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Success Story Presentation Template

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Success Story

Transcript: First Round of P90x After three years of working out and dieting. Before Three years ago I changed my life with P90X. I was headed down the road to high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart attack. My eating habits were the normal “American Diet” and my physical activity consisted of getting up off the couch to go to the refrigerator. Success Story It was tough in the beginning as I was having trouble doing most of the exercises and was so sore that I could hardly get out of bed in the morning, but I was determined to get my health back and to get strong. I just kept “pushing play” and taking Tony’s advice to just “do your best and forget the rest”. I was working out in the privacy of my own home so there was no one to judge me if I was having to do pushups on my knees, or having to stop the tape to catch my breath in order to continue. What happened over the next three months was nothing short of amazing. I started to improve in all areas, by tracking my progress I would always try to just “do one more rep than the last time” and I went from doing pushups on my knees to doing clapping pushups. To having to use the chair to do just one pull-up to being able to do corncob pull-ups (you will learn about those little beauties once you start the program). I started to feel great and the weight was melting off of me. The whole family started getting healthy, even the neighbors joined in! He has changed many peoples lives by coaching them online and giving them tips! He has gotten ride of all his medicine he used to take for high blood pressure, hasn't been sick in years,recovered from a surgery, and has transformed his life in ways you could never dream! How its affected other peoples lives

Success Story

Transcript: Success Traits: My father values working, studying Parents Good life advice Julio Dellasanta Profound Statement: Being offered a job in the U.S Being married for so long (he said chuckling) Being a recognized and respected professional in his field. Family Patient Persistent Studious Honest Sociable and "playing." For as long as I've known him, he has spent day after day doing just that. He works Monday through Saturday (and often Sundays) from 6 to 7, comes home and begins studying about the new airplane he is in charge of fixing, or studying for his next leadership exam. And whenever he has a free moment, all to himself, he sends mom and I out of the house and begins playing his trumpet like he's 12 years old again. Major Influences: Major Life Events: Moving to the United States Marrying my mother The births of his three kids The births of his four grandchildren His Values: My Values: His knee surgery The language barrier I personally value food, happiness, art, consistency, and companionship. Though my values differ from my dad's he embodies what I believe in. {Connection} Bio: Major Obstacles: Julio Dellasanta, was born on December 13, 1956 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Luisa Rao and Luis Dellasanta. He spent his early childhood going to school, and playing outdoors. One of his favorite pastimes (and the source of some great anecdotes) was throwing rocks at people from the roof of his house. My father has two siblings, Adriana, who is older than him, and Luis (we call him Tati) who is younger. His "high school" years were spent going to technical school from 8AM to 6PM and learning about mechanics. When he was 20 he marries the Andrea Rico, with whom he recently celebrated his 36th anniversary. He built his own home and ran a body shop for several years, until he began working as an avionics mechanic (which just means he fixes airplanes. In 2003 he relocated to the United States, where he has lived ever since. He works for a small company in Ft. Lauderdale as team leader for a group of wonderful co-workers and friends. "Work hard, play hard." Mom- "Gilera!" Me- "I'm sorry, what?" Mom- " Harley Davidson!" Dad- "To find happiness in the simple things in life. By: Juliana Dellasanta Life If you couldn't tell from our names, Julio is my father, and my biggest role model. To me, he is the epitome of success. He comes home every night after sometimes working 18+ hours kisses my mother and gives me a hug as if his day was spent lounging around. You would never know from the smile on his face and the pep in his step that he spent hours moving engines, crawling into airplane ducts and running back and forth from hangar to hangar in 90 degree weather. He does have bad days. Days where he just wants to go straight from work to bed. Days where he doesn't want to talk. But that makes him all the more human and all the more admirable. My father is humble, and knowledgeable and the happiest man I know. If in the future I'm anything like him, I know I'll be successful. Awards/Accomplishments:

Success Template

Transcript: Zoom out for more assets Asset library B Managing stress will help you have a healthy mindset. Ways to manage stress: -Take brakes when doing work -Enagae in self relaxation -Create a routine -Connect with others -Be aware of your drinking/smoking C A To have a helthy mind you need a healthy brain. Here are points to keeping a healthy breain. -Getting enough sleep -Be physiclly active -No smoking/drugs -limit alcohol Eat well The 5 C's to having a healthy mind set- 1.Clarity: Having a clear idea of what's important. 2.Compassion: Lack of compassion towards yourslef is the biggest downfall to a healthy mindset. 3:Calmness:Keeping calm when your under pressure helps you center and reorganize yourself 4:Concentration: When you focus on what others are doing you lose track of yourslef and what's important and you get stuck. 5:Courage: Having courgae helps us take action vs procrastinating and getting stuck. B C Calanders and Organizers Your Study Space Should Meet Your Study Needs - review calendar everyday - having a desk or table would be the best option - set reminders on your phone if needed - need good lighting when reading to not force your eyes so much - checkmark everything off that you have done - try to not have a cluttered desk Having a Healthy Mindset to be Successful Long term goals A goal is somthing you want to achieve in life. The best way to do that is by following these characteristics. -Envision your future -Having time sensitivity A A Why goal setting is important Your Study Space Should Meet Your Psychological Needs - do what is most comfortable for you - working in a quiet place Goal-setting provides direction and a purpose in life, some reasons are: -Helps give a sense of direction -Provides motivation -Helps to see the bigger picture - surround yourself with people who are doing the same Be Organized to be Successful B Set Goals to be Successful Achieve your Goals After taking time to identify what goals you want to accomplish its time work you way up there. The best way to do that is, -Make your goal visible -Take action to achieve it -Identify posible obstacles -Reflect and adjust your goal as needed C A A Take notes - enhances learning effciency -promotes active listening - improves comprehension - supports goal tracking Ask questions in class - clarifys doubts - helps understanding - helps with communication skills - encourages discussion Study to be Successful Particiapte to be Successful B B Time management - reduces stress -boost confidence - increase self discipline - increases your focus Be prepared for class - able to focus on the material being presented - increases your chances for success - allows you to respond better to challenges that may occur in class C C Eliminate distractions - creates a peacful work environment - more likely to complete assignment in a shorter amount of time - reduces stress What participating can do for you- -Provides feedback -Better grades -Develops leadership -Increases confidence -Enhances communication skills Mind Mapping How To Be SUCCESSFUL

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