Only Prezi lets you create zooming, moving, visually stunning presentations that grab and keep your audience’s attention, in any subject.
Trusted by organizations that know the power of great presentations
In a double-blind study of Prezi vs. PowerPoint, Prezi was found to be:
*independent Harvard study of Prezi vs. PowerPoint
Prezi AI
The power of AI right inside Prezi
Make your words perfect
Improve your text with the click of a button. Saying what you mean has never been easier.
Tell visual stories like a pro
Turn any text into the perfect visual story, with design built right in.
More engaging,
more attention
Prezi’s unique format lets you show the whole story in context, displaying relationships between ideas in ways slides just can’t. Any subject is easier to remember when it all makes more sense.
More memorable,
more retention
Prezi’s unique format lets you show the whole story in context, displaying relationships between ideas in ways slides just can’t. Any subject is easier to remember when it all makes more sense.
With Prezi, there’s no lapse between what I’m saying and what I’m presenting. Words and visuals just melt together. You can’t create that kind of connection with slides.
Tearanny Street
Director of Marketing and Communications