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Voice Of Customer Presentation Template

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Voice of the Customer

Transcript: Voice of the User Non-Users of the product but familiar with the straightforward product Often acting as intermediary Generally familiar with all tools though they may not have referenced them yet in that situation because they already understand the product Field Team Members Field Members Non-users of the program Need to ensure product operation but not familiar with the program itself Often acting as intermediary for teacher questions Sometimes not very technically savvy which adds to frustration Generally utilize Technical Reps Technical Reps Users and Non-users of the Product Admins Admins Advocates of the program Familiar with reports and dependent on them for supportive data Tend to be technically savvy, dig into data, and are often asking for something deeper. Generally, familiar with University but have not looked there for answers Users of the Product Users of the Program Non-Users of the Program Non-Users of the Program Advocates of the program fulfilling a need within their school or district but not familiar with the ins-and-outs, tend to be more frustrated when hearing complaints from teachers because they feel it should be plug & play Just acting as intermediary, often looking for simple fixes and not prepared for troubleshooting. Generally, not familiar with Help options Users of the product, Want to understand and utilize the product to their best advantage, needing Basic Help or In Depth Help Teachers Teachers Not Technically Fluent Need more step-by-step hand holding Depending on the program to meet a need Need ease of use, just-in-time helps Need plug-n-play Generally not familiar with help tools and often not comfortable with using them on their own Basic Help Basic Help Technically Savvy, Familiar with program offerings Dig into the data and find holes Creative with what the program offers outside of what we recommend Often looking for something not available Generally have already played around in product and University In Depth Help In Depth Help Multiple Products, Multiple Journeys, Multiples Needs The Journey Involved and Engaged Users vs Occasional Users Familiar Users vs New, Completely Unfamiliar Users Users Depending on the Data vs Plug-n-Play Users ALL of these Users need Just-in-time, Intuitive, In-Product Help options that will allow them to dig deep or just find that one answer. Who needs help? In July, the district set up training days. IL representative did hours of training but not hands on because our students aren't rostered and we haven't been set up with accounts. I can't remember how to log in let alone what report was the one for addressing students that are struggling. Why do things look different now? Why do some report have tutorials and others don't? (AAT) What was that thing about Journaling? (Another Product) Why can't I edit my students? (Clever) How do I match up the Galileo reports with the Activity Explorer/Playlist? How do I know if my EL student is getting those Meet New Sounds Activities? What happened to the other languages? (Missing Home Letters) Do you have a direct number that I can call you at when I have more questions? I know I won't remember all of this. Start Here... Like students, Teachers (Users) have different Learning Styles that we need to address. University Videos and Webinars Step-by-Step Articles and Documents (PDFs) Walkthrough experiences that require interaction (?) At key locations to answer anticipated questions Demo site allowing customer to experience as a student and a user Links to Customer Care/Teacher Care for one-on-one needs Pendo Reminders - Answer Yes or No, No X-ing Out Addressing Needs TIMELY! Webinars should be marked like University Videos so that they can jump to the most pertinent information. Articles should be easy to scan through and see if they answer the key questions. And the search capability should be more dynamic. Any contacts should be treated with urgency. An extension of that is to have easily edited and created forms of Help so that when changes happen, customers have that info at their fingertips. (Home Letters) INTUITIVE! There needs to be clickable information on each page. Link articles that apply to a particular report. It would be great if nuances such as Galileo vs NWEA vs Legacy were programmed in such a way that a teacher wouldn't even see the other options - just the one available to her school. Challenges! Challenges


Transcript: 1. Gather the Voice of the Customer 2. Translate VOC into Critical Customer Requirements (CCR) 3. Convert CCRs into Key Process Output Variables (KPOVs) 4. Create SIPOC 5. Validate Charter using VOC and SIPOC WORKING UPSTREAM, IDENTIFY KEY PROCESS INPUT VARIABLES WHICH IMPACT THE KPOVs Voice of the Customer "The expression of Customer needs and desires" CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION Tangible Meaningful Measureable in order to ensure they meet the requirements and are executable. (The Big Ys) VALIDATE CHARTER USING FINAL SIPOC 1. Does the project address the CCRs and CBRs? 2. Does the scope cover the necessary KPOVs and KPIVs? 3. Are the measurable goals aligned around the SIPOC measures? Lagging Indicators measure your metric after the fact. They are useful for future changes but come late. Leading Indicators provide information about your process before it is complete, potentially allowing for earlier correction. KPOV: Publish financial statement within 10 business days KPIV: Battery Accounting report received 100% completed VOC will allow you to validate your Project Charter and Problem Statement as well as ensure delivery of desired results. These KPOVs must always be: Make sure you are seeking input from the RIGHT customers Who is my customer? "Any person or organization that receives a product or service (output) from the work activities (process)." Don't forget they could be internal, external, or even regulatory bodies. STEPS TO VALIDATING PROJECT CHARTER Move from: "I wish you were better at your job!" to: "I wish, when I called, you called me back quickly" VOICE OF CUSTOMER (VOC) Next, convert these real issues into very precise, measurable characteristics or metrics Distill the communications received or solicited from customers down to their real concerns, values, or expectations. Get to the root of the issue. Basically, define exactly what outputs your process MUST generate in order to fulfill all critical requirements. GATHER VOC Solution: Move all input deadlines to EOB Day -2 Change cut-offs and pub stmnt EOB Day 1 Close AP 10:00AM Day 1 by changing cutoffs Actual Impact to ACES: ACES inputs failed to include several activities Higher error rates on statements Forced to accrue items not processed by AP. CREATE SIPOC Sol TRANSLATE VOC INTO CRITICAL CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS (CCRs) USING VOC/VOB, CONVERT ALL CCRs/CBRs TO KEY PROCESS OUTPUT VARIABLE (KPOVs) Move from: "I wish, when I called, that you called me back quickly!" to: "The customer expects to receive a response to every communication within 24 hours." IF YOU ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS FIRST, YOU CAN SKIP STRAIGHT TO THE ROOT ISSUES

Voice of Customer

Transcript: What do my customers need? Styles that best helped you learn? Lecture that is tailored to the student's interests. Multiple examples of problems to reinforce data Group activities involving real-world examples Why be literate in math? You can't escape numbers; we are all a number with our SSN Everything revolves around math (Danny is learning to play the guitar and learning the chords and beats are basic math) GEOMETRY IS EVERYWHERE They have been customers in a math class before just like the customers I will have. Customers need a teacher who is willing to go the extra mile getting to know their strengths and weaknesses. They need someone willing to teach a plethora of methods to reach each and every student so they can get the most out of their "purchase." If you aren't selling a product worth buying, you won't be in business very long. How does he use this in every day life? On the job site from measurements to amount of material needed to cost. How can people use this math? To budget Daily purchases Miranda D BS in Ag business in 1970 w/ minor in Economics Recieved Masters in 1971 What does he know? Basic math ( +, -, x, /) Reading and Calculating Measurements Danny C Voice of the Customer Math Edition By: Jeffery Ashby 3 people Ronnie B How does he use it? Uses algebra/ unknowns in a break-even analysis Use pythagorean theorem to calculate distances for land that has no survey Chief of Credit at Independence Bank What does she know? Trigonometry Alegebra Geometry Student @ Ohio County High School ? What did these three people have in common? Lead Man w/ Black Construction What does he know? Pythagorean Theorem Ratio/ Proportion Projections Fixed Cost/ Variable Costs Geometry

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