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Ui Presentation Mock Up Template

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Mock Up Presentation

Transcript: Technology is changing... Virtual Reality (VR) headsets Myo armband Skype for Business - 35-lumen "Pico projectors" - Present spontaneously on-the-go wherever there’s a surface to project on Augmented Reality (AR) + - With PowerPoint, it allows presenters to scroll through their slide-deck with an audio connection for narration. Leap Motion -Allow presenters to control transitions between slides, digital pointers and zooming on slides using muscle movements in their arm - Audience members can follow a presentation on computers, tablets or smartphones from in the room or remotely. - They can watch and listen as the presenter scrolls through and narrates the slides, contribute to polls and live Q&As, discuss presentations amongst themselves in a live feed and take private notes. _ - Track the movement of hands and fingers - Converting them into 3D inputs that can advance slides or zoom in and out on them Zeetings - - Transported beyond the screen and into presentations with the presenter - Immersible 360-degree videos or exploring interactive data visualisations. - 30 years leading presentation software - Over a billion computers worldwide - Basic piece of software become incredibly powerful design tool for story telling Akyumen Hawk smartphone 3D Model How Technology Is Changing the Presentations of the Future - Such as PowerPoint’s 3D - Functionality can allow presenters to, for example, present the engine model of a new car, with a 3D animation of the engine on-screen able to be rotated, spun and zoomed around to show it from any perspective. Personify Presenter - Such as Microsoft’s HoloLens - Allow digital content to be overlaid onto the real world. - AR headsets worn by audience members can allow the surrounding space to be used as one big canvas. - Allows users to remove the background from video feeds and overlay themselves onto presentation content as an on-screen presenter. - It also works with a variety of different conferencing tools, including GoToMeeting, WebEx, Zoom and Skype for Business. Microsoft PowerPoint

Mock up

Transcript: Topic 6 Topic 5 example 1: what is a mock up a display of your desing for a client example like a logo for a viedo game,movie,ect example 2: Mock up its example 3 Topic 7 how to present it 1.2 You must be convinced of both your value and that of the design work. 2. Outline every step of your thinking process and be able to defend why you did thus and so. pre 1 Rehearse and then rehearse some more. 5 When possible and appropriate, add some humor – but be careful. Not everybody’s sense of humor is the same. 4 Don’t dodge questions when you don’t know the answer. Say so but also tell them you’ll find out. pre 2 Test all of your equipment.. pre 3 Bring backup equipment. 1 Be personable. 2 Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Then, tell them what you told them1.2 You must be convinced of both your value and that of the design work. 2. Outline every step of your thinking process and be able to defend why you did thus and so. pre 1 Rehearse and then rehearse some more. 5 When possible and appropriate, add some humor – but be careful. Not everybody’s sense of humor is the same. 4 Don’t dodge questions when you don’t know the answer. Say so but also tell them you’ll find out. pre 2 Test all of your equipment.. pre 3 Bring backup equipment. 1 Be personable. 2 Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Then, tell them what you told them1.2 You must be convinced of both your value and that of the design work. 2. Outline every step of your thinking process and be able to defend why you did thus and so. pre 1 Rehearse and then rehearse some more. 5 When possible and appropriate, add some humor – but be careful. Not everybody’s sense of humor is the same. 4 Don’t dodge questions when you don’t know the answer. Say so but also tell them you’ll find out. pre 2 Test all of your equipment.. pre 3 Bring backup equipment. 1 Be personable. 2 Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Then, tell them what you told them.

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