Transcript: Barriers to reaching your goal: Unrealistic goal Setting up a long term goal without short term goals along the way Giving up instead of adjusting Not fully committing to your goal Unexpected life situations Be aware of the barriers!! GOOD LUCK!!! T T A I N A B L E Example! Contract For Change Think of something you have a physical or mental bond with (texting, facebook, tv, computer or video games, pop, candy). How would you behave if you quit this for one week? 3 days? How do you think you would feel? Each day JOURNAL- Steps you are doing for success People who help or hinder progress Obstacles and how to avoid them Evaluate your progress 1. You will select one behavior from your TPC wheel that you want to change Make it a SMART goal P E C I F I C I M E Now It's YOUR TURN!! 6. Reward(s) you will have if you are successful (Be specific!) The goal should require you to stretch some, but allow you to succeed 2. List specific 2 steps you will do to reach your goal: The goal should state the time period in which it will be accomplished 3. Identify 2 specific people who will help you and explain how they will support your effort to change: Name of person 1- Name of person 2- Goals Desired achievements towards which you work and hope for Long Term- 6 months or more Short Term- less than 6 months The goal and it's benefits should be quantifiable GROUP SMART GOAL! E L E V A N T 5. Identify 1 or 2 obstacles that might prevent you from reaching your goal M E A S U R A B L E S.M.A.R.T. GOALS 4. How will you specifically measure/ evaluate your progress? The goal should be attainable given the available resources Identify a specific action or event that will take place Goal- I want to get more sleep at night. S- Instead of getting 5 hours of sleep a night, I would like to get 7 hours of sleep. M- I will record what time I go to bed and what time I wake up so I can keep track of my hours A- Instead of going to bed at 1:30am, I will go to bed at 11:30pm R- Getting 2 extra hours of sleep a night will help me get through the rest of the day. T- By Monday I will have a new night time routine set up so I will be able to be in bed by 11:30. I want to try out the routine for a week and see how it goes. I may have to adjust from there.