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Seo Powerpoint Template

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SEO EDEAL Template

Transcript: SEO BY FOUNTAIN DIGITAL Questions What is SEO? What is SEO? What is your current understanding of SEO? Increase online visibility Drive more traffic to your site Generate more leads SEO - Key points for success Key Points for Success What are the strategies that make up a good SEO campaign? Who is your audience? Who is your customer avatar? 2 1 3 What do they type into Google? - Keywords - Market research Who is searching for your services? (gender, age, etc) - Google Analytics - Social Insights - Market research Does your website attract your desired customer? - Style of website - Tone of content - B2B or B2C Is your website up to scratch? Is your website SEO ready? Fresh & relevant content Navigation Responsive on all devices Website speed Contact forms Domain authority Internal & external links Desired Results What do you want to achieve? Be clear on what services you want to target How are you going to measure results? Are there specific locations you want to target? Making SEO work for you Lets talk about your SEO Does your website bring you in leads? Keyword Research & Competitor Analysis The Importance of Keywords 2 3 1 Which keywords do you rank for and which ones do you need to work on? Look at your competitors headings & meta titles & descriptions What keywords have the highest search volume & lowest competition? On-Site SEO Optimising elements on your website Meta titles & descriptions Content - unique & keyword rich (but avoid keyword stuffing) Headings - H1, H2, H3, H4. H5 Optimise images (between 150 - 200kb), name alt texts Off-Site SEO SEO actions taken outside of your website Link Building Social Networking Google My Business High domain directories External sites Guest blogging Facebook, Instagram... Regular posting Link to website Powerful free tool Match details to those on website Get reviews Post regularly

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