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Snow Leopards Powerpoint

Transcript: There are up to 6,000 Snow leopards in the wild in 12 countries, but its numbers are gradually declining, with hunting and habitat loss this is just some of the reasons it is endangered. Snow leopards are endangered. Snow leopard Kingdom: Snow Leopards PowerPoint Mammalia FUN FACTS Producer Carnivora Their habitat extends throught 12 countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan,and Uzbeckistan Secondary Consumer Phylum: Panthera And here is a video :) Order: China is one of the most influental countries for our conservation efforts, as it contains as much as 60% of all snow leopards habitat areas. Fact 1: Snow leopards are up to 86-125cm long. They weight between 22-52kg, but males will be a third larger than females. Chordata Another Food chain Food Chain Evolution link Class: Numerous agencies are working to conserve the snow leopard and its threatened mountain ecosystem. These include the Snow Leopards Trust, the Snow Leopard Concervancy, the Snow Leopard Network, the Cat Specilist Group, and the Panthera Conservation. These groups and national goverments from the snowleopards range, nonprofits, and donors around the world worked together at the 10th international Snow Leopard confrence in Beijing. Family: Conservation Efforts Species: Bamboo Genus: Habitat / Biome Family Matter Taxonomy Endangered Status Felidae Fact 2: Snow leopards have wide, fur covered feet that act as snow shoes. Also these help to distrubute their weight over their soft feet and protect their soles from the freezing cold. Primary Consumer Fact 3: Unlike other big cats -like lions and tigers- snow leopards cant roar. P. uncia Animalia Giant Panda

Snow, snow snow!

Transcript: Jonathan Kosir, He Yan Set a heater beside the gutter and keep it working, so that there won't be ice formed. Pro: Ice dam will not formed Con: Expensive and complex Matrix Evaluation overnight, the calcium chloride melts the snow and ice down to the level of the roof, and the gutter and liquid follows the pathway of least resistance Cover the roof with water-proof material to make the roof thicker and stronger than before. Solution 2 Maybe a safefty hazard and you must take it up and down ` Another option is heat tape on your roofplug the end of the heat tape that has the electrical plug into the electrical socket. The electricity will travel through the tape and heat it up, thus keeping the pipes that have been wrapped from becoming cold and freezing Maybe effiency with heating costs The technology behind Helmet Heat, manufactured by Heat Trace Products LLC, is a thin, self-regulating cable that lies inside the gutter. Once it’s installed, Helmet Heat regulates itself and does not need to be turned on or off. When the temperature drops, the Helmet Heat cable heats up, melting ice or snow and preventing build-up in the gutter. When the temperature rises, the cable cools down again, saving the consumer money and energy. Gutter Helmet's patented brackets are specifically designed to carry and conceal the heat cable, leaving the exterior of the home unblemished. Solution 1 PROBLEM? Current Day Products Ice dams happen when ice melts on a roof over a heated or partially heated attic space, the melting water may refreeze over an unheated area such as a roof overhang. This re-frozen water may create a blockage or dam, forcing additional melt water to back up under shingles, causing leaks. So how do we fix this this? Safety second highest Ease of Use fifth highest Cost third highest Dangerouse fourth highest Effeciency last How well it works highest plug the end of the heat tape that has the electrical plug into the electrical socket. The electricity will travel through the tape and heat it up, thus keeping the pipes that have been wrapped from becoming cold and freezing Read more: How Does Heat Tape Work? | plug the end of the heat tape that has the electrical plug into the electrical socket. The electricity will travel through the tape and heat it up, thus keeping the pipes that have been wrapped from becoming cold and freezing Read more: How Does Heat Tape Work? | Problem with how well it work and having to take it up and down Pro: Inexpensive Easy to operate Con: Ice still exsits

snow leopard powerpoint

Transcript: endangered snow lepoard 7/3/18 Angela Carvajal Mrs. Rosales, Computer Why are they endangered? these leopards have valuable skin and are being hunted for their skin loss of prey and habitat one snow leopard is killed each day on average they’re mostly killed by local farmers humans push their livestock into the snow leopard habitat cycle of a snow leopard TEXT PICTURE PICTURE baby- helpless babies that don’t open their eyes till 7 days cub- 2-3 months old, they now begin to follow their mother’s orders & eat solid foods TIMELINE TIMELINE YEAR facts/ history their scientific name is Uncia Uncia found at altitudes of 3500 meters high fur on their belly is 5 inches thick described as shy creatures avoid humans only become aggressive when they feel threatened unique pale green or gray eyes (unusual for a feline animal who normally have gold or yellow eyes) they live in the central mountains of Asia their paws are used like snowshoes gestation period is 3-31/2 months food source most common prey they hunt for are goats and sheep they eat slowly and consumes prey for 3-4 days twice a month they hunt for large mammals gazelles, deer, wild goats, sheep, snow cocks, pikas, hares, mice, rabbits and wild boars hunt huge animals every 8-10 days average sometimes they enter a corral area and kill multiple animals life span live long as 21 years but most are being hunted and killed for their fur there’s only 4,000 and 7,500 of these felines left in this world they live in the mountains of central Asia mating season is January - March snow leopards normal do live up to 15-18 years if lucky it can be up to 21 years but die from starvation or hunting range spans from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan & Russia into India & China China contains 60% of the snow leopard habitat

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