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Technical Research Presentation At A Conference Template

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Technical Research

Transcript: Editing - Photos Editing For our digipak and album poster we want to use photoshop as it is a good editing format for pictures to add images and font onto them. I have watched youtube tutorials on how to use photoshop to familiarise myself with it as we have not used it before since we mostly create moving images for our media coursework. Another software i could use is Microsoft Publisher which, again, i am not familiar with but I have seen being used as an editing software for posters and magazine covers before, making it something I would like to look into for creating our print ancillary pieces. Photoshop do also have an app that they created in 2010 which would make it very easy for me to update our pieces when i need to whether it is on my phone or iPad. This technology convergence of computer editing software and smartphones is a very effective and successful innovation making it easier for me to use as it is also a lot simpler than the online software. This can be good Make up We will most likely be including make up in our music video. It will be neither extravagant or special effects make up as our narrative is more about a depressed girl in a real life situation that could happen. The make up we would use would be to make our actress look more dull and 'scruffy' in a way as she is meant to be portrayed as though she is in a bad place in her life. This make up would be a pale powder and black smudged eyeliner or eyeshadow. Last year we used iMovie to edit our trailer as that was the software available in the media room, this year we hope to use Final Cut Pro X. Final Cut is a lot more advanced and has more transitions, edits and titles we can work into our music video; I will install this on most likely my laptop for us to use and edit our video on. iMovie is very easy to use and we are very used to it after using it for the past 3 years in Media, it is still a good editing software but I think our video will look a lot more professional and smooth on a more advanced editing software like Final Cut. We want our video to have continuity as last year, our opening did not have this in certain parts because some shots had different lighting. On a better software, we hope to have more continuity and be able to fix these issues that we had last year. Camera Sound The main sound of the music video will be the song itself, there will rarely be strays from this non diegetic sound unless we want to add verisimilitude to our video. If we want to have diegetic sounds of the streets and wind we could either take this from the recording of the shots or use sound effects on the editing software or a downloading site for sound effects. Using this combination technique is quite popular in pop-folk music videos and especially Ed Sheeran songs. It is used a lot at the end of the video when the song ends and there is a new equilibrium, they use the realistic sounds to bring the audience back to real life and the actual narrative of the video instead of the song. This is something we would like to include in our project. After using my own camera last year to film our moving image, we decided it was a better decision than using the camera college provide. They would often leave parts blurry and change lighting on different shots, so we decided to use the Nikon D5600 that i have at home and we saw it worked a lot better. We did have some issues with that camera; we didn't really have a lot of knowledge on it and how to use it and adjust the settings etc. It has auto focus and auto lighting which made some of the shots look different and a little worse quality. We will also be using a tripod to ensure our shots are steady and professional. If we choose to incorporate handheld shots to add a feel of realism and persona to the camera we will just use the camera or maybe even a smaller, handheld, mobile tripod. Lighting Last year we relied mostly on the natural lighting of street lights and indoor lights to create the right key of lighting we wanted. This year, as we are creating a music video, we will more likely be using more artificial light as that is more conventional to music videos to use coloured lights and LED lights. It will also allow us to emphasise certain parts of the shot, for example, placing a filler light near the actors face to make that the main subject and draw audiences attention. Technical Research

Research Conference Presentation

Transcript: Research Conference Presentation 'Wat Is Het Verschil Tussen De Publieke Omroep En De Commerciële Omroep'. [What Is The Difference Between Public And Commercial Broadcasters.] Web. Katholiek Nederland TV. 'Katholiek Nederland TV'. [Catholic Dutch Tv.] Web. 'NPO Bestaat Komende Vijf Jaar Uit Zes Omroepen'. [NPO Will Consist Of Six Broadcasting Companies In The Coming Five Years.] 13 Jan. 2015. Web. 'Aan Welke Eisen Moet Een Omroepvereniging Voldoen? [What Requirements Must A Broadcasting Company Comply With?] | Vraag En Antwoord | Rijksoverheid.Nl'. [ Web. 'Mediawet: Regels Voor Omroepen En Programma’s [Media Law: Rules For Broadcasters And Programs.] | Media En Publieke Omroep | Rijksoverheid.Nl'. Web. 'Wat Voor Omroepen Zijn Er? [What Kind Of Broadcasters Are There?] | Vraag En Antwoord | Rijksoverheid.Nl'. Web. 'Welke Publieke Zenders Zijn Er? [Which Public Channels Are There?]| Vraag En Antwoord | Rijksoverheid.Nl'. Web. 'Wetten.Nl - Wet- En Regelgeving - Mediawet 2008 - BWBR0025028'. [Law And Regulations – Media Law 2008.] Web. Hence, it might be a good idea to rechannel Christian television to other channels than the public channels. Firstly, it is the task of public channels to be objective However, Christian broadcasting companies get enough monetary support to be on the public channel Still, there are enough alternatives for Christian television The EO (Evangelic Broadcaster) is able to reach the minimum of 150.000 paying members Christian television programs on Dutch public channels Geertje van Raak Monetary support "Mediapriest" Roderick Vönhogen On the three public channels, Christian programs are broadcast regularly Objectivity Three public channels (NPO 1, NPO2, NPO3) Commercial channels Regional/local channels Public media services have to offer a program that is "balanced, multifaceted, varied and of high quality and is also characterized by a great diversity in form and content" (Dutch Media Law article 2.1) Public channels need to offer a varied, objective and independent perspective Despite the fact that the monetary support is there, there are plenty of alternatives Conclusion Works Cited Alternatives 13 regional broadcasters More than 300 local channels Although Christian broadcasting companies have enough monetary support to broadcast on the public channel, they seem out of place amongst secular television shows, because public channels should be objective and have no religious influence, and there are enough small channels for those who still want to watch religious television.

Technical Research

Transcript: When you are editing a horror film, you need to make sure there's some use of jump cuts, as this will create tension towards the audience. You also need to think about the use of sound, and whether it fits in with the scene and that you haven't just put some random sounds over the clip. If you have re-filmed the voice in a studio, you will need to make sure that it fits with the movement of the person's mouth and that it is synced correctly. We will use Final Cut Pro to edit our production. We can use the shotgun microphone on its own, or we can attach the microphone to the boom pole. If you are filming outdoors, then its best to use a dead cat, as this will act as a windshiled. Lighting Skills Knowing the rules of light, when dealing with photography, you can use it to your advantage. For example, in a lot of horror films, there are scenes where it is very dark, underexposed, this creates tension and suspense for the audience. We can achieve this by changing the shutter speed and the apature. Also the use of coloured gels can be effective, as this can also make the audience feel unnerved. For lighting in a horror film, there needs to be darkness, you can achieve this by limitting your light sources. You should have harsh lighting in a horror film as this will create a violent and also ambiguous effect, which is good for a horror film, so you don't want to use soft boxes or anything that will soften the light. Editing Skills Filming Skills When you are filming, you need to make sure that your location is suitable for what is happening in the scene and that the lighting is also suitable. If you are filming indoors, this is good as you can control the light more then outdoors. When you are filming, you need to think about the mise-en-scene, camera shots, angles and movements, for example you are best to use a dolly and not your hands when you want a partciular movement, as if you are to use your hands, it will come out rather shaky. To achieve smooth shots when using the dolly you will need to make sure that the dolly is placed on smooth flooring or if you don't have a dolly, you can buy some furniture sliders, you can then stick them onto a tripod and then you'll be able to move smoothly on carpet. If you have a dolly, then you can place a piece of plywood down onto the floor and then move the dolly on the plywood and the shots will be smooth. According to Jason Blum, if you can tell the story in a traditional way, you shouldn't tell it in a found footage way, this is his number one rule. His second rule is that the person with the camera has to have a reason for filming what they are filming. His third rule is that 'you must have a plan, e.g. you can't just hand your actor a camera'. In other words you need to explain to them what it is they have to do, for instance, you still need to people to act scared and genuine. We will try to achieve the found footage effect without the audience feeling ill, by having some of the found footage scenes filmed on a tripod, so the shots are stable and other scenes will be filmed handheld so it looks more like found footage. We will also use a stabilizer for the found footage scenes, this will seem like someone is holding the camera by itself, although it won't seem as shaky as a handheld camera, it will seem more stable, so again, the audience won't feel sick. Sound Equipment This tutorial is very descriptive on how to use final cut pro and simple to understand as the man goes through each step on how to use it quite slowly. For this tutorial, it is a shorter video compared to the video above, and it is slightly easier to follow and understand as the man speaking doesn't talk a lot, but he gives you step by step information on how to use final cut. These two videos will help us to edit our production. This is one video on YouTube that explains how to use coloured gels. The man in the video explains that you can literally just clip a coloured gel to the 'barn doors' of the light and it will change the colour of the light. However, if you have an LED light with different gels, then you can just change the colour by clipping it onto the light. Technical Research How to do Found Footage These are the instructions for the H4n with the shotgun microphone.

Research Conference Presentation

Transcript: Jade A. Watters Brenda Smith, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Social Work SAEOPP McNair/ SSS Scholars Research Conference – June 23, 2012 The University of Alabama McNair Scholars Program For 1.6 million children, or 2.2% of all U.S. children, grandparents provide care with no parent in the household (US Census, 2011). Improves life satisfaction Often Stressful Health problems (Grinstead, Leder, & Jensen, 2003) Stress effects (Muslin, Gordon, & Warner, 2010) Relationship conflict (Goodman, Ernades,& Silverstein, 2008) 1. How are grandparent caregivers planning for the future placement of their grandchildren? 2. What do grandparent caregivers perceive as influences on their engagement in future planning? Do they feel influenced by religiosity or health status? 3. How do grandparent caregivers view receiving legal and/or formal assistance with future placement planning? Informal vs. Formal “It was more of an informal discussion. Just thinking out loud I guess.”- (Participant 1, age 65) “…Right now if something happen to me I have Pastor H. as a caregiver and my brother, his uncle I have it on paper.”- (Participant 4, age 60) “You know and seriously it seem like I enjoyed being a grandma/mom and dad.”- ( Participant 4, age 60) “I breathe my grandchildren, that’s what I live for”- (Participant 5, age 60) “I am much more caring, more giving, just a whole new positive outlook on life because of him. He’s changed my life for the better.”- (Participant 3, age 53) “I know a lot of it is a sacrifice, I know it is, but it is so worth it.”- (Participant 3, age 53) Interview 3 more grandparent caregivers in the Tuscaloosa and Birmingham area. Barth, R., Lee, C., Wildfire, J., & Guo, S. (2006). A comparison of the governmental cost of long-term foster care and adoption. Social service review. Dr. Brenda Smith, Associate Professor of the School of Social Work, The University of Alabama Leedy, P. & Ormrod, J. (2010). Practical research: Planning and design. New York, NY: Pearson Education Inc. Grinstead, L., Leder, S., Jensen, S., & Bond, L. (2003). Review of research on the health of caregiving grandparents. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 44(3) Pruchno, R.&McKenney, D. (2002). Psychological well-being of black and white grandmothers raising grandchildren: Examination of a two-factor model. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 57B(5), 444-452. Sun, Y. & Li, Y.(2011). Effects of family structure type and stability on children’s academic performance trajectories. Journal of Marriage and Family, 73, 541-556. U.S. Census. (2011). Facts for features: Grandparents day 2011:Sept. 11. U.S. Census Bureau News, U.S. Department of Commerce. CB11-FF.17, August 26, 2011. Convenience sampling Snowball, Organization affiliation Thank you for your time! Modified/ Noted interesting themes 3. What influences have shaped your current feelings about the future or planning for it? Transcribed Methods Research Questions Grandparent Caregivers: Making Plans for the Future Placement of Their Grandchildren 2. When you think about planning for future care of your grandchild(ren), what are your hopes and fears? “If it’s trustworthy I would. If they would do right, but you know the system.”- (Participant 5, age 60) 1. What resources do you have that will properly assist you in planning for the future care of your grandchild? Investigate surprising themes found in this data set “(I felt) obligated and wanted to because it’s all about their welfare.”- (Participant 2, age 51) “I felt obligated to step in”- (Participant 3, age 53) “It's just somebody's life, you know if you can help or if you think you can help. You may not help as much as you think you can. But if you think you can then...yea it’s just your obligation.”- (Participant 1, age 65) Overlooking Planning July 2012: Ages 51-65 Based on participant responses, a program that assisted grandparent caregivers with making legal arrangements concerning the future placement of their grandchildren would be welcomed under certain circumstances. “I guess I still have my life on hold because I still don’t care about…I just wanna make sure that he get what he need.”- ( Participant 4, age 60) Feelings of Obligation “I don't trust anyone with my children as far as like 100% other than my family.”- ( Participant 2, age 51) Pride in Role Participants screened prior to selection. Research Procedures Preliminary Findings #1 Roll Tide! Faith in Family Bonds Preliminary Findings #3 Future Invention Impact on Caregivers Measures “You just have to take a stand or do what's right or as you see is right despite your comfort or what you have to have to give up because it will be worth it in the end.”- (Participant 1, age 65) References Disrupted family structure ( Sun & Li, 2011) Higher foster care costs ( Barth, Lee, Wildfire, 2006) Preliminary Findings #2 Explore why grandparent caregivers reported to have made legal financial arrangements for their grandchildren, but not legal placement arrangements Emerging

Research Conference Presentation

Transcript: Religiosity is associated with expectations for marriage and divorce by young single adults and adolescent (Ellison, Burdette and Glenn 2011; Kapinus and Pellerin 2008). Specifically, within the United States, there is a density of religious networking that encourages positive life choices and relationships (Smith 2003). Conclusion Data and Methods Church attendance is associated with a reduction in perceived barriers to marriage (Burdette, Haynes and Ellison 2012), Conceptualize Because of the innate function of religion in a society, political front-runners, community leaders and concerned social leaders alike encourage marriage as a social institution to be saved, and in doing so, saving the tool of religious and moral transfer (Brotherson and Duncan 2004; Ogland and Hinojosa 2012). Religiosity's Effect on Views of Matrimony Questions? Next time... -Stronger scale Implications - As the definition of marriage continues to evolve, we know strength levels of religious affiliation impact it's evolution. Contributions - To the study of the relationship between religion and marriage. - To existing studies on the social factors involved in opinion development. Future Research - Use specific affiliations Hypothesis:There is a positive relationship between a person’s religiosity and their views on marriage. Data and Methods Theory - General Social Survey, 1988 I propose that self-reported highly religious individuals will have a higher regard for marriage as a union. Discussion Result (Linear Regression) - Response rate: 77.3% - Sample Size: 1481 The two concepts in this study are religiosity and marital views. Religiosity - independent variable is defined as the individuals own perception of their strength in their religious affiliation, whatever it may be. Marital views - dependent variable is defined an individual’s personal regards of marriage as a union in society. Prior Research 2 out of 5 hypothesis were supported Strengths and Weaknesses

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