Present Savvy

We love changing mind-sets! We believe in building better presenters. We are a boutique presentation studio exclusive, unique and personal.

Silver tier

Certified since 2018






Custom design


Online training Onsite training

Onsite training


Über uns

A boutique presentation studio like Present Savvy is exclusive, unique and personal. 

Being a presentation boutique studio, we are always on the hunt for innovation within the world of presentation and (presentation) design. To say that we think outside the box is an understatement – we have adapted a different way of thinking to create the best possible presentation for you. 

We love changing mind-sets!

Thinking one step ahead is what makes us the entrepreneurs that we are. In order to reach that unique presentation experience, we take the following steps:

1. Establish your key message
Present Savvy starts where it should: with the story. What are you trying to achieve? Where is this going? How should your message build? What needs to be added or taken away? Who is your audience?

2. Visualize your thinking
Visuals! We will pull your thinking together, find the right visuals to represent it, and make it visually coherent. Every image, graphic and detail we decide on together will add to the message and to your impact.

3. Your Prezi
We do not just create better presentations, we inspire you to do so, too. That is what makes us 'savvy'. 
Settling for an 8 is not an option; we strive for a 10. And after we do all this, we put you in control – the presentation is yours to work with, manipulate and tailor as you wish. We don't just produce better presentations, we believe in building better presenters.

Finally, we want working with us to be not just productive, but enjoyable, too. We are big enough to always have people on hand and small enough to really know you and care about your success.

So, whenever you need help mapping out your own path to presentation success, you know where to find us.


Lots of gratitude to Present Savvy. Our client said (JLR): 'This was an amazing presentation. As well in terms of (visual) structure as in content.'

Jordy van Ettekoven

ALD, partnerships & product development Manager


Example Showcase

View presentation
Presentation Training
View presentation
ALD Pitch Presentation
Video Present Savvy