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Template For Poster Presentation Counseling Intervention

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Advocacy for the Counseling Profession: Poster Presentation

Transcript: The first school counselors in the United States emerged in the late 1800s, the time of the Industrial Revolution. However, the United States may not be the first place that school counseling was recognized. There have been traces of school counselors dating back to the late 16th century. An argument has been made that says that counseling and guidance principles began in ancient Greece and Rome with the philosophical teachings of Plato and Aristotle. Evidence suggests that techniques of modern-day counseling was practiced by Catholic priests in the Middle Ages. Tomaso Garzoni wrote a book called “Universal Plaza of all the Professions in the World” (1626), which was a text about career options. This relates to what a school counselor in high school and college would talk to students about today. In the United States, the school counseling profession began as a vocational guidance movement. Jesse B. Davis is considered the first school counselor in the United States because he was the first to implement systematic guidance programs in schools. In 1907, he became the principal of a high school and encouraged the school English teachers to use compositions and lessons to relate career interests, develop character, and avoid behavioral problems. In 1908,Frank Parsons, "Father of Vocational Guidance" established the Bureau of Vocational Guidance to assist young people in making the transition from school to work. Frank Parsons “Father of Vocational Guidance” Founded “Education to work center, Boston 1906. Published “Choosing a Vocation,” 1908. His vision focused on vocational choice as a developmental process that consisted of three components: Knowledge of the work world, educational attainment, and a fit between work and personal values, personal attributes, aspirations, and interests. American School Counselor Association (ASCA). (n.d). Retrieved from Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Substance Abuse Treatment and Family Therapy. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2004. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 39.) Chapter 3 Approaches to Therapy. Available from: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with Child Abuse and Neglect Issues. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2000. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 36.) Chapter 4—Therapeutic Issues for Counselors. Available from: Doukas N, Cullen J (2011) Addiction Counselors in Recovery: Perceived Barriers in the Workplace. J Addict Res Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2155-6105.1000112 M.A. in School Counseling. (n.d). Retrieved from education/ma-school-counseling National Institute of Drug Abuse, The Science of Drug Abuse & Addiction. Retrieved from National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors. (n.d.). Retrieved from New Jersey City University (2017) Counseling Programs. Retrieved from New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health Services. Retrieved from New Jersey School Counselor Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from Substance Abuse Counselor: Careers in Retrieved from State Certification Requirements, American School Counselor Association (ASCA). (n.d.). Retrieved from Types of Addiction Counseling & Therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from treatment/types-of-therapy/ White, W (1998), Slaying the Dragon: The History of Addiction Treatment and Recovery in America. Bloomington, IL: Chestnut Health Systems. Retrieved from http// NJCU Curriculum Requirements New Jersey State Requirement for LCADC Addiction Counselor Limitations NJCU Curriculum Requirements Role of Addiction Counselors History of School Counseling Elective Courses for Counselor Licensure (NJCU) Why Do We Need School Counselors? State of New Jersey Educational Requirements References 270 Hours of Alcohol and Drug Education: Qualified graduate students and post-master’s candidates may enroll in elective courses below for the SAC and apply directly on their own to the New Jersey Department of Education for endorsement for the Certificate of Eligibility (CE). Students must develop a program plan with their faculty advisor. solution-focused brief cognitive behavioral therapy person-centered Gestalt therapy advocacy for the counseling profession: School counselors & Addiction counselors By: Ashley Rosman, Kayla Leigh Velazquez, ishrat

Counseling Intervention Plan

Transcript: Expectant Mother Counseling Intervention Plan Introduction Introduction Statistics Statistics 16 in 1000 births in the US were teen pregancies (2019) High school dropout rate of about 50% (2018) Challenges Challenges High rates of poverty, mental health issues, unemployment, substance abuse, peer/family abuse, and social exclusion Group Goals Focus: dealing with adjustments of becoming a parent/being a parent while working toward finishing high school Group Goals and Target Group How? Encourage self-esteem building, learning life skills, dealing with social issues/stigmas, balancing school/home life, and future family planning Target Group Target Group students who are pregnant, or recently given birth and are enrolled in the school system students in this group will be those intending on raising their child interested in finishing high school degree or GED Group Structure & Design Group Structure/Design Strengths Based Theory Strengths Based Theory most flexible in terms of their varying experiences, family dynamics, culture, and access to resources and support improve self-esteem and emotional awareness, identifying and building upon their strengths can make this process more successful Outreach Outreach Through a counselor, teacher, or school professional who is aware of their circumstance Flyer for group in counseling office Confidentiality/Scheduling Confidentiality/Scheduling Once student has expressed interest, reach out to parent for consent Confidentiality agreement signed by student Schedule agreement via questionnaire Scope & Sequence Scope Session 1 1. Introductions 2. Collect pre-assessment 3. Explain goals of the group 4. Activity: Outside the Box a. Have students take a blank piece of paper, and write in the box the biggest challenge they are currently facing in the center of the paper. Then have the student draw a closed box around the problem. b. Outside of the box, have each student write different things about themselves that are important to them and define them. Examples would be, “singer”, “sister”, “best friend”, “foodie”, and “class clown”. This activity is meant to encourage self esteem and positive self reflection. 5. Discussion of activity 6. Concluding questions a. Did you learn anything about yourself today? b. What are some things you’d like to learn/talk about throughout this group? c. Are there any immediate concerns that you would like to dicuss now, or briefly after our session in private? i. This question is another safety question designed to catch any emergency situations that require immediate intervention. 6 sessions once a week Session 4 1. Recap last session: students' goals, how education can help them complete those goals, and further issues raised by the group. 2. Meditation: 10 minute silent reflection. The student is given the option to think, draw, or write during this time, about any topic they wish. 3. Short Discussion: Short discussion on meditation, ask if anyone would like to share. 4. Skill building: Discuss biggest concerns of group with education, and strategies to mitigate these concerns. For example, if students are not able to attend class due to a doctor's appointment or pregnancy related issue, encourage health communication with their teachers and the school nurse to aid in any accommodations they may need. Explore stigmas and effective ways of asking for help if the group is not comfortable with this communication method. 5. Activity: Silent Line up a. Students will be asked to line themselves in order of a particular characteristic, such as shoe size or birthday in descending order, and they are not allowed to talk to complete this exercise. i. This shows the group members how difficult it is to accomplish a goal without communicating and working together. 6. Questions: e. What did you like most about this session? f. What was the most difficult part of this session for you? g. How did the silent activity make you feel? h. What would you like to focus on next week? Session 2 Session 5 1. Recap last session 2. Group meditation exercise: Take 10 minutes for the group to sit silently, in whatever position is most comfortable for them, with guided breathing from the counselor and calming music. Encourage each member to not restrict their thoughts but allow them to pass through their mind swiftly, as they focus on their breath. 3. Activity: Take a piece of paper, write down something that is painful for you in your life (something that may have come up in their thoughts during meditation), and ask each group member to share. Allow time and encourage other group members to respond. 4. Discuss & Agree on Group Goals based on common themes 5. Conclude session questions: a. How did it feel talking to other group members about your challenges? b. What did you like most about this session? c. What was the most difficult part of this session for you? d. What would you like to focus on next week? 1. Recap last session: Importance of working together and

Career Intervention for Couples Counseling

Transcript: Real-life Examples of Career Interventions for Couples Case Studies and Success Stories Illustrative examples of career interventions using person-environmental fit theory and Gottman's theory, highlighting the positive outcomes and improvements in couple relationships and professional paths. Exploring real-life case studies and success stories showcasing the impact of person-environmental fit and Gottman's theory in couples counseling and career development. Impact of Person-Environmental Fit and Gottman's Theory Analyzing the impact of person-environmental fit theory and Gottman's theory on career satisfaction, communication dynamics, and overall well-being of couples engaged in counseling and career development. Setup Image Search Lessons Learned and Best Practices Transformation Reflection Personal Growth Impact Transformation Discussion Professional Growth Success Learning Relationship Satisfaction Key lessons learned from applying person-environmental fit and Gottman's theory in couples counseling, including best practices for enhancing communication, career alignment, and relationship satisfaction for long-term success. Setup Image Search Personalization Planning Career Satisfaction Empathy Relationship Building Collaboration Conflict Resolution Strategies for Enhancing Couple Communication Effective strategies to enhance communication between couples in career counseling sessions, focusing on active listening, conflict resolution, and creating a shared vision for their professional and personal futures. Implementation Plan for Career Intervention Strategies and applications of person-environmental fit theory and Gottman's theory in providing effective career counseling for couples. Application of Gottman's Theory Utilizing Gottman's theory to strengthen couple communication, build trust, and create a supportive environment for discussing career goals and challenges, leading to better decision-making and relationship dynamics. Incorporating Person-Environmental Fit Theory Practical methods for incorporating person-environmental fit theory in career intervention, considering individual preferences and environmental factors to enhance career satisfaction and success in couples counseling. Exploring Career Intervention Proposal A career intervention plan using person-environmental fit theory in couples counseling, intertwined with Gottman's theory for effective guidance and support. Overview of Career Intervention Proposal The career intervention proposal integrates person-environmental fit theory and Gottman's theory to enhance couple counseling and career development. Setup Image Search Gottman's Theory in Couples Counseling Importance of Person-Environmental Fit Theory Supportive Couple Counseling Alignment Assessment Career Development Harmony Communication Relationship Counseling Exploring how Gottman's theory can be integrated into career counseling to improve communication, trust, and understanding between partners, fostering a healthy relationship and career growth. Understanding the importance of person-environmental fit theory in career counseling for couples to align values and work preferences for a successful professional journey. Career Intervention for Couples Counseling Utilizing Person-Environmental Fit Theory and Gottman's Theory

Counseling Intervention

Transcript: Behavioral Problems Parent-Child Intervention Therapy (PCIT) KROC Scholarship Big Brothers and Sisters Organization Behavioral management for middle-school-aged children Situation requiring intervention: Sabrina, Perrens mother, has a less-than-constructive authoritarian parent-child relationship with her son, due to her involvement with C.P.S. and the removal of her son due to Domestic Violence and Child Abuse by his father. The trauma left her unconsciously uninvolved, permissive, and parenting out of guilt for over the last 5 years. After receiving a call from the school regarding her son's irate behavior and finding a C.P.S. card lodged in between her screen and front door. She is woke now ready to comply and on a mission to save her son. She will be accompanying her son to this intervention and she has an assessment a long with her observations of his unusual behaviors he exhibits at home she was asked to complete. A Role-Play Scenario by: Sabrina Oliver Perren Mondy Justin Collington Saundra Schmidt University of Phoenix 04/13/2016 Hitting, threatening and foul language towards adults. Depression and self-isolation. Is not ‘in with the good kids’ and acts angrily and aggressively. Problems in this stage, according to Erickson, causes children to develop a sense of inferiority; can lead to serious interpersonal consequences. Needs to have a sense of industry. Biological and social challenges for this child because of DV problems. A loner. Always on computer. Won’t participate in projects at school. Has poor understanding of social situations. Inconsistent. Suggested help and resources for family Mother Bio Ms. Schmidt has been an elementary school teacher in California for 9 years. She has previous experience with behaviorally challenged children at a behavioral management facility in Nevada. She recognizes problems with this child as being possible precursors to criminal and otherwise socially unacceptable behavior. At this point she is extremely concerned about the welfare of the child and in regards to his violent actions towards others. References: Feldman, R. S. (2014). Development across the life span (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Nugent, J. K. (1991). Cultural and Psychological Influences on the Father's Role in Infant Development. Journal Of Marriage & Family, 53(2), 475-485. The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (2003) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Retrieved 04/13/2016 from: Justin O. Collington is a licensed clinical social worker in private practice in San Diego, CA. He provides individual, family, and couples psychotherapy utilizing cognitive behavioral, solution-focused, and psychodynamic treatment approaches. He believes in treating the whole person and tailors treatment to meet each individual’s needs and treatment goals. In addition to Mr. Collington's work in private practice, he teaches a dual disorders class at University Of Phoenix in San Diego CA. His office is centrally located in Mission Valley, 10 minutes from downtown San Diego. He has daytime and evening appointment hours available. Justin O. Collington holds a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice and a Masters degree in Social Work. He obtained his Bachelors degree from the University of Phoenix and his Masters degree from San Diego State University. He completed his graduate internships at St. Vincent de Paul Village and Jewish Family Service of San Diego. Mr. Collington also interned for three months at the YMCA. Mr. Collington is a member of the National Association of Social Workers and the California Society for Clinical Social Work. Social Worker Bio A single mother of two has a problem with her 11 year old son. He is showing very aggressive behavior and has been very abusive toward other kids and adults especially his mother. The abusive acts are turning into the young boy hitting to show his expressions and also he has been using profanity to the point that in school he has been warned and with the continued behavior the young boy is looking at the possibility of suspension from school. His mother is concerned that what he is going through could be all her fault and at this point she is afraid of what could happen at home with the continued aggression her son is displaying. She needs help to understand what he is going through to prevent escalating violent behaviors at home, in school, and in other social situations. There is a history of domestic violence. His father has been incarcerated for repeated domestic abuse incidents. The Intervention Team Counseling Intervention Perren Mondy is an 11 year old boy who lives with his mother who is single. He has one brother who is 14 and they live a poor part of town in La Jolla, CA. Perren has been having issues with his behavior. His mother is very concerned his behavior has become very aggressive with strong profanity and he has become very abusive with hitting. Perren, according to his mother, is a very

Career Counseling Intervention

Transcript: Men in general also tend to: -only 10% contact a mental health specialist -many state that lack of information is a deterrent to receiving help -"la ropa sucia se lava en casa"- don't air out your dirty laundry in public -language barriers -no health insurance -faith by Brian West Noah Clawson Culturally Diverse Men and Mental Illness Anxiety and Depression are real concerns that many try and stuff down without addressing later manifesting itself -hegemonic masculinity the pressure men feel to conform to traditional gender norms=toughness, fearlessness, invulnerability to pain - perform help seeking avoidance -engage in emotional suppression - are at risk to be self victimes of substance abuse -destructive health behaviors-not wearing a seat belt saying Death is inevitable earlier for men Other things to think about? -White Americans are more likely to commit suicide -American Indian/ Alaskan men are the most likely to suffer from post traumatic stress and alcoholism -the reason a majority of men do not participate in assistance with their own mental health are as follows, cost of service, lack of insurance coverage, and fear of social stigma Latino Men's Mental Health Career Counseling Intervention Depression -34.7% of white males -24.6 % of black males -19.6 % of hispanic males -by 2044 half the the United states Population will belong to a minority group African Americans -Huffington post #yougoodman Black men face discrimination, social economic challenges and racial injustices Police aggression, PTSD -stigma -mistrust of providers -lack of culturally informed care while 18.6% report living with mental illness issues only 16.9% report receiving services

template for presentation

Transcript: VILLA AGNSAA-36 Villa house located around bole alem cinema with 500 m sq ground surface and 200 m sq living area. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom 5 car parking space, guardhouse, generator, service quarters of 5 rooms kitchen area AGNSAA-44 Villa house located around bole behind Momona hotel with 600 m sq surface area, 2 bedroom, 3 bathroom AGNSAA-55 Villa house located around Somalia embassy with 700 m sq ground surface and 400 m sq living area. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom 7 car parking space , 2 gates entrance, main house has living room with open kitchen 2 bath and 3 bedrooms service quarter with traditional kitchen 2 bath and 2 bedrooms G+ AGNSAA-41 G+2 house with basement of 2 rooms, ground surface of 475 m sq, living space of 300 m sq has a beautiful garden, with guardhouse and a 5 car parking space AGNSAA-46 G+1 house located around bole shalla. surface area 380 m sq. 4 bedroom and 2 bathrooms with service quarters and a guard house 4 car parking space. AGNSAA-54 G+1 house located around japan road, surface area of 400 m sq and 280 m sq living area Has about 5 car parking space, with a green area as well AGNSAA-59 G+1 house around bole Michael with surface area of 300 m sq and living area of 150 m sq G+1 house around bole Michael with surface area of 300 m sq and living area of 150 m sq Service quarters with 2 bedroom and a bathroom, main house with 4 bedroom and 2 bathrooms, 4 car parking space and a enjoyable garden AGNSAA-62 G+2 house around gerji, ministers road(behind the airport), 400 m sq surface area and 300 m sq of living area has about 4 car parking space a service quarter of a mini store, traditional kitchen and maid room with bath

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