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Clean Tech Open Presentation Template

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Template Clean-Up

Transcript: ...but we can fix it! When the template is cleaned up and ready to move, simply collapse all of the tasks into the summary bar Change the start date of the summary bar to the ACTUAL date it's starting on Cut/Paste the summary bar into the target study (will help to have target study open before you "cut") Copy/Paste can be used as well for the faint of heart (remember to delete the original!) The Problem Template Clean Up Josh Lambert Once the summary bar has been successfully pasted into the study, change the name of the summary bar to the appropriate department name (Toxicology, DART, etc.) A project/study has been set up in TRP specifically to address the dropping of templates Project: ASH - Template Clean-up Studies: Toxicology, DART, PDS All of the studies start on January 4, 2010 This date should be used as the "template start date" for when a template is dropped The template can remain in this study for an infinite amount of time before it needs moved to the actual study With the template being dropped in this study, it will not move the LP end date of the target study Adding templates to studies without cleaning them up immediately causes LP End dates to be incorrect These problems will manifest themselves in any view/report/web-view that utilizes the LP End date (i.e., Macro Schedule) By cleaning up these templates in a separate study, the tasks can be dropped in the target study without impacting the LP End date The end result will be a scheduling system that has far more accurate data than what it previously did when looking at all endpoints of an in-life study After the template is initially dropped into this study, the summary bar for the template should be renamed to that of the actual study Now we're getting somewhere... Ok, maybe not... The Solution (Cont'd) We have an issue... As templates are dropped into TRP, the last task(s) will always push the Live Phase End milestone to match the date of those last tasks Once the template has been saved, the Study Wizard is updated to reflect the new LP End date This causes an issue (LP end date being later than is should be) with the new Web View and any view in TRP that utilizes the Live Phase End date (i.e., Tox Studies List) The Culprit The Solution This way, a number of templates can exist in this study at any one time, acting as a "queue" reminding the scheduler that a particular template still needs cleaned up Just kidding Almost there... This way TRP is trying to be smart here, when in reality it is causing more problems that it is solving It assumes that any task that is in the LP should be contained within the two LP dates (start/end) This problem does not exist IF the information is passed back to Central Scheduling and the original dates are re-established after clean up There is a lot of room for error here 3 - February - 2015 Sum Up This normally results in... So what do we do about this? The Solution (Cont'd) ..."Josh! TRP moved my dates again!" Keep going...

Tech Comm Presentation - Clean Water

Transcript: [13],[14] Afghanistan Point -of-Use Water Purification Water vapor from intense heat Condenses to clean water Clean water removed from system Brackish water replaced Mirrors used to intensify heat Personal Use 0.2 micron Easy to Clean One Unit/Year Carbon Offset Chlorine [3] Decision Matrix Implements mirrored dish Can purify 500 gallons per day Simple installation Low Maintenance [2] Afghanistan has a population of over 20 mil. people 27% have access to clean drinking water droughts and conflict [8] Microfiltration Filtration Devices Prefilter 0.02 micron main filter Family of 5, 3 years Easy to Clean Epiphany - E3 [6] Iodine Two chemicals are used more than any others in this water cleansing process: Iodine and Chlorine. Simple design Can purify 5 liters per day Low cost Easy overhead carrying Problem and Scope Why is this important? Villager Series Filters - Aqua Sun International [7],[8] [15] [5] [1] [6],[10] Prefilter Screen 0.02 micron Carbon Block Filter UV Treatment - Ultraviolet light spectrum - Destroys Virus Cells Walls 1-12 gpm Diamanti - Eliodomestico Chemical Purification Application much the same as Iodine Potential Risk of Overdose Inexpensive Distillation Products [11],[12] [21] Lifestraw - Family Solar Distillation 99% of deaths due to diarrheal disease are of children under 5 years old worldwide Helminth food insecurity compounds health problems LifeStraw - Personal F. Carlson P. Koranteng M. Washington M. Yeoman Liquid Solution or Solid Tablet Light Sensitive State of Contamination determines dosage Iodine Allergies limit widespread use [19] [3],[4]

Clean Energy Tech

Transcript: Biomass Energy By: Aniketh Yella Introduction 1 What is renewable and non-renewable energy? What is non-renewable energy? Non-Renewable Energy Non-renewable energy is energy produced from resources that are limited and will eventually run out. This means that the resources needed cannot be replenished at a faster rate than which they are consumed. Similar to coal and oil which are limited on the earth and cannot be replenished at even an equivalent rate. They are being consumed rapidly and will not replenish for a very long time (millions of years). However due to the increase issues with global warming, there is hesitance of use of fossil fuels due to their release in greenhouse gases and their limited supply, which is why renewable energy is being considered. What is renewable energy? Renewable energy is energy that is produced from resources that are naturally replenished in short amounts of time. This means that the resources needed for the energy are produced at a faster rate than which they re consumed. This means that they are basically inexhaustible. It is similar to how plants are grown and used then are replenished again before they are fully consumed, allowing for a sustainable system to keep plants from diminishing. Renewable Energy Biomass Energy 2 What is biomass as a renewable energy source? As an Energy Source Biomass as an Energy Source What is biomass energy? Biomass is the renewable, organic material that comes from plants and animals. Biomass is a large contributor to energy, the US eia stated that biomass energy was "the largest source of total annual U.S. energy consumption until the mid-1800s." The main goal of biomass is to use crops, wood, garbage, landfill (gas, solids and liquids), alcohol fuels, etc. to create a way to get rid of unused materials and have a source of fuel to produce energy from that is renewable. It is widely used due to its ability to be used a renewable source and its low to no carbon-neutrality as in most instances carbon dioxide is used to produce the fuels (as shown in figure 1) that are then used to produce energy allowing less impact on the environment and potentially reducing climate change. Biomass related sources that are used to produce energy usually are taken from processes involving plant matter and animal matter (e.g. fermentation of sugars, rotting animal waste and processed oils) which are called biofuels (e.g. biodiesel, biogas and bioethanol). Figure 1,, The use of biomass Biomass has been around for approximately 230,000 - 1,500,000 years, it has been used for a very long time and was very abundant even before humans existed. Biomass started being utilized as a source of energy when fire was discovered, used as a way to convert a fuel into electrical or heat energy. Biomass is considered one of the most simple renewable energy sources globally due to the ease of obtaining energy through its combustion. Now, due to its renewable nature and low carbon footprint it has gained popularity around the world to reduce the effects of climate change as it has a low/no carbon-neutrality. Biomass is mainly obtained from natural processes and can be sourced from various means, the most common being the burning of woody biomass (forest biomass, wood, etc.). Biofuels such as biogas have had many innovations making them viable and the leading source of renewable energy as shown in figure 2 there has been mass use of biomass fuels in recent years in various fields. Figure 2, eia, How is it obtained? Biomass is gathered from organic plant and animal matter. These can include materials such as firewood, wood chips/pellets, lumber, furniture, black liquor, agricultural crops (corn, sugar cane, etc.), paper, cotton, wool, animal manure, human sewage, etc. There is a very broad variety of natural sources that can be used to convert into biofuels or into energy directly. Processes to convert biomass to energy include: Direct Combustion (Burning to produce heat) The most common methods to convert biomass is direct combustion which involves burning the biomass sources directly to produce heat energy to be used in heating buildings, water, industrial processes and generating electricity on steam turbines. Thermochemical Conversion (Produces solid, liquid or gas fuel) Thermochemical conversion involves the pyrolysis and gasification of organic matter, which is the heating of organic materials in intense temperatures and pressure to produce fuels in anaerobic conditions, which can be used to produce electricity or heat. Chemical Conversion (Produces liquid fuels) Chemical conversion is just a process called transesterification which converts vegetable oils and fatty methyl esters into biodiesel which can be used for heat energy. Biological Conversion (Produces gas and liquid fuels) Biological conversion is the fermentation of sugars to produce bioethanol and also 4

Clean Tech Presentation

Transcript: 2002-8 Climate change litigation Chrysler Lebaron Dual rationale accelerated EISA standards by ~4 years implemented both footprint standards & fleet-wide standards created greenhouse gas emission standards, to be enforced by the EPA required collective agreement among California, EPA & NHTSA granted California's waiver to the CAA; mostly a symbolic gesture President Reagan 1975 Congress passes EPCA 1. The History of CAFE Regulation <-working together-> 2008-9 Big Three in trouble Honda Civic Rep. Upton Michigan THEN Price sensitivity Auto Execs testify before Senate Committee Sen. John McCain Current Events "The Inhofe-Upton bill allows many Clean Air Act programs to continue, but takes away the agency’s authority to apply the landmark law to carbon dioxide. A deal negotiated with automakers to limit carbon dioxide emissions from cars and light trucks would be allowed to stand through 2016, but no further greenhouse gas emissions rules for vehicles would be permitted. State programs to try to address global warming and carbon emissions would be allowed to continue." Every month that passes brings us closer to the day when we will be dependent on imported energy for 50 percent of our requirements. A new embargo under these conditions could have a devastating impact on jobs, industrial expansion, and inflation at home. Our economy cannot be left to the mercy of decisions over which we have no control. – President Ford urging Congress to act to reduce dependence on foreign oil, April 10, 1975 1978 CAFE regulation begins 1985 CAFE increases cease Secretary of Transportation Elizabeth Dole Sen. John Kerry EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson Laura Hall, March 9, 2011 Regulatory Change 1973 Arab Oil Embargo B. Sen. Inhofe Oklahoma Single rationale A. Chevy Monte Carlo Imports @ 35% The Big Three rebound 3. Likelihood of Success Down the Road NOW 2009 The Obama Administration Congressman ponders bailout Big Three dominate 2002 CAFE legislation fails Nissan Skyline Oil prices up 4x! Gas prices up from 36.1¢ to 52.4¢ per gal. 1979-1980 Big Three in trouble Ford Pinto Growing demand Big Three weaker C. Political sensitivity 2007 Congress passes EISA Toyota Truck Secretary of Transportation Neil Goldschimdt Energy independence 2. Obama's National Fuel Efficiency Policy EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson High oil prices Alternatives available 1990s Resistance to CAFE program peaks Even higher oil prices ... sustained The Evolution of CAFE Standards: Fuel Economy Regulation Enters Its Second Act Imports @ 57%

Clean Tech Presentation

Transcript: Working with the Government Solar Building Recycling of Rare Earth Materials Snapshot of Federal Funding Opportunities How to Increase Your Odds? Overview Increasing Your Odds Finding a Good Grant Writer January 2013 Analysis of Winning Projects Magnetic Transportation Energy Storage Agencies with R&D Funding Non-dilutive capital for innovative technologies and R&D Prestige and validation for companies and innovators Signal to investors on the strength of technologies Partnering Advantages Public Sector Capital Cap International Overview Other Programs Evaluating Funding Opportunities Energy Storage Agenda Solar Experience: Drafted/advised companies in virtually every major program Building Efficiency Energy Storage Mistakes in Grant Writing Rapid Innovation Fund Complicated application requirements Need to comply with government oversight and reporting rules IP considerations and government use rights Competitive Landscape NAVY RIF Requirements Transactions Practice Experience Solar Building Battery Technology DOD Component RIF Requirements Transactions Clients Served Water Filtration Cons Army RIF Requirements (cc) photo by medhead on Flickr Energy Storage November 7,2012 Transactions Practice Overview Working with the Government Aligning with Agency Strategic Plans Working with National Labs Types of Federal Funding Agencies with R&D Funding Snapshot of Federal Funding Opportunities Evaluating Opportunities Effectively Key Drivers for Winning Competitive Capital Common Mistakes in Writing Grant Proposals Maximize Your Chances for Success Questions and Answers Types of Federal Funding Track Record: Unmatched in the Market Air Force RIF Requirements Pros Transactions Practice

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