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Presentation templates for Prezi

Prezi's presentation templates offer a rich cinematic appeal that will grab and hold everyone’s attention. Built to inspire and engage, these templates allow you to zoom around the canvas and reveal information at key points, so you can take on the role of a storyteller as much as a presenter and draw your viewers into an adaptable format that you can adjust to meet the needs of each unique audience.

Huge selection of presentation templates

Free your presentations from the limitations of slide-based templates with the expansive and adaptable format of Prezi presentations. We offer an expansive library of templates with powerful tools that allow you to customize each project to suit your needs. Say goodbye to confining slide designs and enjoy the freedom of Prezi's presentation templates.

Craft an interactive pitch deck, highlight your latest business report, enhance your classroom materials, or update your marketing presentation. Select your presentation template and customize it easily with fonts, photos, charts, icons, and videos that you can drag and drop with ease.

Engaging and interactive presentations

Prezi presentations allow you to move smoothly around the landscape of your project, highlighting the broad picture, then exploring each point in depth when the moment arises. Teachers, you can pause, zoom in, back out, and move around your frames quickly and comfortably as you adjust the flow of your lessons to match the interests of your students.

The same functionality makes business presentations in Prezi sleek and impressive, and makes for a lasting impression on coworkers and clients. Start with a clean overview and zoom in to the details at the perfect moment as you showcase your products and services with engaging presentation templates.

PowerPoint Converter

Enjoy a smooth transition from your traditional PowerPoint activities to Prezi's innovative interface. Our PPT to Prezi converter facilitates a smooth move from one platform to the other. Move away from PowerPoint templates and Google slides to explore a new world of functionality. Go beyond your minimalist business card or outdated classroom lecture with a free presentation that's fresh and immersive. Prezi presentations will revolutionize your activities.

Easy to create and edit

Prezi makes it easy to edit your projects. Our templates come in a wide range of styles designed for everything from marketing to education, government, business, retail, and more. Start with an eye-catching presentation template and finish with a rich and informative piece that will keep your customers nodding along — not nodding off.

Transform the way you communicate with your audience