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Grey Green Background Presentation

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Earl Grey Green Tea

Transcript: Research Question What is the lifeline of earl grey green tea from production through distribution to consumption? What are its cultural impacts specifically; is there a culture behind the increasing loose leaf tea production and its ethical & organic process? Are these mimicking or driving social & cultural changes within the St-Henri neighbourhood? Prediction - We predict that the ethical production and distribution of tea is aimed at a growing organic-oriented consumer environment; these politics of distribution and consumption are associated with the growing gentrification of the area that plays into a larger culture of ethical, organic, and healthy lifestyle. Field Site: Le Vrac du Marché - Atwater - Selling bulk of organic produce such as sweets, nuts, teas, chocolates, juices, spices, coffee beans, starch, etc... - Store, not stall: permanent distributor - Interview with manager: highlighted key trends busy all year around (tea can be grown all year around), it's bought in personal quantities, for household use; a popular commodity. Metropolitan Tea Company (1) - 1990, sell all over Central and North America, 7000 retailers (including Le Vrac du Marché) but not to supermarkets; central warehouse in Toronto - Eight accreditations of food safety, ethics, organic and environmental organisations, but no access to actual farm/producer's information - Coding of webpages, and archival research Sri Lanka - Archival research - Tea = large portion of the country's economy (16% of exports, 23% of worldwide production) (2) (3) - Tea board first set up in 1976 to ensure the protection, growth and quality of Sri Lankan tea Consumers - Free lists - Majority of clients either tourists or young professionals, tea connoisseurs, gift-hunters. Interpretations Relating the changing area and the consumer trends we were able to observe, we deduce that Earl Grey Green Tea is a socially significant example of the larger economic and social trends as well as the developing 'organic' culture. As a commodity, it is subject to change, vulnerable to supply and demand. Meta-analysis -The initial interviewee from Le Vrac du Marché was hesitant to disclose information about the tea company. -Difficult to establish a relationship with the store manager (trust/rapport). -Unanswered emails. -Convenience sampling did not provide a completely representative sample of consumers. -Unable to source Sri Lankan farm due to privacy and protection of plantation workers, as well as logistics. - We had to adapt our methods from interviews and participant observation to archival research. Image Sources: 1. 2. 3. 4. Earl Grey Green Tea Area Atwater Market - St. Henri district (4) - Historically working-class - Urban regeneration - Changing demographics ... Uncovering the social life of tea within the broader context of local consumer trends. Commodity Chain (Simple) Sri Lankan Farm --> Metropolitan Tea Company --> Le Vrac Du Marché --> Consumer

From Grey to Green

Transcript: What's the Problem? For each watt of energy generated from an alternative energy source, a watt of energy made of fossil fuels is conserved. From Grey to Green Using Solar energy will hopefully create a new lifestyle for us. We will start using Solar energy which is very efficient and forever lasting. This will be much better for the environment instead of using huge amount of Fossil Fuels which are very harmful for the environment. In conclusion the Ecological foot print will be much less. We have decided to use Solar Energy. Now what is Solar energy? Solar Energy is the energy from the sun. The solar panels collect the light from the sun and convert it into Electrical energy or electricity. Why did we chose Solar energy? Because in the UAE we have a lot of sun so we can collect a lot of Solar energy. Although we still need a backup plan. We decided to use Biomass since there is also a lot of waste in the UAE. This way we can put it to good use. Science text book Content: How will the Ecological footprint be affected. How much energy is conserved? As a School we use a lot of energy all day that to fossil fuels which is a Non-renewable a energy.My partner and I have decided to come up with a plan to shift to Renewable energy. Not only for our school but for every school that wants to make a difference. 1) Our plan (What kind of energy resource we will use and why). 2)How much energy is conserved? 3) How is the Ecological Footprint affected? 4) Video to help you understand how this will work. 5) References By:Sumaiyah and Mary 8A References: Our plan

Grey to Green

Transcript: We will also create a survey for pedestrians and residents which we will hand out in certain locations. This will include questions tailored to the average individual like have they noticed more businesses pop up? Or have they seen investment/failure? Local businesses have been identified on Google Maps and their owners emailed; To ensure that everything fits in with our structure we will ask all respondents if they feel comfortable with us recording them during the interviews and there will be a certain level of anonymity with this. We will each have notebooks to record our interviews with. Transcripts will be typed up and then coded using open-coding to find similarities and to further reach a more precise analysis of views and behaviours associated with G2G2. This will hopefully allow us to answer our research question and draw links between council schemes and local business and give us a conclusion for our investigation. This development is used to encourage new economic activity in the area by providing better links to hotels in Castlegate and improve bus, pedestrian and cycling access from the north east to the city centre and also towards Kelhm. In turn, this will encourage greater footfall and economic activity to the area thus supporting existing business and becoming home to investigative innovations in Sheffield. Grey to Green However, this increased private investment may lead to negative externalities such as an increase in prices of property, making housing unaffordable to those who need it. In this project, we aim to find out truly how beneficial Grey to Green 2 is from a holistic point of view. Information on Logistics What do the scholars say regarding the relationship between the environment and economic growth? Similar to our project, (Łaszkiewicz, et al. 2019) aims to look at the external effects that green spaces such as Grey to Green 2 has on housing prices. They do this through a natural experiment in Poland assessing whether the proximity to green spaces leads to an increase in the marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) through the use of hedonic pricing. The findings of this show that in the case of selected parks, the share of the estimated MWTP for their proximity increases systematically with the wealth of the apartment buyers. This shows that there is a basis that having green spaces could lead to an increase in the value of private housing. McKendry(2013) also did a research paper regarding how physical greening spurred economic revitalization. She used Birmingham, England as a case study and found that Greening the cities connected tourist locations and shopping attractions which then made walking around more enjoyable. Important economic benefits were brought in from these changes, due to attracting 'tourists, businesses, conferences and middle class residents that were highlighted and prioritized'. Hofmann, M. et al., (2012), reports that green spaces have phsychological benefits such as reducing stress and attentional fatigue. They also pointed out that there are lots of studies on rural green spaces but not enough on urban spaces because, people tend to go to rural areas for recreation and on daytrips; however, urban area or greens spaces are used for short walks or simply passing through on the way to work. Thus research reports need to take these things under consideration when looking into green spaces in an urban setting. McKendry, C., 2013, Environmental Discourse and Economic Growth in the Greening of Postindustrial Cities. In: Simpson R., Zimmermann M. (eds) The Economy of Green Cities. Local Sustainability, vol 3. Springer, Dordrecht Following the success of Grey to green by enhancing the image of the area and attracting new investment and footfall, Grey to Green phase 2 was proposed to commence in January 2019 with completion expected by March 2020. By undergoing this private sector led urban renaissance, the Sheffield City Region is aiming to rejuvenate the Castlegate area which has been in decline for many years. Semi- structured interviews – focusing on the impact Grey to Green two (G2G2) has had on Castlegate and Exchange place and the effect it has had on business. Each interview will be tailored specifically to the interviewee, for example Lucia, the Principal Development officer will have more knowledge of the project than a local business owner. We have chosen this as these best suits our investigation and allows us a clear plan before going into the interview, prior to arriving. The idea of a semi-structured interview benefits us most as given the response, we can tailor our answers and questions to the interviewees position and thus understand how G2G2 has impacted them. Our questions will be based upon how G2G2 has impacted local businesses, have they seen any noticeable changes, positive and negative and so on. What is Grey to Green? design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi How are we collecting the data? They will do this through closing Castlegate to vehicles

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