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TEDx Presentation

Transcript: TEDx Presentation 10,000 years ago the Indigenous people used Middle Head as an outpost/lookout for an incredible view along the shoreline and an amazing forest. But when the Europeans arrived on the shoreline and would sing and dance as a sign of welcome. Then In 1853 when the Crimean War was supposed to happen, the Australian's were worried and put gun installations and weren't used until WWII. But now Middle Head is now a National Parkland for recreational purposes. Why Do People Value Landmarks and Landforms This National Park has amazing native and exported plants some beautiful and some that threaten the existence of the fauna and flora. One certain type of exported weed is the Lantana, which came from England and was used to block cattle and sheep with its texture and spiky interior the animals couldn't eat it. Created by Brian, Matthew, Adam Utility Click this link for our full information Unfortunately the Lantana spread in unwanted areas and trapping animals and killing them. Heritage Middle Head has several valuable assets , which has been preserved for generations used for the war against the Russians(Crimean War). Sadly the Russians never arrived. These buildings carry great sentimental value from ancestors to the soldiers themselves. Recently our group traveled to Middle Head to learn the values of geography, Heritage, Biodiversity, Utility and Intrinsic. Middle Head is a key representation of how a lot of environmental and recreational areas should resemble. Citizens should volunteer to preserve the natural beauty of the area. Biodiversity

TEDx Presentation

Transcript: x x TED What is TED? TED is a non-profit organization devoted to spreading ideas usually in the form of short powerful talks. TED began as a conference in 1984 where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics from science to business to global issues. What is TED ? TED TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." It supports independent organizers who want to create a TED-like event in their own community. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live presenters combine to sparks deep conversation and connections at the local level. x TED SVNIT TED SVNIT The second edition of TEDxSVNIT is here. Last year TEDxSVNIT witnessed an exciting day unfold into an enriching experience . This year it is back with the theme “PANORAMA” X X THEME ? A wide-angle view or representation of physical space, which clearly and promptly suggests that it is a way of looking at things from a wider and clearer perspective. For a holistic growth, we need to explore the hidden potential around us and shatter the mainstream and confined space that we operate in hence touching unimagined boundaries. It is a wider perspective from different realms, to kindle and encourage ideas in curious and creative minds. A visual device to re-frame reality, a new pair of glasses to see the subtle and underlying world different from the current worldly norms. At the end of the day, PANORAMA focuses on widening your perspective and expanding your scope of vision beyond the usual. What does it mean? SPEAKERS TED SVNIT 2018 CONTACT /tedxsvnit Further queries visit : mail us at: Merchandise Grab our exclusive merch Scan the qr to register ?

TedX Presentation

Transcript: 1965-1999: US Representative, Indiana 9th District Chairman of House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Professor of Practice at Indiana University; SPEA, SGIS The Center on Congress, IU US Homeland Security Advisory Council 9/11 Commission Int'l Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty Co-Chair of the Nat'l Security Progress Group at the Bipartisan Policy Center World Justice Project Presidential Medal of Honor (2015) US Army Officer Paratriathlete Paralympic Swimmer Motivational Speaker Speakers Jenny Lawson -ASAP -the sooner we involve the community, the larger this event can grow *Winter Activities Fair *Welcome Week. -Social Events +Small, themed events showing Ted Talk Videos, open discussion about topics, solutions. -Chalking, Flyers, Tabling -Possibly just hang out events, give-aways -'Vote-in' Speaker(s) -'Light the Stage' Campaign Ronan Tynan Kehinde Wiley Father Greg Boyle Li Cunxin Immigrant from Jamaica, left family behind to pursue his dream Founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery and Grill the American Dream Created a scholarship endowment, to aid others in their pursuit of the American Dream Josh Rushing Candles in the Night Jeff Henderson Jesuit Priest from Los Angelos Education... BA in English, Gonzaga University MA in English, Loyola Marymount University Master of Divinitiy, Weston School of Theology Sacred Theology Masters, Jesuit School of Theology Founder and Director of Homeboy Industries Author... Tattoos on the Heart The Power of Boundless Compassion Spent the majority of his youth involved in gangs and serving time in prison made a positive change in his life, and discovered his true passion Award winning chef, author, public speaker Cooked: My Journey from the Streets to the Stove If You Can See It, You Can Be It Lee H.Hamilton Marketing Lowell Hawthorne Co-owner, Human Resources Comedian, Public Speaker, Host/Emcee at Jason Kyle Comedy Lived, traveled, and worked in 50+ countries during his time as a Peace Corps Volunteer and Freelance Int'l Development Consultant Award-winning broadcast journalist and photographer Co-host of Fault Lines Former Marine Corps Captain John Krakuer Jason Kyle BA in Anthropology from New York University, Ph.D. in Anthropology from University of Arizona Distinguished Provost's professor of anthropology at Indiana University Bloomington Director of Food Studies Program Topical Interests: Economic, Applied and Cultural Anthropology, Member of the American Anthropological Association's Global Climate Change Task Force consultant for multiple native-rights organizations and USAID programs in Central America Melissa Stockwell Masters in Ancient History and Archeology, University of Birmingham; Ph.D., Cambridge University American Historian University of Chicago Willard Professor of Classics, Stanford University Associate Dean of Humanities and Sciences, Chair of Classics Department, and Director of the Social Science History Institute Notable Works Why the West Rules--For Now War! What Is It Good For? Computer and electrical engineering, MIT Co-Founder, Investor... Socialcam, Inc. Twitch Cruise Automation, Inc. James Self Born into extreme poverty Dancer (Madame Mao's Beijing Dance Academy) Author Senior Financial Manager Kyle Vogt Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Retired Lieutenant Colonel of the USMC Professor of Economics, Indiana University Bloomington Candles in the Night: Finding the Light in Dark Times Ph.D., University of Bonn Current professor at Indiana University, Bloomington Provost Professor George F. Getz Jr. Prof., Wells Scholar Program Published Work Reconsidering Longfellow Louis Agassiz: Creator of American Science The Poetics of Natural History 2008 U.S. Paralympic Swim Team 3x Paratriathlon World Champion Computer and electrical engineering, MIT Co-Founder, Investor... Socialcam, Inc. Twitch Cruise Automation, Inc. 2015 Forbes 30 Under 30 Richard Wilk Author, Journalist, Blogger "Furiously Happy" Battles with mental illness 2011 Finalist at Weblog awards Best Writing Most Humorous Writer Weblog of the Year Creator of the 'Man Can' Candle Company Founded at age 13, currently 17 new take on an industry focuses on helping others... meals employment Adrian Matejka Budget Ian Morris Modern-Day Renaissance Man World-Renowned Tenor Singer Doctor Gold Medal Winning Paralympian Inspiring Messages about Overcoming Obstacles American author and mountaineer Author of national bestseller, Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town Into the Wild, Into Thin Air, Under the Banner of Heaven Partook in the 1996 Mount Everest Disaster Hart Main Theme/Stage Design Education BFA, San Fransisco Art Institute MFA Yale University School of Art Naturalistic Portrait Artist Creates art with a necessarily unique concept Defining and Defying Darkness Christoph Irmscher American violinist Born in Jamaica, grew up in Queens, NYC Started playing violin at age 8, could play Mozart by age

TEDx Presentation

Transcript: What can you do to help? Works Cited: How much water do we actually have? By: Mary Kovach There are currently 7.1 billion people on this Earth with our population expanding by 80 million people annually. There are 81,981,900 blades of grass on a football field like Ross-Ade Stadium.. How are these two related? Can Earth reach full capacity? Producing one ton of grain requires 1,000 tons of water. Only 20% of the global population has access to running water. Over 1 billion people don't have access to clean water. How many people are actually on Earth? If our population continues to grow, it is estimated that the demand water will surpass its availability by 56% and almost 2 billion people by 2025. How many people is too many? Buchanan, E. (2008, April 22). Assessing the global food crisis. BBC News. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from Doyle, M. (2007, March 29). The limits of a green revolution? BBC News. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from The global grain bubble. (2008, January 18). The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from Linking population, poverty, and development. (n.d.). UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund. Retrieved November 1, 2012, from Ontiveros, E., & Guillén, M. F. (2012, August 26). Demographic shifts accelerate. The Korea Times. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from Population and family planning. (n.d.). The Population Institute. Retrieved November 1, 2012, from Population and water. (2012, July). Population Institute. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from Population seven billion: UN sets out challenges. (2011, October 26). BBC News. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from UK population 'to increase to 70 million by 2027' (2011, October 26). BBC News. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from World population balance speakers. (n.d.). World Population Balance. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from Commit to learning more and remaining active on the issue. Join and support organizations that focus on the issue. Encourage the media to cover population as an ongoing story or as a theme in other stories. Promote general awareness about the issue.

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