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Slate Presentation

Transcript: Historian Ideas for Ritual Initiation Preference Night Bid Day Pin Ceremony Big Sister/ Little Sister Initiation Rededication Service Instillation of Officers Oath of Allegiance Purchase new materials such as: Sheets, candles, band-aids (for jewelry and tattoos), and blindfolds Present "Good whites v. bad whites" with a mini fashion show at a new member meeting. Display ritual fun facts on slide at chapter meetings. Formal Entry would happen once a month with business casual attire Inform the chapter of the importance of having their phones turned off and having their full attention directed towards the new members. What I would bring to the Executive Council Preference Night Leadership and organization skills Being able to voice my opinion and ideas to the chapter Dedication to my chapter An open mind for any criticism or other ideas given by other sisters Responsibility An unbiased opinion A fun experience for all new and already initiated sisters Rituals I would make sure all paper work for events are filled out prior to the year starting I would work closely with VPII and make sure all new members are aware of Zeta Tau Alpha's hazing policy and stress the importance of it to them. I would make sure all sisters follow the bylaws and maintain zetas reputation as a good one. I would hold a risk workshop if needed I would help zeta get back to good standings with nationals Lexi DeVito- Slate Presentation The access to my own cameras would be helpful in having to take pictures at events. (Canon 2Ti, Polaroid) I would update social media as much as possible. I would have a sister spotlight every week on instagram I would make sure that every sister follows the social media contract and abides by the rules. I would have a chapter photo shoot to use for recruitment I would cross program with director of sisterhood to create a scrapbook with the whole chapter, using pictures taken throughout the year. I would strive to get a picture published in Themis Work closely with Recruitment chair to purchase a variety of candles and lights to place around the room Have speakers memorize the ritual Purchase white violets for PNM's. Have snacks and refreshments available Make sisters aware of the ritual and have a run through prior to the event. Make sure special sisters are a familiar face to the PNM Work closely with the Treasurer to figure out a way to purchase black table cloths and ZTA banners for the tables Practices will be held with the speakers once a month prior to initiation. Play the ritual CD during the ritual Inform sisters of the process Have gowns dry cleaned prior and make sure banners are wrinkle free If allowed, have flowers and candles surrounding the room. Have light snacks and refreshments available to sisters in between each round Risk Management


Transcript: Active learning Word Choice and Imagery As you read the poem for the first time, circle every use of these words: go/ goes, fade(s), decay(s) How would you describe the mood or atmosphere of this poem? Sound effects How many more negative words can you see? List them. For each one you found, write yourself a note to explain how this word has negative connotations in the way it is used here. Their heels kicked flint, chalk, slate.’ ‘My place is to pick you clean and leave your bones to the wind.’ How does this make you feel? Slate Count how many times the narrator uses the word ‘I’. In which stanza is the word ‘I’ used most? Count how many times the narrator uses the word ‘you’. In which stanza is the word ‘you’ used most? Circle any words which are new to you and for which you need an explanation. The overall message Personification 1. Two body parts named in the poem 2. Three things Scotland did Pathetic fallacy ‘I sniff a broken drum.’ ‘broken’ suggests deliberate, planned, human destruction of the homes of other human beings. Once more, just when we think the hyena is really nasty, he reminds us of how evil and dangerous we humans can be. Morgan uses present tense to make Scotland seem eternal. He makes Scotland seem mighty and powerful, even though at the time, Scotland wasn’t strong enough to get its own assembly. His message: how much Scotland matters. Don’t get delusions of grandeur; don’t start to think that you are wonderful. From there, you can take the idea in two directions. The 1979 Scottish referendum Morgan subverts a typical stereotype There are three similes in this stanza. (Remember, a simile is when one thing is compared to another using the word like or the word as.) Find the three similes and write them down What do all these similes have in common? The hyena asks four questions in the poem. the second and third questions are here in stanza 3, starting in the opening line of the stanza with ‘Do you like my song?’ This is a euphemism, a gentle way of saying something unpleasant. The last two lines of this stanza contain six very short statements. I trot I lope I slaver I am a ranger I hunch my shoulders I eat the dead The newly created Scotland is empty and hungry without us. A nation isn’t really made by geology, a nation is made by its people and by what they do. We realise that he is not really very interested in our answers . He answers the last question for us: ‘I am not laughing.’ Dramatic monologue 1. What is happening? 2. Who is speaking? 3. Are there any words you need an explanation for? Hyenas can hunt but are better known for scavenging This one seems to admit this when he tells us he is ‘a good match for a dead lion’ – he’d have no chance against a live one. Decide which of these two explanations you agree with. Spend five minutes making notes and collecting quotations from the poem to back up your chosen interpretation. Then find someone who believes the other way of looking at the poem. Try to change each other’s minds. ‘slate’ There are many ways for death to come. The End, and The Future Meeting the text The expression to kick your heels means to be waiting, perhaps impatiently. Scotland is still waiting for a better future. ‘Winter’ is a nature poem about death Morgan’s other poem ‘Hyena’ is a nature poem about death too. Word choice Word choice This poem, like ‘Hyena’ and ‘Winter’, deals with nature, or the natural environment. In this stanza we see his second use of an African word, ‘veldt’ which means an area of open grassland. He makes it sound like a forbidding place when he says that ‘The moon pours hard and cold on the veldt.’ The moon is often used in poetry to suggest romance and beauty, but by his use of ‘hard and cold’. This isn’t the romantic civilised world, it’s the hyena’s more brutal one. Sentence structure metaphor of the swan as a ‘ghost’ The first three verbs are ‘goes’, ‘decay’ and ‘dies’ word choice of ‘stark’ tells us that this scene is a barren, bleak and desolate one. Getting in Stanza 5 Hyena ‘The slave of darkness’. Has connotations of evil, as if he’s some kind of vampire or monster, something dark and horrifying. ‘The ruined places.’ Highlights the devastation caused by humans, suggesting humans can be just as evil and horrifying too. ACTIVE LEARNING Adapted from notes by Jane Cooper. This use of short statements again underlines how sure of himself, how definite, the hyena is. Some are threats too: he is slavering, his mouth is watering at the thought of eating something soon, perhaps us! This poem, like ‘Hyena’ and ‘Slate’, deals with the natural environment. In 1979 Scottish voters were offered a referendum on whether Scotland should have its own Assembly. Scotland didn’t get it. Narration Meeting the text Some readers think that the hyena himself has delusions of grandeur. He thinks he is an awesome beast, and something to be terrified of. He is a legend in his own mind. However, he is only fierce when his enemy is dead. He’s like someone

Slate Presentation

Transcript: Students showing up prepared WHAT? Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle & The Flipped Classroom Structured Questions HOW? Article Think back to that skill you learned - did it happen in a TRADITIONAL classroom? 3. Flop: Case Studies Before Class Understanding "Students have limited class time experiment with and/or fully 'transform' (know and apply) the content." Use tools to create unique content & make sure students complete things before class ? (HOW and WHEN students EXPERIENCE course content) Think/Pair/Share Ph.D. Candidate Students need to absorb and make sense out of the information (Learners REFLECT on the content) WHY? (HOW and WHEN students MAKE SENSE out of the course content) Thank You! Are there any questions at this time? Scores: Try to align "headings" and "descriptions" with appropriate score totals. HOW? WHAT? 2. Reflective Observation (it is important) What do Flipping Classrooms and Flipping Houses have in common? Use of Prezi 1. What does the FLIPPED classroom and the shows about FLIPPING houses have in common? 3. Abstract Hypothesis (Learners REFLECT on the content) (it works best) Sometimes, the best resource is one that YOU create - as long as it's short & fun In-Class Ed. Tech. Consultant Presented by: Adam Barragato Purdue University In-Class Assign (Learners REFLECT on the content) Finding the right property Know Content Taking Inventory HOW? The Before Class WHEN/WHY? Regardless, something is written or typed HOW? 3. How could you have leveraged technology to stop this from happening? (if you're not sure, that's okay)? Case Study WHEN/WHY? Archive Students ready to share something in class! 1. Concrete Experience Taking Inventory Descriptions: You want to limit your consistent characteristics to two or three, so the student is not overwhelmed and grading isn't extremely challenging. (Think/Pair/Share with your neighbor) Flop: Case Studies Self-Paced Rubric Creation What's Involved in a Flip? (Learners REFLECT on the content) Who Am I? You need GOOD resources that students will ENJOY engaging in 4. Flip: Leveraging Technology Judges make final decision. Chefs have no chance to take lessons learned from the feedback from the judges. Demolition Directions: Team up with a few other folks around you. Each team will get a different scenario. Read it together, and then answer the following questions: HOW? The two steps that REALLY Count... Biggest Take-Away ? Formative (low/no stakes) Assessment Apply Content In-Class Activities Sweat Equity Father of 2 (Learners REFLECT on the content) (Choosing the right class) (Learners EXPERIENCE the content) HOW and WHEN students hypothesize HOW to use/apply this information 2. What's involved in a FLIP (in your classroom)? 1. Why do you think this happened? (Finding/creating new, updated elements) Former Flipper Excellent Cook* "Summative assessments are used to let student know whether they 'made the cut' or not." So students show up prepared and ready to discuss their understanding Technological Tools to... Chefs see their ingredients and then are immediately expected to transform the ingredients based on their current understanding. WHY? Case Study Conclusions (cont.) (HOW and WHEN students test their hypotheses and/or apply what was learned) How can you use these tools in your class to? Active Learning Strategies 2. How would you react to this (be specific and honest)? Headings: We're looking at "understanding of a process," or where is the student at in terms of their ability to work through a complex problem? Idealist How did I Model Good Practice? Provided elements for further discussion on: Sweat Equity - - - - - - - - 4. Active Experimentation Textbook (it is important) What did we learn? Classroom EXPLAINED Staging (is the result) Workshop Time! Video Students think about how they would USE this information in the real world HOW? Chefs have Limited time/opportunities to experiment and/or transform ingredients. The traditional classroom as we know it is a LOT like.... ENFP (Learners REFLECT on the content) WHEN/WHY? Note-taking Jigsaw Rubric Design: General/Holistic (Removing outdated elements) (Creating elements: Resources and assessments) DEB DOES NOT APPROVE OF THIS.... (Selling it to your students) "Students experience content for the first time in-class and as a result may bring incorrect/preconceived notions about the content." Traditional Classroom WHEN/WHY? Case Study Conclusions (is the result) (Learners EXPERIENCE the content) (it works best) Today's Schedule *Depending on who you ask You have to do some research and dig deep - think pop culture! Students who are EXCITED coming to class, ready to discuss the big ideas! Create - Slate Conference 2017 - -Try to buy things at the lowest cost and get the highest ROI - In a flipped class, the instructor focuses on the content gives the students highest ROI -Participation is high among ALL PARTIES - provide people with OPTIONS, but people need to come prepared

SLATE Presentation

Transcript: How do you get students to feel like they are truly meeting each other in a forum? How do you make students feel part of a group? Supplemental Resources Continuous Improvement Orientation Presentation Inspirations Quick Access to Information Quick Access to Information How to ensure students see all of the information? Goals: How to ensure the presentation is accessible? How to ensure students see all of the information? Presented by... William Gutierrez Supplemental Resources Virtual Tour What other information do students need? How to disseminate information? Inspirations Multimedia Developer Components of Orientation How do we provide quick access to the content in the orientation presentation How to keep it relevant for online students? How to make it engaging? Introduce Yourself How to ensure the presentation is accessible? Supplemental Resources Tour of Virtual Resources Orientation Presentation How to replicate the on-campus tour experience? How to ensure the presentation is accessible? How to replicate the on-campus tour experience? Collect Tour of Virtual Resources Introduce Yourself How to keep students engaged? Improvements Director Instructional and Multimedia Coordinator Orientation Presentation How to make it engaging? How to keep students engaged? How to disseminate information? Sarah Fornero Introduce Interactive Online Student Orientation Zoaib Mirza Consent Form Engage How to keep it relevant for online students? Interact Improvements How to ensure the presentation is accessible?

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