Snow Leopards Powerpoint
Transcript: There are up to 6,000 Snow leopards in the wild in 12 countries, but its numbers are gradually declining, with hunting and habitat loss this is just some of the reasons it is endangered. Snow leopards are endangered. Snow leopard Kingdom: Snow Leopards PowerPoint Mammalia FUN FACTS Producer Carnivora Their habitat extends throught 12 countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan,and Uzbeckistan Secondary Consumer Phylum: Panthera And here is a video :) Order: China is one of the most influental countries for our conservation efforts, as it contains as much as 60% of all snow leopards habitat areas. Fact 1: Snow leopards are up to 86-125cm long. They weight between 22-52kg, but males will be a third larger than females. Chordata Another Food chain Food Chain Evolution link Class: Numerous agencies are working to conserve the snow leopard and its threatened mountain ecosystem. These include the Snow Leopards Trust, the Snow Leopard Concervancy, the Snow Leopard Network, the Cat Specilist Group, and the Panthera Conservation. These groups and national goverments from the snowleopards range, nonprofits, and donors around the world worked together at the 10th international Snow Leopard confrence in Beijing. Family: Conservation Efforts Species: Bamboo Genus: Habitat / Biome Family Matter Taxonomy Endangered Status Felidae Fact 2: Snow leopards have wide, fur covered feet that act as snow shoes. Also these help to distrubute their weight over their soft feet and protect their soles from the freezing cold. Primary Consumer Fact 3: Unlike other big cats -like lions and tigers- snow leopards cant roar. P. uncia Animalia Giant Panda