. Then try to find out what the requirements to partner with the company are and the company patterning contact information. The website may also have a search bar for you to use. 22. Copy everything under this section, and paste the information into your company main research document. If the information is not listed, type Not Found in your company main research document. GovWin IQ 2. On the company website, look for the head of the company. Click on the ABOUT US, WHO WE ARE, or LEADERSHIP section. The website may also have a search bar for you to use. Company Background 33. This screen should appear. Near the top right of the screen, you should see a box that reads CSV. Click it 20. Paste it into your company main research document. If the information is not listed, type Not Found in your company main research document. 17. Also, check Go to Click on Search Record 18. Type the name of the company in the Quick Search Bar. Click Search. 34. Save the excel spreadsheet as “(Insert Company Name) FPDS.Gov Contracts”. If you find contracts on FPDS.Gov, type See Flash Drive in your company main research document. If no contracts are on FPDS.Gov for your company, type Not Found in your company main research document. 3. It is usually a director, CEO, or president. Click on the director, CEO, or president’s profile. 13. Powertek Corporation does not have their organization chart on their website. If you find the organization chart, screenshot, or copy the most recent one, and paste it into your company main research document. Organization & Location 14. If the organization chart is in a PDF file, you can save the organization chart to a flash drive under the title “(Insert Company Name) Organization Chart”. If you save the company organization chart to a flash drive, type SEE FLASH DRIVE in your company main research document. If the organization chart is not listed, type N/A in your company main research document. If the information is not listed, type Not Found in your company main research document. 8. On the company website, look for the company’s mission statement and vision statement. Click on the ABOUT US or WHO WE ARE section. It will usually be near or under the description of the company. The website may also have a search bar for you to us. 24. On the company website, look for the government agencies that they have contracts with. Click on the WHO WE SERVE, CLIENTS, or CONTRACTS section. Sometimes this list is in the ABOUT US section or in the company’s brochure. The website may also have a search bar for you to use. Copy everything under this section, and paste the information into your company main research document.. 26. Look at the Top 10: Department Full Name Box. This will tell you the agencies that the company has contracts with. 39. Copy all the information under each link, and paste it into your company main research document. If the company does not have a profile on Sam.Gov, type Not Found on your company main research document 16. On the company website look for the company’s set-aside. Click on the ABOUT US or WHO WE ARE section. The website may also have a search bar for you to use. It will usually be near the description of the company or in the company brochure. 10. On the company website, look for the company’s core competencies/capabilities. Click on the ABOUT US, WHO WE ARE, SERVICES, or SOLUTIONS section. Sometimes you can find the core competencies/ capabilities in the company’s brochure/flyer. The website may also have a search bar for you to use. 31. If the information is not listed, type Not Found in your company main research document. 5. On the company website, look for the company’s background. Click on the ABOUT US or WHO WE ARE section. The website may also have a search bar

history template

Transcript: Umayyads: Abbasids: Timelines - Through The Umayyads and Abbasids 750 750 Battle of the Zab The whole army of Abu Muslim and al-Saffah went against the Umayyad Caliph which took place near the Tigris river. The Abbsaids won which was the rise of them and the end of the Umayyads. 762 762 Baghdad Baghdad was found near the banks of the Tigris River. It turned out to be a great capital and the center of the Islamic world. 786-809 Golden Age 786-809 Under the first caliph's rule, Baghdad became the world's most important center for science, medicine, education, and philosophy. 1180-1225 1180-1225 Mongol Invasion Caliph al-Nasir took over power again but his successors were not successful as the Abbsaid Empire got taken over by Mongols which was the fall of their empire. 695-705 695-705 Byzantine Abd al-Malik soldiers captured the Carthage which was the crown jewel of Byzantine. After he died the caliphate successful took North Africa from the Byzantines. 744 744 Third Fitna A new civil war called the third fitna, wiped out the descendants of Abd al-Malik which meant the power went to Marwan II. This weakened the Umayyad miltary. 711 711 Conquered Spain A Muslim army entered Spain which was ruled by the Visigoths. The Visgothic Kingdom collapsed when the army attacked and Spain had been conquered. 750( Umayyads) 750 Fall of the Umayyads The Umayyads were overthrown by the Abbasids which was the fall of the Umayyad Empire.

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