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Two Column Research Presentition

Transcript: The Church in The Middle Ages Religion In Middle Ages Religion In Middle Ages RISE OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION IN THE ROMAN ERA RISE OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION IN THE ROMAN ERA Christianity began among a small number of Jews. Christianity was seen as a threat to the Roman Empire as Christians refused to worship the Roman gods or the Emperor. This resulted in the persecution of the early Christians, many of whom were killed and thus became martyrs to the Christian religion. The prosecution of adherents to the Christian religion ended during the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine. Emperor Constantine I (AD ca. 285 - AD 337) of the Roman Empire legalised Christianity and Constantine the Great proclaimed himself as an 'Emperor of the Christian people'. Most of the Roman Emperors that came after Constantine were Christians. Christianity then became the official religion of the Roman Empire instead of the old Roman religion that had worshipped many Gods. Cont. Cont. The Rise of the Christian Religion (Christianity) in the Dark AGES The Rise of the Christian Religion (Christianity) in the Dark AGES In the 5th century, the Roman empire began to crumble. Germanic tribes (barbarians) conquered the city of Rome. This event started the period in history referred to as the Dark Age. The period of the Dark Age saw the growth in the power of the Christian Church which was then referred to as the Catholic religion. With it's own laws, lands and taxes The Catholic church was a very powerful institution which had its own laws and lands. The Catholic Church also imposed taxes. In addition to collecting taxes, the Church also accepted gifts of all kinds from individuals who wanted special favors or wanted to be certain of a place in heaven. The power of the Catholic Church grew with its wealth. The Power of the Catholic Church and the Role of the Church in the Middle Ages The Power of the Catholic Church and the Role of the Church in the Middle Ages Cardinals and Bishops Cardinals and Bishops The cardinals have been called "the Princes of the Church," "the Sacred College" and "the Senate of the Church." They have a secondary role to that of the one who is above them: the Pope. The Bishop was the top church leader in the kingdom and managed an area called a diocese. a district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Church. What is A Cardinal/Bishop What is A Cardinal/Bishop Bishops duties included: Listening to the plights of all the priests and clergymen below him; Levy taxes on the peasants; Settling of important issues such as annulment of marriage; Maintaining an army of his own to assist the king during war; Leading his army in the war was common in the Early Middle Ages for Bishops; Take care of the spiritual soundness of his diocese; Implement the code of the church in the diocese; Take care of the business of the church in their diocese and supervise the priests, nuns and monks in their activities. What role do they play?/What they do?: Bishops What role do they play?/What they do?: Bishops They were, assistants of the pope in his liturgical functions, in the care of the poor, the administration of papal finances and possessions, and met in synod over the disposition of important matters to include Church discipline. What role do they play?/What they do?: Cardinals What role do they play?/What they do?: Cardinals differences between Bishops and Cardinals differences between Bishops and Cardinals The Cardinals were mainly concerned with Religious affairs with the Pope and the Church, rather than the Bishops who dealt with religious affairs in the secular aspect. Cardinals deal with the overseeing of the Church and its decisions. Bishops deal with the overseeing of the common people and other higher ups outside of the church. They’re almost like their own Pope in a way. Monks Monks A member of a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The Lives of Monks were based on what Vows: The Vow of Chastity The Vow of Poverty The Vow of Obedience A defintion of A monk: A defintion of A monk: When entering a monastic order, you would be called a postulant. One year into this process, they would take their first vows in the novitiate stage. On the fourth year, they would take their solemn vows and become monks for life. Becoming a Monk: Becoming a Monk: At the core of this rule was communal prayer, time for reading, manual labor, cleaning, and copying manuscripts. Monks followed the “Book of Hours” for their prayer schedule and guided the monks on what to pray and what hymns to use at that prayer time. They usually prayed eight set times a day. Benedict's Rule: Benedict's Rule: Types of Monks during this time period: Cluniacs- prayer through art, no manual labor Cistercians- a little more secluded than the Cluniacs, carried out own manual labor Carthusians- hooded Monks/ Very secluded in prayer and meditation, rarely prayed together Types of Monks during this time Nuns

Column Presentation

Transcript: built in 1819 by William Strickland doric Toledo Museum of Art Built in 1792 by James Hoban Corinthian Made to be the home of the President The White House Designed by Edward B. Green and Harry W. Wachter in 1912 Ionic Made to display Edward Libbey's art collection to the public built in 1845 Doric Was part of the underground railroad built in 1922 by Pierre L' Enfant doric built to commemorate President Abraham Lincoln Designed by Thomas Jefferson ionic made to comemmorate President Thomas Jefferson Designed by Edward B. Green in 1933 Ionic Made for the museum's 1933 expansion Peristyle Theater Greek Columns in Modern Day United States Capitol Built in 1793 corinthian Made for Congress to meet Smithsonian Museum of Art House of Four Pillars The Second Bank of the United States The Jefferson Memorial Lincoln Memorial works cited

Column Two (Fire)

Transcript: Main Image More... Real issue Physiology of Similarities Enviroment COLUMN TWO (Fire) Nature Disconnection. Personality Grandiosity and Smallness More about personality The feeling of not being in control of the situation. It's no protection and no support to hold your hand. Essence They are very needy people. There is a naive element that lingers (persist) from Column One. They can apprehend the world through their intuition. They trust their gut instinct. How is it sustained? There is a defend self, not to fall (caer) from where it has reached. Hold on to his position. So, the theme is a SPREAD-FIGHT (lucha que se expande). EMOTIONS The issue is around the issue of separation from the overly protective, domineering, potentially castrating maternal influence of separation. Where is the struggle? It's against a disproportionately influential parent or domineering personality. What does it express? A struggle for individuality against the tenacious, oppressive maternal energy in order to build an independent Self. More... There is a struggle to separate and overcome the smothering(suffocate) embrace of the maternal force or any dominant figure. They have raised in an overprotective environment may find it difficult to be independent. A feeling of being under a powerful influence. More themes There are themes of repulsion and rejection, fear of being overtaken, avoidance of intimacy, excessive insistence on one's boundaries, and establishment of sharp (defined) boundaries. EGO It's required to set itself apart (differenciate), seeking to avoid and disconnect from the reality now imposed on him. The need for the Ego to distance itself from the feminine aspect will appear in women as coarseness (rudeness, vulgarity); as difficulties in feminine expression or lactation. More... More... It’s as the need to be different from the parents or the influential figure, to rebel and to doubt authority. . It's a need not always fulfilled. There is impulsivity in their nature. Like the spreading fire, they take initiative with adventurous enthusiasm. Fire needs to spread and explore. They are adventurers with immense energy. They deal with situations by pushing every obstacle out of the way. More... They are very temperamental. They get angry quickly, but forgive easily too. They are emotionally volatile yet very passionate. They can exhibit an explosive part of them but in an instant they can change their course. Then... He feels anger and resentment toward the aggressive world that threatens to devour him. They have a big personality. They love the life of a party and they can be loud, wild, and fun loving. And... Over-emphasis on self-expression without consideration for others' feelings. This can lead to selfishness, egotism or fanaticism. It's very difficult to get them to see things from anyone else's point of view because, deep inside themselves, they don't believe there is any other point of view; just their own. More... Facade... There is a external roughness and aggression cover up the soft, gentle nature within. Moto... “I want to do as I wish”, because if I remain devoted(loyal) to my roots, I will lose my individuality. There is quiet obstinacy and rebelliousness. Later on in the column that may become self-destructive. More... Women may be overly dominant, dictatorial, and in extreme cases even aggressive and warrior-like. Any coercion that is encountered creates immediate opposition. They have a strong sense of self. They can even be egoistic. A feeling is of being forsaken and of not belonging to society feel let down and betrayed by others. Feeling... There is feeling of being very unfortunate. They feel persecuted. They feel that they don't get what they deserve and are suffering for no (ningún) wrong of theirs. More... The destiny has been cruel to them and they try to overcome it. They feel that they function from a position of disadvantage. Then... This state which involves the rejection of the parents or the childhood framework, a necessary step during which the developing person defines himself as a distinct being and prepares himself for facing the external world. Meaning... This critical step in development is heroic, because renouncing the maternal quality comes at a cost. HERO... There are literal visions of saving the world (hero) and responsibility for the world, magnanimity, generosity, grandiosity and limitless benevolence, desire to be useful. More... Responsibility to the point of loss of self and exhaustion. There may be a tendency to give excessively and a strong desire to be useful. There may be difficulties in disconnecting from the protective parents and from external influences in general. How do I disconnect and be on my own? There are painful feelings of loneliness and disconnection. There are hurts that remain hidden, unspoken, and not even recognized. Fire Element Fire is that which is energetic and forceful. Fire gives them the desired drive (impulso) and passion. They are rational

Two-Column Proofs

Transcript: Here is the problem prompt from lesson 14 that was a stumbling block to me. Example from the Geometry Textbook What I may have done wrong This week in math, I found the two-column proofs to be the most challenging. While I understand the numerous properties of equality and their implications, my problem was instinctively knowing how to move from statement to statement within a two-column proof. Something that helped me was the online Math-Cast video narrated by Mr. Thomas. However, the sample problem seemed much easier to comprehend, compared to some of my offline work. I am still slightly confused on writing statements for a two-column proof, but I think if I take my time with them, I'm sure I'll get better at posing correct statements. Two-Column Proofs What I thought was Challenging While trying to solve the offline problems, I often incorrectly wrote each statement, thus leading me to a wrong reason. For instance, when I was asked to prove the congruence of angles 2 & 3 in this problem below, I decided to compare angle statements. The answer sheet revealed that it was actually comparing side measurements. This one mistake led me to mess up subsequent steps in the proof. I think the most challenging thing was setting up each statement for each step. This is located on the left-hand column of a two-column proof. Determining the reasons for each step was not so difficult because you are relying on the different properties to justify each statement. Here is an example of a two-column proof from the Geometry textbook. I used this to aid me in making my own two-column proofs for various offline problems. By Robert Putnick

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