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Transcript: ASL Topic 1 ~ asl is not~ asl is not all different but asl is american sign language and Bsl is british sign language too like sign language in Spain it would be called ssl spain sign language. It is a normal way of life for deaf people It's like english there born into it so it's nothing weird of new to them. But life is has its challenges, many of them. Like if u talk to fat of weird even though they have hearing aids it does not fix everything if u switch topics is can confuse them and talking extra loud can do nothing but hurt their ears. all different but asl is american sign language and Bsl is british sign language too like sign language in Spain it would be called ssl spain sign language. It is a normal way of life for deaf people It's like english there born into it so it's nothing weird of new to them. But life is has its challenges, many of them. Like if u talk to fat of weird even though they have hearing aids it does not fix everything if u switch topics is can confuse them and talking extra loud can do nothing but hurt their ears. ~ asl is not all different but asl is american sign language and Bsl is british sign language too like sign language in Spain it would be called ssl spain sign language. It is a normal way of life for deaf people It's like english there born into it so it's nothing weird of new to them. But life is has its challenges, many of them. Like if u talk to fat of weird even though they have hearing aids it does not fix everything if u switch topics is can confuse them and talking extra loud can do nothing but hurt their ears. ~ asl is not all different but asl is american sign language and Bsl is british sign language too like sign language in Spain it would be called ssl spain sign language. It is a normal way of life for deaf people It's like english there born into it so it's nothing weird of new to them. But life is has its challenges, many of them. Like if u talk to fat of weird even though they have hearing aids it does not fix everything if u switch topics is can confuse them and talking extra loud can do nothing but hurt their ears. ~ asl is not all different but asl is american sign language and Bsl is british sign language too like sign language in Spain it would be called ssl spain sign language. It is a normal way of life for deaf people It's like english there born into it so it's nothing weird of new to them. But life is has its challenges, many of them. Like if u talk to fat of weird even though they have hearing aids it does not fix everything if u switch topics is can confuse them and talking extra loud can do nothing but hurt their ears. ~ asl is not all different but asl is american sign language and Bsl is british sign language too like sign language in Spain it would be called ssl spain sign language. It is a normal way of life for deaf people It's like english there born into it so it's nothing weird of new to them. But life is has its challenges, many of them. Like if u talk to fat of weird even though they have hearing aids it does not fix everything if u switch topics is can confuse them and talking extra loud can do nothing but hurt their ears. ~ asl is not all different but asl is american sign language and Bsl is british sign language too like sign language in Spain it would be called ssl spain sign language. It is a normal way of life for deaf people It's like english there born into it so it's nothing weird of new to them. But life is has its challenges, many of them. Like if u talk to fat of weird even though they have hearing aids it does not fix everything if u switch topics is can confuse them and talking extra loud can do nothing but hurt their ears. ~ asl is not all different but asl is american sign language and Bsl is british sign language too like sign language in Spain it would be called ssl spain sign language. It is a normal way of life for deaf people It's like english there born into it so it's nothing weird of new to them. But life is has its challenges, many of them. Like if u talk to fat of weird even though they have hearing aids it does not fix everything if u switch topics is can confuse them and talking extra loud can do nothing but hurt their ears. ~ asl is not all different but asl is american sign language and Bsl is british sign language too like sign language in Spain it would be called ssl spain sign language. It is a normal way of life for deaf people It's like english there born into it so it's nothing weird of new to them. But life is has its challenges, many of them. Like if u talk to fat of weird even though they have hearing aids it does not fix everything if u switch topics is can confuse them and talking extra loud can do nothing but hurt their ears. ~ asl is not all different but asl is american sign language and Bsl is british sign language too like sign language in Spain it would be called ssl spain sign language. It is a normal way of life for deaf people It's like english there born into it so it's nothing

ART Template

Transcript: Intrauterine Insemination Sperm Washing Image via Sydney Morning Herald. A Fertilization & Zygote Technology Evaluation of Sperm Washing in Reducing the Risk HCV Transmission to the New Born Embryo Cryopreservation Insemination & Transfer Technology Trophectoderm Biopsy If you are in this situation, are you willing to sacrifice these lives at the expense of a "designer baby"? Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Sperm Banking Savasi et al (2014) Mutation-free baby born from a MELAS carrier after blastocyst tropectoderm preimplantation genetic diagnosis Heindryckx et al, 2014 Application of Asissted Reproductive Technology in Disease Prevention What is MELAS? MELAS is a condition that affects many of the body's systems, particularly the brain and nervous system (encephalo-) and muscles (myopathy). Signs and symptoms: muscle weakness and pain recurrent headaches loss of appetite vomiting seizures. stroke-like episodes Human Reproduction Gametic Intrafallopian Transfer Semen Fractions Fallopian Tube Obstruction Surgery Vas Deference Obstruction Surgery MELAS Gene What is HCV? Objectives Reproductive Surgery Assisted Reproductive Health (ART) Disease Prevention Semen Technology After performing PGD-TE, only one blastocysts is selected and transferred into the mother's womb and the rest are eliminated. Consequently, these culled blastocyst have life already. Fertility Medication and Surgery Hormone Induction Be wise enough to decide... Zygotic Intrafallopian Transfer Reproductive Health Technology: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) AA HCV+ HVC- ART Should HCV Discordant couple with seropositive male partner be treated with ART? Since the presence of HCV in semen implies a possible risk of nosocomial contamination, safety regulation must be strictly applied in assisted reproduction laboratories. nucleus


Transcript: Culture is key The dorms 5 6 Close quarters isn't good Ideas for the future Djarragun College The students have asked that the boys and girls dormetories are put further apart. The close range of them causes disruptions to students and staff, also the parents aren't happy with the situation. Naming rooms in language All the students want is to be proud of the college they study in. Cultural exchanges with other colleges and schools Cultural and language classes for students and staff Students artistic presentation More Trees 1 Shade and Nature The students are passionate about art. Facilities for art lessons and work would be highly valued. On rainy days the art room is closed and the students go to the Library. The students would like more trees and plants around the college. They find the school too hot and sunny during breaks and free time. Also, having the students involved in the gardening creates ownership and responsibility. They want to be proud of the college. Covered Walkways & Seating The torrential rain disrupts teaching and learning. More covered walkways between classrooms and main areas will help the students and teachers for better learning outcomes. There is only one covered seating spot in the whole college. Edible Garden 2 Potatoes, Blueberries, Cucumbers & Carrots Playground The Horticulture Vegetable Garden Ngak Min Garden Students have asked for more gardens to grow and eat fresh food. Perfectly placed by the college Dining Room, seasonal fruit and vegetables are preferred. Holistic health is important for the students and their families. Ngak Min Garden Fun-based Learning More equipment 4 Ideas for consideration A big playground with swings, trampolines and other fun-based equipment would be great for the students. Physical activity is important for them and would help with the students to create a happy environment. A football ground is highly recommended too. The pool needs to be covered and turned into an indoor pool. Also, students have asked that towles be bought as there are none at the moment. 3 Chicken Farm Music Room with instruments Game Room

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