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Transcript: STRENGTHS Current Best Practices Resources will become a challenge as the nursing shortage persists and resources become increasingly limited. Resources such as Health Stream has built an on-line university tailored to healthcare and has developed technology to manage, deliver and measure the use of educational content over networks. But, many nurses refuse to spend time on such resources because they are "too busy". Nurses are constantly bombarded with the "new" medical discoveries, new treatments, new technology, new rules, new equipment, new policies and procedures, new expectations, new forms, and a lot more. WEAKNESSES Great opportunities for the nursing staff is to get to know their fellow colleagues and physicians. An example would be that the hospital I work at like to set up days where physicians come and educate the staff about procedures and what to do and look for. It is a great way to get to know your physicians and get educated as well about current best practices that they prefer. THREATS Policy makers - make health care decisions based on the best evidence available. Also the decisions they make are based on what the public needs at the time and not necessarily what 'your' community needs. This would be an obstacle to overcome because nurses would have to convince policy makers that their policy needs to be implemented. OPPORTUNITIES Current best practices can be sought out from nurse leaders. Nurse leaders are clinical teachers, role models and attribute to professionalism, honesty, willingness to share knowledge and approachability. Nurses understand that the pursuit of patient quality care is dependent on their ability to engage and use nursing resources effectively. Current best practices leads to better patient care and patient satisfaction. Also, less re-admissions.

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