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Sketch Presentation Template

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Transcript: Stem Project Madi Baldwin, Stem Class My project Why? I want it to look grand and like a beach home. My Stem Project is a Sketch-up design of my dream home. I choose this project because I thought it would be something fun to try and do I don't know if I'd want this to be my future career, but I would like to try it out as a hobby I hope by the end of this it looks beautiful, and beach-like Predictions Predictions I don't have much experience at all with this type of project, But I wanted to try it out because it seemed fun Tutorials Tutorials I found the tutorials to be mainly simple and easy but it was difficult sometimes. Some of them were even fun to do. Along with some being a little annoying but I'm glad with how it turned out. During the process of tutorials, I found somethings to be a little difficult and challenging. Challenges Challenges Format Stuff such as format and using it for the first time. First time using Sketch-up Starting the program It was a little difficult finding certain things in sketch-up because the format was different on this computer than on the videos computer that showed the tutorials. Format of Sketch-up Using sketch-up for the first time felt easy until, I had to do some of the tutorials where I found it to be difficult. Things such as making the table and using the follow me tool. But after a little bit I got used to it and I can use it well. Using Sketch-up Figuring out all the tools where a bit confusing at first, but now I find it easy. Making an account was also an easy process once I got started. The basics were all very easy to learn quickly. Starting The second tutorial I had to do was making shapes(my completed shapes down below) I found the task easy but there were some difficulties with the follow me tool but I figured it out and I think i did good. Shapes Tutorials 2nd Tutorials Sketch-up Software Learning My projects software is there are icons of the left side of the screen and you can click and change the tool you're using or you can click and already use the already selected one. Though some things were difficult it did help me learn the software and I now can use it better and understand everything. I feel like I can also do things well now. Did it help? Learning The tutorials for the most part were easy, though some I had a little trouble with. Some were difficult because certain things were not working perfectly or was complicated to do. Difficulties Tutorials I found this tutorial to be difficult but I learned it eventually. The tutorials did help me understand how to use the software. It made me aware of what certain tools did, and helped me make certain projects easier. Did it help? Does it help? Now that I am working on one of my final projects, I really like the design of my project though before I finished it, I decided to redo it because I thought I could do something better, and I didn't like it as much anymore. Design #1 Design #1 I am very glad though that I changed my project because I like the new design more. My design has pretty much completely changed. I personally think it looks a ton better now. When I was almost finished with the project I decided to redo it since I didn't like it anymore. Changed How the design changed Here is my finished design. Now that I have been working on my final project, the design is changing and I really like how its turned it out. Design #2 Design #2 I changed how I was building it, again I found a lot of difficulties with my first idea so I redid it and I really like it. I found that doing the second floor was difficult but I figured it out. The plans I have for my final project is a big and beautiful beach home. I had hopes that it would turn out well and I really like it. Final Project Plans Final Project Toward the end of the project I scraped the whole thing because of a big mistake I had made whilst doing it. I'm happy with my decision but the only thing I would change now is the dimensions. Changes Changes I had, a couple of problems and difficulties but in the end I like how it turned out. Final Project Final Project I think my project turned out well, I like the way it looks and I think I did a good job at it. Reflection Reflections I have almost finished my project the exterior is done, but I am not planning on doing the interior, because I don't have enough time to. The project was pretty easy for the most part but I had some problems with the roof and windows. Though I had fun doing this for a project, but I don't want it for a career or hobby. It was at some moments really difficult and hard to work with, It was fun but not fun enough. If I had to redo anything about this project it would probably be the roof though I actually kinda like how it turned out

CIS673 Sketch Presentation

Transcript: Validation time constant among iterations, sharp increase towards the end all but two under 25 iterations Richer holes built on top of ??: regular expressions: {x | y} = z {+ | -} {1 | 2 | 3}; loop constructs: repeat(??) { ... } generator functions: ... {return ??;} solver: MiniSAT CIS673@UPenn - Dec 11, 2012 Boolean formulas by unwinding loops and recursions, then converting to predicated code log2_varloop vs log2: 8 loop iterations instead of 6 References A.V. tries to find an input x' such that Time Outs bit[W] logcount (bit[W] in) implements countBits { bit[W] tmp=in; int cnt=0; repeat(??) { bit[W] m = ??; tmp=(tmp & m) + (tmp>>?? & m); assert cnt++ < 5; } return tmp; } Counter Example Guided Inductive Synthesis underlying randomness: "bad" set of counterexamples slows the synthesizer down significantly Memory Consumption CEGIS There exists a small set E of representative inputs such that : Yannis Mantzouratos I.S. tries to find a control c such that SKETCH is much more intuitive to the end user Detailed Statistics: merge_sort Decidable, but between NP and PSPACE five runs per experiment, medians presented BUT reasonable times only for low (toy) bounds QBF Translation Sketch S: a partial program Introduction log2_varloop timed out during that transition point Resolution Time ... because of that last iteration again! AMD Athlon X3 455 at 3.3 GHz with 1.5MB of L2 cache and 16GB of memory log2, log2_varloop: logarithm of 32 bit integer n in logn operations. SKETCH resolves two masks and a shift amount in a loop, as well as a loop count. logcount: number of set bits in 16 bit vector n in logn operations. merge_sort: 3 bit integers, recursion depth of 3. SKETCH decides from which sub-array we should choose an element during the merge operation. list_reverse: SKETCH synthesizes two loop counts (bounded by 3 and 5), two regular expressions within each of the loops, and a while loop conditional. Bounded Observation Hypothesis karatsuba_harder vs karatsuba: integer holes and inputs 5 bits long instead of 2 Most time consumed in synthesis Results Benchmark Suite iterations are not proportional to the number of control bits 16 sketches involving: bit manipulations (compress, log2, log2_varloop, logcount, morton, parity), integer manipulations (karatsuba, karatsuba_harder, table_based_addition, xpose), data structures (enqueue, list_reverse, set_test), high level decisions (merge_sort, partition, pollard) Larger counterexamples, bugs triggered later, more difficult SAT clauses Runs 3 and 4 died during transition All but two under 250MB, all under 500MB Int: integer size (bits), In: total input bits, Ctrl: total control bits, Iter: iterations, Synth: synthesis time (seconds), Valid: validation time (seconds), RAM in megabytes. CEGIS figure reproduced from [1] Synthesis time displays a "phase transition" void reverseSK(ref list l){ node tmp1 = null; node tmp2 = null; int t=??; assert t<3; repeat(t){ {| (tmp1 | tmp2 | l.head)(.next)? |} = {| (tmp1 | tmp2 | l.head)(.next)? |}; } while({| (tmp1 | tmp2 | l.head)(.next)? (== | !=) null |}){ int q = ??; assert q < 5; repeat(q){ {| (tmp1 | tmp2 | l.head)(.next)? |} = {| (tmp1 | tmp2 | l.head)(.next)? |}; } } } In Detail Sample Sketch Detailed Statistics: logcount Validation time dominates synthesis by orders of magnitude Unexpected: Synthesis times increase sharply Elementary integer hole: ?? In my opinion, still a long way to use it in real life Detailed Statistics: log2, log2_varloop CEGIS - Bounded Observation Hypothesis time out: 1 hour; optimization level 6 The Sketches Configuration Expected: Validation times increase, but kindly SKETCH defines correctness only in terms of harness Increasing Test Bounds Two SAT solvers in a "generate/validate" loop If S is equivalent to P on E, then S is equivalent to P on all inputs The Tool loop unrolling: 8; recursion depth: 5; integer size: 5 bits Synthesizer: complete S to be equivalent to P on all inputs For control input c and original input x: karatsuba_harder and log2_varloop consistently timed out, logcount 2 out of 5 Symbolic Holes Example: list_reverse Specification P: a reference implementation performed well in most experiments Software Synthesis with SKETCH Conclusions Intuition behind manual testing, checking common and few corner cases

YPI Presentation - SKETCH

Transcript: Thank you for listening! Kim Le, Stacy Ma, Emilie Tamtik, Diana Zakinov Taken on for: events, office administration, program facilitation, etc Depends on what's needed at the moment Artist volunteers twice a week Help with: program facilitation, teaching workshops, assisting the program coordinators Open studio Theater and arts projects Wood work Community gardens Music recording studios Movement Impact on the Community How Did It Start? Video What is Sketch? Non-profit organization For homeless/disadvantaged youth Focuses on the arts Day in a Life of Volunteer Use your own imagination and creativity to express yourself Make sure others' voices are heard Encourage others Create a safe environment for others to express themselves The services and programs offered: Founded in 1996 by current Artistic Director Phyllis Novak Project-based initiative Creative discovery Skills development Diversity, equity & inclusion Leadership Day in a Life of a SKETCH Worker You can make a difference! Values BTS Contribution Supporters & Connections How You Can Help connect and build communities create new ways to solve problems create a leeway for innovation encourage collaboration and leadership What the community helpers do Art and creativity can... Where Will the Money Go? Admin Team: office tasks Communications Team: social media & website Program Team: facilitate programs & workshops YPI Presentation: SKETCH $25 - Vending exhibition entry fee for one participant $50 - Drawing session for a new participant $75 - Mural painting session for a youth $100 - Community gardening and urban farming for 15 youth $300 - 10 youth participate in guest arts workshops $400 - One nutritious meal for 80 youth $500 - Workshop facilitation training for one woman $750 - Produces a five-track album for one youth $1400 - Employs one youth as a community artist for one month Programs Offered Community partnerships Government & provincial support Local support Funding

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