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Transcript: Jimi Hendrix Drawing (Bigger version): Senior Year. Arnold Palmer: Junior Year. I Have always loved art since i was a little kid. The reason i loved it so much was because my grandma loved art and she would always buy me little arts and crafts things that i could do. she would have me paint chairs and other furniture with her. As i got older into middle school i took drawing and painting. i didn't really start out drawing that well until i got into high school, and even now I think I'm mediocre. When i was a sophmore I liked to do a lot of Par 5 designs. Par 5 inspired me and all of my friends to make really cool designs for the filming group that we had. Almost every design we made was involved with skiing and or snowboarding. Junior year was very similar. A lot of my designs were skiing related. My senior year was a lot different. As for the skiing, to my it was a really crappy season and I personally didn't really even want to go up. As for the school part of my senior year, i started off really bumpy in my first semester and got into some trouble, slacked off in school. I ended up failing two classes. I went from having five classes my first semester and having an early out every other day, to having a full schedule and night school every Monday and Wednesday. Now as it has come to the end of year, i have pulled my stuff together. I got done with night school early, i have good grades in all my classes, and I'm ready to graduate and start my life. Jimi Hendrix Drawing: Senior Year. New Retro Scratch Board: Sophomore Year. Pablo Cruise: Sophomore Year. Final: Junior Year. Arnold Palmer: Junior Year. Par 5 Design: Sophomore Year. Par 5 sweatshirt: Junior Year. JP GARNER Drawing by Roy Reagan Screen Printing: Me Sophomore Year. Skier Shirt: Junior Year. Nike 6.0 Owl: Junior Year Nike Shirt: Sophmore Year.

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