Transcript: Procurement Cost and resource, management , performer targets STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT stakeholders Travel department Compliance, process, savings, legal and finacial risk mitigation Events owner marketing manager, sales manager, meetings manager Application, security, impact on existing technology. training,cost ,and resource management All 0rganisation affect and are affected by the enviroment within which the operate and the people within that enviromente. This also applies to events: The many organations and individuals with whom the evente interacts - including attendees, workers, suppliers and the broader community - have an impact and are affected by decisions made in planning and delivering the event. These individuals and organisations are the event´s stakeholder. Stakeholder prespectives, the event organiser is more likely to align the event´s goal and objetives with stakeholder requirements and goals Sales and Marketing organisational growth, finane,reletionships and brand management Learning outcomes Indetify, asses, and categorize stakeholder for events Manage stakeholder activities Manage stakeholder relatonships MANAGE STAKEHOLDER RELATIOSHIPS Organisation owner CEO, Boar of directors preformance targets and meeting objectives, cost and resourse management or return on investment (ROI) compliance, proces,saving, sustainability, legal and finacial rik mitagation key are of focus Internal stake holder typically associated with events budget compliance, process, cost savings, credit authorisation, legal, and finacial risk mitagation audit event ROI organisatonal growth and sustainability, finace relationships and brand compliance, process, miniminsing legal liability minimising all risk associate with event processes Participants decision- makers Technology Legal and Risk Management Finance budget owner, trausurer , finace director, accounts department