Prezi helps you create professional product demos with no design skills required. Use one of our hand-made designer templates to show your product in action with a one-of-a-kind, engaging presentation format. Then add your own logo, images, and data to keep your product top of mind as you share it in whatever way you need to. With great designs, interactive features, and a much lower price than hiring a video production team, it’s never been easier to show the value of your product in a product demo.
8:30 am–5 pm PST
There’s nothing quite like a Prezi presentation. Now, you can make product demos with the same conversational, engaging format that makes your presentations so memorable. When you make a product demo with Prezi, you start with Prezi’s open canvas structure that allows you to jump from topic to topic effortlessly. No clicking through slide after slide to skip ahead in your presentation. Instead, let the conversation guide you and easily dive into any topic your audience is interested in. Make your customers feel like each product demo is a custom experience just for them.
More people are working remotely and connecting online, which means a lot less face-to-face interaction than ever before. While you may be sharing your product demo with multiple prospects and teams, you can provide a more personal experience by showing yourself on camera. Prezi makes it easy to display your content next to you on screen, including images, videos, data, and even other apps or your desktop screen. This is a simple way to differentiate your brand from competitors using traditional voiceover narration. There’s no need to stick to one view mode, either. Freely switch to full screen with your camera or your content with the click of a button.
Learn more about recording video with Prezi Video.
Prezi keeps your brand at the forefront of your customer’s minds by including it throughout your product demos. Use Prezi’s brand kits to upload your logo, colors, and fonts to your account, and easily apply it to any presentation as you build it. Your brand will be infused in the design of your presentation. Learn about Prezi's brand kits.
Learn about Prezi's brand kits.
Creating a product demo is simple with the right starting blocks. Choose one of Prezi’s video templates and customize it with your product’s info, images, and data. With a Teams license, you can create a branded template with your own colors, fonts, and logo to make your product demo more recognizable.
Share your presentation by presenting live and in person, through a shareable link, or by using Prezi Video for video calls or recorded videos.
License management
Add or remove team members, and transfer licenses with ease.
Content ownership
Keep control of your team’s content, even when someone leaves.
Privacy control
Publishing settings and overviews let you manage who sees what.
MSI Installation
Remote software deployment gets everyone the latest versions fast.
Phone and chat support
Our customer support experts are standing by to help.
Dedicated success manager
Let your personal guide get your team up and running.
Branded templates
Get your own template with your fonts, logo, and colors.
Advanced training*
Get personalized trainings and webinars, plus the option to get Prezi-certified.
*Available with software commitment minimum
SOC2 compliance
We stay compliant and constantly up-to-date with SOC2 requirements.
Continuous monitoring
We constantly scan and test our infrastructure and application.
Cross-team integration
Our security, engineering, and product teams partner with each other closely.
Learn more about our security measures
A product demo shows how your product works and communicates the key values of your product to your prospective customers. Product demos are an important part of the sales process, as they can be very persuasive for customers.
A good product demo describes the product and shows it in action, and gives potential customers a clear image of what they can accomplish with the product. Make sure to end with a clear call-to-action, such as “start a free trial” or “contact us to learn more.”
Yes! Upload an existing presentation from PowerPoint or Google Slides to Prezi to convert it to a Prezi presentation. Keynote presentations can be exported as a PDF and imported into Prezi that way. Once you have your presentation content in Prezi, you can turn it into a video with Prezi Video.
You sure can. Prezi Video works with the top video conferencing software out there. Create your sales presentation on Prezi, then use Prezi Video to connect it to a video meeting. Just make sure to select “Prezi Camera” to show your presentation on your screen.
Of course you can. Any Prezi presentation can be used in an in-person meeting or online. To present in person, use Prezi Present to show your presentation on a computer or project it on a screen.
Prezi helps you create stunning and highly engaging product demos that are perfect for sales teams, marketing, and executives – and with branding and eye-catching video features, your product has never looked better. Discover more cool features on Prezi when you get a demo or sign up for a free trial.