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Vumc Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: External presentation 'Medicina Miseria cordiae Ministra' Medicine is the servant of mercy Open door Evaluation (pyramid model) Internal presentation Reputation and identity crisis Distinctive patient care, high-quality scientific education & groundbreaking research Informal Behind the scenes Reputation building method on the long term Privacy situation Recent developments and information Restoring the reputation Christian background, has linked faith into a personal, honest and respectful treatment of patients. Core values: Involvement Care Ambition Internal publics perception ≠ Ilona Rijkeboer Ashley Milde Junell Wondel Jane Moertabat Natasha Achaibar Sharon Verschelling Public press conference Excuse letter Goal: to provide the best possible treatment and to ensure the patients their stay as pleasant as possible. Core values: Involvement Care Ambition Input: Immediate approach, personal, no media involved, but costly Output: All patients Outcomes: Trust, ensuring no future mistakes, scientific research continues Communication strategy and evaluation Evaluation (pyramid model) Formal of VUmc Furious doctors Dissapointed doctors But: Positive reactions towards the programme External publics perception News letter Input: Two-way communication; media and the public Output: Immediate, missing opportunities Outcomes: Regain trust, evaluate itself General public and press Explanation and motivation for cooperation with Eyeworks Answering questions form the public Predominantly negative Violation of privacy Violation of professional secrecy A serious matter, boundaries have been crossed. Patients and employees Admit their fault Complete information


Transcript: YPAR with adolescents Healthy Start Sprint Project: Let's Movez Together Understanding and explaining digital resilience among tweens (8 – 12-year-olds) Digital resilience Highschool (13-15 year old) Insight into adolescents perspectives on sharing on social media platforms if and how the adolescents relate sharing on social media platforms to privacy-related risk Empower to protect their online privacy Boosting determinants for digital resilient behavior Tool for meaningful participation and engagement of tweens in designing,developing and implementing interventions and policies regarding their digital resilience. A dynamic process in which digital media users adaptively use preventive and reactive strategies to mitigate digital media risks and benefit from digital media opportunities MediaMovez @ school Deepen Solve Explore Why digital resilience? VUMC-Movez meet up To thrive in a digital media society Media knowledge ≠ performance of digital resilient behaviors Gap between media knowledge and behavior Research questions How we develop a meaningful and engaging tool? Boosting digital resilience 3 1 2 Determinants of resilient behaviors Exploring digital resilient behaviors How do we boost tweens' digital resilience? What digital resilient behaviors do tweens identifiy? What are the determinants of these behaviors? What do tweens do online? What are the risks and opportunities of their online behaviors? Co-create and co-design with tweens Aim tool Tweens: develop talents, skills, competences in a fun way. Experience safety, control and empowerment. Professionals: accessible child participation. Partners Bianca Boenders: Workshop professionals Erasmus MC Frank van Lenthe and Famke Mölenberg: Youth health and citizen science Gaining tweens perspectives with a YPAR approach


Transcript: Evidence Based USGPIV Seth Dagnino RN,BSN,CCRN,VA-BC Becoming a Vascular Access Champion Assessment/Selection Introduction VHP Model What is a Vascular Access Champion? “Placing PIVCs is both a science and an art, and it needs to be in the hands of clinicians who have a thorough understanding of all aspects of vascular access and how they can affect patient safety,” Lee Steere, RN, CRNI, VA-BC, Unit Leader of IV Therapy Services at Hartford Hospital Objectives Objectives "Reduce liability, lower costs,and decrease length of stay, while promoting vascular preservation, greater patient satisfaction, and better outcomes" (INS, 2021). Clinician is competent in the use of vascular visualization technology for USGPIV insertion. This knowledge includes, but is not limited to, appropriate vessels, size, depth, anatomy and physiology, location, and potential complications (INS,2021). Remove variable practices and create standardization among all Vanderbilt USGPIV users Utilize current Vanderbilt SOP, Vessel Health and Preservation(VHP) model, INS 2021, AVA, and latest EBP as guiding principles Be familiar with INS Standards since they are cited as the benchmark in IV lawsuits Why Bother? Informs the clinician on status of the targeted vessels, Minimizes tissue trauma Fewer attempts (Lauren, 2020). Enhance patient satisfaction, reduce the amount of nursing time (Kanipe,2018) Decreases the amount of central lines placed due to poor access,(INS,2021) #9- Peripheral Vascular harm VASN/IV Therapy/VAC Superuser VAT team has designated desk personnel to help answer questions and advice regarding latest guidelines Many have obtained their VA-BC (Vascular Access Board Certified) Are to be main resources in seeking to learn fundamental Allows teaching to be centralized and based on latest data When To Use Ultrasound VUMC policy- "May bypass non ultrasound guided placement if patient has only one arm available, history of difficult IV access, and Morbid obesity" Receiving therapy of peripherally compatible infusions Limited visible, accessible, or palpable veins limited use of an extremity, such as renal failure, fistulas, lymph node surgery, mastectomy,neurological problems, Have a history of IV drug abuse Damaged superficial veins Blood Cultures pending CKD-attempt dorsum IV placement in dominant arm (AVA,2020) VHP Model "Vessel health and preservation (VHP) is a model applied to vascular access that structures EBP within four quadrants of medical care: assessment/selection, insertion, management, and evaluation of vascular access devices". Ensures patient safety, reduces complication risk with proper device selection, device longevity with proper maintenance, proper outcome evaluation (Moureau, 2019) In short, a system to reduce unnecessary risk to the patient Insertion Video 9min Lets watch a video first to help everything else make sense! Respect the Craft Take this seriously, seriously! Nerve Injury- Minor vs Major Minor injury- Results in Scar tissue formation (Neuroma) at the point of contact. Patient may require up to 12 months of rehab Major Injury- Needle tears nerve fiber causing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-permanent, progressive, extremely painful, no cure... Narcotic pain control, extensive rehabilitation, nerve blocks, nerve removal, and nerve transplantation (Masoorli, 2007). Compartment Syndrome- poor site selection and innapropriate catheter length can cause extravasation leading to nerve damage Poor IV Placement Blamed for Pseudoaneurysm of Right Brachial Artery- "33-year-old man, reported to hospital May 3 for treatment of bilateral leg stump infection. On May 7, PICC was placed for ABX. After several unsuccessful IV attempts to access the left basilic vein, the basilic vein in the right arm was subsequently accessed. Plaintiff complained to staff about pain and swelling in the right arm and hand, claiming that the swelling was related to placement of the PICC. Although personnel assessed the arm and determined that nerve damage might have occurred during placement of the IV catheter, no further evaluation or diagnostic testing was done until an ultrasound revealed a pseudoaneurysm. 2 days later an intern placed a vascular surgical consult. Two days after, right forearm exploration and evacuation showed a right brachial artery injury and external compression of the median nerve. According to the plaintiff, the defendant's care resulted in a permanent neuropathy. He alleged that the defendant failed to properly monitor his condition after the PICC insertion and failed to notify appropriate physicians. The plaintiff also claimed that the defendant failed to order appropriate diagnostic tests and failed to intervene in a timely manner. The defendant denied any violation of the Standard of Care. The jury found in favor of the plaintiff for $1,097,431 (Los Angeles, California Superior Court #BC288632)" (Masoorli, 2007). This was caused by USGPIV placement! What to Look for Patient depositions reveal "electrical

VUmc Information meeting

Transcript: Academic culture Selection of university and courses For student of Bestuurs & Organisatiewetenschappen and Communicatiewetenschappen: Places for Politicologie students may also be an option (B&O) Places for Sociology students may also fit your study programme In most cases, places at Business schools are not available for FSW students January 8th 2017: Deadline first round (23.59 hours) Ambiance (Serviceplein > Studeren in het buitenland) Beginning of March: Selection process outcome Visit the VU Worldmap for other requirements, such as grade average and language proficiency Mid-March: Selection process outcome Selection phase What is an exchange? GOAL! 1. Select your study programme on the VU Worldmap (Geneeskunde, but also check Biomedische wetenschappen) 2. Select your favourite university and read the factsheet: - Academic calendar - Optional requirements: grade average, language 4. Choose your courses: - Semester, level, credits - In general: no courses of other faculties 5. Estimate your chances of selection - Single choice university? - Available places at university? - Suitable courses for your study programme? Select two more options, by following the same steps. VUmc Distance (We will check your grades and credits on January 16th) 1. Plan your application - Number of credits Consultation hours: make an appointment through VUnet STUDY ABROAD 2. Make a list of your priorities VUnet: Services > Studying abroad More information: VUnet > Services > Studying abroad > Scholarships Language & budget Course requirements FSW 2. Motivation form (VUnet format) - Single choice university? Only one from the list. - In English or other language of instruction Beginning of February: Selection process outcome VU Worldmap What can we do for you? Study Abroad Contact form on VUnet Time line: Application phase Topics of interst? Master's programme? International career plans Languages Approval of courses by the VU examination board Before you leave, you have to complete your 1st year and obtain 90 ECTS credits. Requirements for following courses abroad during your electives: -Min. 12 ECTS credits on level 300 (or equivalent) -Other 12 ECTS credits: on level 200 or 300 -Level 100 courses are not allowed, except when this course is needed as an entrance requirement for a course on a higher level. A semester abroad has no impact on the civil effect. In most cases students of Criminology, cannot apply for the available Law places, but they have to look at the Sociology places. Courses Please note: most places will be filled up after the first round - Language proficiency (if applicable) Practical arrangements: visa, insurance, accommodation, etc. If applicable: language test (check Worldmap) and scholarship 3. Check all sources of information See VUnet for the scorecard we use in the selection phase. Overview Factsheet example Guidance, before, during and after your stay abroad Scholarships: Erasmus (inside Europe) and GLOBE/HSP (outside Europe) After selection: Pre-departure phase Destination February 19th 2017: Deadline second round (23.59 hours) Deadline January 8th 2017, don't wait until the last day! What is an exchange? Orientation on destinations Application for studying abroad Selection procedure Pre-departure Contact December 1st 2016: VUnet open for application Career plans 4. Select your universities and courses Topics of Interest Orientation, application, preparation Upload 2 documents through VUnet: Step by step Comfort zone International March 12th 2017: Deadline third round (23.59 hours) - CV and motivation 1. CV (your own design, in English) - Relevant experience in work and education - VU International office Buddy programme? Every application will be scored on: 5. Complete and submit your application documents in VUnet before January 8th (VUnet, VU Worldmap, websites partner universities, Study Abroad Student Handbook, student experiences) Button to apply as of Dec 1st (on homepage VUnet) Nomination by VU International Office and application at the partner university First semester of third year Partner university of VU No extra tuition fee, you only pay tuition fee here ECTS credits count towards your degree At least 60 ECTS, of first and second year (period 1 & 2 of second year) VU International Office: Renee van Waart - Grade average (we only count courses that you passed) Ranking Culture Food Student life Application exchange 2017-2018 Master's programme Pre-departure meeting after selection Requirements LAW Facebook: OutgoingExchangeVU Requirements for application

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