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Tropical Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Plants The biome productivity of a tropical savanna is around 3000 kilocalories per meter squared of space per year. This means that there is a net total of 3,000,000 calories available to producers, or firt level organisms every year from a square meter of space Then there are 300,000 available to consumers each year, and 30,000 calories available to secondary consumers every year. This may seem like a lot, but consider the fact that you consider over 2000 calories every day! In reality, the savanna has one of the higher productivity levels out of all of the biomes. This is most likely due to the large amount of sunlight that strikes the savannah, creating a huge surplus of grass for herbivores to feed upon. The decomposing grass also creates fertile soil. The biome could be more productive by having a larger amount of rainfall. During the rainy season, biome productivity is very high, but the dry season cripples the productivity of the biome. Trees shed their leaves, and plants don't grow very much. If the Tropical Savanna had more rainfall, it could easily become a tropical rainforest, which is extremely productive, producing around 9000 kilocalories per square meter of land per year. Still, due to the Savanna's numerous flora and surplus of sunlight, it is one of the most productive terrestrial biomes. More Plants! by: Noah Sitar, Nate Welsch, and Ronald Schwartz Thigmotropism: A species of grass known as Bermuda Grass has the ability to creep slowly across the ground. When portions of the grass are cut, due to herbivores or any other natural cause, the grass literally shifts its roots, or uses them to tunnel through the earth. Then, the grass simply shifts positions. The grass is constantly migrating to new areas, and, if while moving, contacts a rock, it will simply move around it. Bermuda Grass can also move to areas where more water is available. Tropical Savannas are characterized by flat, grassy plains and scattered trees. The average precipitation ranges from as low as 20 centimeters to as high as 130 centimeters, depending on the season. The temperatures in the savanna are almost always warm, and don't range very far from 64 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Summers are usually warmer, and are often called the rainy seasons due to having a larger amount of precipitation (around 75 centimeters). Winters are usually cooler and are often called the dry seasons due to a lack of rainfall (around 25 centimeters). Animals in the savanna don't have to adapt to changes in temperature, but they have to adapt to the availability of water. Most animals do this by traveling to and from watering holes and living beside them until they dry up. other animals simply learn to store water. Animals in the savanna have adapted to changes in precipitation. Many animals migrate to try and find new water sources. Animals also have digestive adaptations to try and conserve water from their food when they eat. Since there is little cover in the savanna, most animals have adapted y developing camouflage. Lions have tan colorings to try and blend in with the tall, tan grass. Due to lack of obstacles to run around, many animals have gained the ability to run extremely fast for short periods of time. For example, cheetahs can run 60 miles an hour for a good twenty seconds. Many animals also adapted to lack of cover by becoming nocturnal to help keep themselves hidden. Leopards hunt during the night to help disguise themselves. Lastly, many animals try and stick together in large herds or groups. This can provide cover and confuse predators. For example, zebras live in groups for protection, and when hunted by predators, their stripe patterns blend with each other and make it difficult to distinguish between each zebra. References Biome Productivity Where Is The Savanna? Not every source is mentioned A land of wonder and beauty. Climate and Geography Humans have been destroying this valuable and amazing biome ever since the 1900s. The first major problem in Africa is poaching. Tropical Savannas are home to some of the most unique animals in the world, and for this reason, these animals are valuable. This makes them a major target for poachers. In an eight year period, the African Elephant population dropped by 700,000. And hundreds of other animals are being killed every year.But the world Wildlife Fund is working to stop poaching and protect these animals. Over the past two decades, Black Rhino populations have doubled. The WWF also helps the government by training law enforcement officers and by tracking endangered animal movements. Another major problem is habitat destruction. Emerging African countries destroy the environment for resources. They are also overfarmig the land, which in turn causes the desertification of


Transcript: Tropical Savanna Predators such as coyotes and badgers. Some herbivores include deer, antelope, rabbits,and cattle. Also owls, hawks, snakes, and insects. Desert Long, cold winters. Short mild summers. Moderate precipitation. High humidity. Acidic, nutrient-poor soils. Located in northern North America, Asia, and Europe. Hot, dry summers. Cool, moist winters. Nutrient-poor soils. Broadleaf deciduous trees, herbs. Biomes Temperate Grassland Boreal Forest Broad leaved evergreen trees. Ferns. Vines. Orchids and bromeliads Located in South and Central America, Souteast Asia, Africa, and Northeastern Australia Birds and mammals that can withstand harsh conditions. Migratory waterfowl, shore birds, Arctic foxes, and caribou. Also some small rodents. Tropical Dry Forest Strong winds, low precipitation. Short and soggy summers. Long, cold, and dark winters. Poor soil. Tall, perennial grasses; drought-tolerant and fire-resistant trees. Predators include lynx, timberwolves, and members of the weasel family. Moose and other large herbivores. Also beavers and migratory birds. Cold to moderate winters. Warm summers. Year round precipitation. Fertile soil. Warm to hot summers, cold winters, seasonal precipitation, fertile soil. Temperate Woodland & Shrubland Sloths, capybaras, anacondas, freshwater fish & piranhas, gorillas, and many insects / bugs Temperate Forest Warm temperature, seasonal rainfall, compact soil. Many fires set by lightning. Tropical Rain Forest Woody evergreen shrubs with small, leathery leaves. Fragrant, oily herbs grow during the winter and die in the summer. Dominant plants include Sitka spruce, western hemlock, and redwood. Hot and wet year round. Nutrient poor soils. Predators such as lions, foxes, and bobcats. Herbivores such as deet, antelope, sheep, and kangaroo. Also owls, hawks, ants, beetles, and other insects. Tall trees will form a dense canopy in wet season. Orchids and bromeliads. Aloes and other succulents. Grasses and herbs; most resistant to drought, fire, and cold. Low precipitation, soils rich in minerals but poor in organic material. Lions, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, giraffes, zebras, baboons, eagles, ostriches, insects. Predators are dominant. Bears, elk and deer, owls, and bobcats because bobcats are apparently everywhere. Deer, black bears, squirrels, raccoons and skunks, turkeys Located in Africa, South and Central America, Mexico, India, Australia, and tropical islands. Needleleaf coniferous trees. Small, berry bearing shrubs. Located in eastern United States, southeastern Canada, Europe, parts of Japan, China, and Australia. Located in North America, Asia, and northern Europe. Located in western coasts of North and South America, areas close to the Mediterranean Sea, South Africa, and Australia. Ground hugging plants such as mosses, lichens and short grasses. Mild temperatures, abundant precipitation during fall, winter, and spring. Cool, dry summer, rocky acidic soils. Predators such as coyotes, foxes, bobcats, and mountain lions. Herbivores such as deer, rabbits, and squirrels. Northwestern Coniferous Forest Tigers, elephants, monkeys, deer, pelicans, insects, reptiles (snakes and lizards) Located in Pacific coast of northwestern US and Canada (from northern California to Alaska). Succulents and plants with short growth cycles Located in central Asia, North America, Australia, central Europe, and South America. Warm year round. Wet and dry seasons. Rich soils subject to erosion Located in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, United States, Mexico, South America, and Australia. Located in eastern Africa, southern Brazil, and northern Australia. Tundra


Transcript: Dominant Plants: perennial grasses and herbs; most resistant to drought, fire, and cold Abiotic Factors: warm temperatures; seasonal rainfall; compact soil; frequent fires set by lightning Dominant Wildlife: mountain lions; bobcats; mule deer; antelope; bats; owls; hawks; wasps; beetles; rattlesnakes; lizards Abiotic Factors: Low precipitaion; varying temperatures; soil rich in minerals but not in organic material Abiotic Factors: hot, dry summers; cool, moist winters; thin, nutrient-poor soils; periodic fires Tundra Where It's At: Pacific coast of northweastern U.S. and Canada from nothern California to Alaska Dominant Wildlife: cyotes; badgers; wolves; mule deer; antelope; rabbits; cattle; bison; hawks; snakes; ants; grasshoppers Abiotic Factors: warm to hot summers; cold winters; moderate, some precipitation; fertile soils; occasional fires Dominant Plants: spruce; fir; some broadleaf deciduous trees; small, berry-bearing shrubs Where It's At: eastern United States; southeastern Canada; most of Europe; parts of Japan, China and Australia Where It's At: northern North America, Asia, and Europe Abiotic Factors: long, cold winters; short, mild summers; moderate precipitation; high humidity; acidic nutrient-poor soils Dominant Wildlife: bears; elk; deer; beavers; owls; bobcats; members of the weasel family Dominant Plants: Douglas fir; Sitka spruce; western hemlock; redwood Dominant Plants: deciduous trees; dense canopy during wet season; drought tolerant orchids; aloes Dominant Wildlife: Herbivores; jaguars; anteaters; monkeys; birds; beetles; butterflies; piranhas; boa constrictors, and anacondas. Dominant Plants: ground-hugging plants such as mosses lichens, sedges, and short grasses Where It's At: Central Asia, North America, Australia, central Europe, and upland plateaus of South America Dominant Wildlife: lynx; timberwolves; members of the weasel family; moose; beavers; songbirds and migratory birds Dominant Wildlife: coyotes; bobcats; mountainlions; blacktailed deer; rabbits; squirrels; hawks; lizards; butterflies; snakes; spiders Where It's At: Eastern Africa, southern Brazil, and northern Australia Temperate Woodland and Shrubland Desert Dominant Wildlife: Lions and cheetahs; elephants; giraffes; antelopes; zebras; ostriches; storks; termites Dominant Plants: brodleaf deciduous trees; some conifers; flowering shrubs; herbs; a ground layer of mosses and ferns Abiotic Factors: Usually warm year-round; alternating wet and dry seasons; rich soils subject to erosion Northwestern Coniferous Forest Tropical Rain Forest Abiotic Factors: hot and wet year-round; thin, nutrient-poor soils Temperate Grassland Where It's At: Parts of Africa, South and Central America, Mexico, India, Australia, and tropical islands Where It's At: North America, Asia, and Northern Europe Temperate Forest Dominant Plants: Broad-leaved evergreen trees; ferns,large woody vines and climbing plants; orchids and bromelaids Abiotic Factors: cold to moderate winters; warm summers; year-round precipitation; fertile soils Dominant Wildlife: tigers; monkeys; elephants; hogdeer; spot-billed pelicans; termites; snakes; lizards Tropical Dry Forest Dominant Wildife: deer; black bears; squirrels; raccoons; skunks; numerous songbirds; turkeys Boreal Forest Where It's At: Parts of South and Central America, Southeast Asia, parts of Africa, southern India, and northeastern Australia Where It's At: western coasts of North and South America, areas around the Mediteranean Sea, South Africa, and Australia Dominant Wildlife: few birds; migratory waterfowl, shore birds, musk ox, Arctic foxes, and Caribou; lemmings and other small rodents Dominant Plants: Perennial grasses; sometimes drought-tolerant and fire-resistant trees or shrubs Dominant Plants: Cacti; cresote bush and other plants with short growth cycles Tropical Savanna Abiotic Factors: stron winds; low precipitation; short and soggy summers; long, old, and dark winters; poorly developed soils; permafrost Dominant Plants: woody evergreen shrubs with small, leathery leaves; fragrant, oily herbs that grow during winter and die in summer Abiotic Factors: mild temperatures; abundant precipitation in summer, fall, and spring; col, dry summer; rocky, acidic soils Where It's at: Africa, Asia, the Middle East, United States, Mexico, South America, and Australia

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