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Transcript: getting to know a slide presentation Tips in Creating Presentation 5. A Microsoft Office PowerPoint template is a pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides that you save as a .potx file. Templates can contain layouts, theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects, background styles, and even content. It uses graphical approaches to presentations in the form of slide shows that accompany the oral delivery of the topic. What is Microsoft PowerPoint? 1. Task pane in powerpoint is found on the right of powerpoint presentation and displays so many option like getting started, powerpoint help, slide, new presentation, design templates, color schemes, animation schemes.Task Pane can be added using 'View -> Toolbars -> Taskpane' from the menu bar. Its HISTORY It is originally designed by the Macintosh and its first release is called the PRESENTER. This is developed by Dennis Austin and Thomas Rudkin of Forethought, Inc. In 1987, it is renamed into PowerPoint due to the problem of trademarks. 2. A PowerPoint template is a pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides that you save as a .potx file. Templates can contain layouts, theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects, background styles, and even content. You can create your own custom templates and store them, reuse them, and share them with others 4.Web PowerPoint template is a light free template for PowerPoint presentations that you can download for web projects or Internet projects as well as Internet PowerPoint presentations. The Parts of MS PowerPoint It is a program designed in creating presentations. It is debated to be beneficial for it is widely among different industries especially in both business and academics. And it is the most effective tool in lectures and seminars. 1. New Presentation Task Pane 2. Design Template 3. Templates with suggested content 4. Template on Web 5. Template The Microsoft Power Point 3. A TE000127939 has all the elements of a design template plus a suggested outline for the presentation. You apply a content template when you first create a presentation, through the AutoContent Wizard. What are its elements? All About Power Point By this program, it allows user to choose the type of layout content in creating Presentations Familiarize the usages of the program Allow yourself to operate rather than letting others do it for yourself. In making presentations, choose slide designs that will make your viewers be interested on your topic

Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation

Transcript: Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation How to make a PowerPoint Slides How to make a PowerPoint Slides Open Microsoft PowerPoint. If a page with templates doesn't automatically open, go to "File" at the top left of your screen and click "New Presentation". To use a template, either click the "Design" tab or go to "File" again and click "New from Template". Insert a new slide by clicking on the "Home" tab and then the "New Slide" button. Consider what content you want to put on the slide, including heading, text, and imagery. Keep the amount of text under 6-8 lines (or 30 words) at a minimum of size 24 pt. Add images by clicking "Insert" and clicking the "Picture" icon. Add other elements by using features in the "Home" and "Insert" tabs on the top ribbon. Play around with the layout by dragging elements around with your mouse. How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation How to make a PowerPoint Presentation Open a blank presentation again or start from one you've already created. Open a blank presentation again or start from one you've already created. Choose a "theme" or create your own. Choose a "theme" or create your own. Create a variety of slides for different purposes. Create a variety of slides for different purposes. A Title Slide A Title Slide An agenda or table of contents slide An agenda or table of contents slide A slide that introduces the speaker A slide that introduces the speaker Various content slides Various content slides Use the Duplicate Slides feature to save you time. Use the Duplicate Slides feature to save you time. Add transitions to your slides (optional). Add transitions to your slides (optional). Add animations to your slides (optional). Add animations to your slides (optional). Save your presentation. Example 2 Save your presentation. Example 2 Run your presentation. Run your presentation. Advance the slides. Advance the slides. PowerPoint Presentation Tips PowerPoint Presentation Tips Don't let PowerPoint decide how you use PowerPoint. Don't let PowerPoint decide how you use PowerPoint. Create custom slide sizes. Create custom slide sizes. Write text with your audience in mind. Write text with your audience in mind. Make sure all of your objects are properly aligned. Make sure all of your objects are properly aligned. Use "Format Menus" to better control your objects' designs. Use "Format Menus" to better control your objects' designs. Take advantage of PowerPoint's shapes. Take advantage of PowerPoint's shapes. Create custom shapes. Create custom shapes. Crop images into custom shapes. Crop images into custom shapes. NEXT PowerPoint Presentation Tips Present websites within PowerPoint. Present websites within PowerPoint. Try Using GIFs. Try Using GIFs. Keep it simple. Keep it simple. Embed your font files. Embed your font files. Save your slides as JPEGs. Save your slides as JPEGs. Embed multimedia. Embed multimedia. Bring your own hardware. Bring your own hardware. Edit your slide template design. Edit your slide template design. Make your own PowerPoint Presentation Homework


Transcript: Changing the Way We Speak, Starting with Those in Power Ashley Halleck Preface I am not assuming that President Trump is sexist himself, because I do not know what lives in his heart. I do however know that the man holding one of the most powerful positions in the world making sexist remarks is extremely problematic. It not only reienforces stereotypes, it reaffirms that women are second class citizens next to men. Preface Changing the way that we talk about women, is a simple step th... Changing the way that we talk about women, is a simple step that we all can take to work toward gender equality. In, Night to His Day, Lorber asserted, "Social statuses are carefully constructed through prescribed through teaching, learning, emulation, and enforcement" (Lorber, 2014). When people hear the President of the United States belittling women and making them seem inferior next to men, it reinforces the notion that we are a lesser beings. People in positions of power have a substabtial influence on the way that we think. We need to be present, possibly more today than ever. Feminism is the fight for equality of genders on a social, political, and economic level. Using a feminist frame to analyze comments made by President Trump, it is clear that there is still unjust attitudues toward women. Although it is hard to keep up with current events, specifically within our administration, it is important to pay attention. Comment 1 (Bahdaur, 2017) Comment 1 Why is this problematic? Trump is attacking Brzezinksi on her apperance. Though Trump has been cited attacking men based on their apperance, it is much less common than him attacking a women based on their apperance. Trump was cited in his book How to Get Rich, "It's certainly not groundbreaking news that the early victories by the women on The Apprentince were, to a very larg extent dependent on their sex appeal" (Bahdaur, 2017). A women's worth is not dependent on what she looks like. Trump is using these words as a weapon of humiliation, he sought to discredit an established journalist because he did not agree with her political views. Why is this problematic? Comment 2 When discussing a line of questioning by Meygn Kelly, Trump said that Kelly had a crazy line of questioning. Trump was quoted saying that she had, "blood coming out of her eyes" and "blood coming out of her whatever" (Ghits 2017). Comment 2 Why is this problematic? Women are frequently framed as inferior physcially, and mentally unstable because of menstruation. Labeling women as 'crazy' has been a trend for hundreds of years. Highlighting these differences publicly creates a further social divide between men and women. Why is this problematic? Comment 3 Trump and Melania went on a visit of French museums. Trump was also caught telling Briggette Trogneux, the French First Lady,"You know, you're in such good shape" (Ghits. 2017). Comment 3 Why is this a problem? Deborah Tannen in, There is No Unmarked Women, said "Tannen's analysis shows how what men do is implicitly considered the norm in society, and so is relatively neutral, while women's difference inevitably marks them" (Tannen, 499). Apparently, Macron's figure marked her. The way that we sexualize and value women's body's needs to be stopped. There was no reason that this comment needed to be made. As Jessica Abrahams explained in her article, The Everyday Feminism Project, it is comments like these that prompted the beginning of what some are calling the fourth wave feminism movement (Abrahams, 2017). Why is this a problem? Why is Feminism Important? Feminist theory is important and not only about women, it is about the world. Feminism is rooted in political movements for equality, freedom, and justice (Ferguson, 2017). There are specific questions of activism that come from this need for social justice. This starts with the way that we speak about people, and the way that we allow others to speak about people. Activism starts at home, with how you speak to your freinds and family. Make a point to call out sexist and marked language when you hear it. Speak out against inequality. Why is Feminism Important? 1) Ask yourself if you are using marked language 2) Ask yourself if your joke is still 'funny' when you use a different gender in it 3) Ask yourself if what you are saying is overtly offensive to anyone in the room because of their gender 4) Be polite, and considerate to everyone How to Avoid Sexist Language

Creating and Opening Presentation

Transcript: PowerPoint files are called presentations. Whenever you start a new project in PowerPoint, you'll need to create a new presentation, which can either be blank or from a template. You'll also need to know how to open an existing presentation. When beginning a new project in PowerPoint, you'll often want to start with a new blank presentation. A template is a predesigned presentation you can use to create a new slide show quickly. Templates often include custom formatting and designs, so they can save you a lot of time and effort when starting a new project. Compatibility Mode disables certain features, so you'll only be able to access commands found in the program that was used to create the presentation. For example, if you open a presentation created in PowerPoint 2003, you can only use tabs and commands found in PowerPoint 2003. If you want access to all PowerPoint 2016 features, you can convert the presentation to the 2016 file format. Whenever you create a new presentation in PowerPoint, you'll need to know how to save in order to access and edit it later. As with previous versions of PowerPoint, you can save files to your computer. If you prefer, you can also save files to the cloud using OneDrive. You can even export and share presentations directly from PowerPoint. Save: When you create or edit a presentation, you'll use the Save command to save your changes. Save As: You'll use this command to create a copy of a presentation while keeping the original. It's important to save your presentation whenever you start a new project or make changes to an existing one. If you don't want to use OneDrive, you may be frustrated that OneDrive is selected as the default location when saving. If you find this inconvenient, you can change the default save location so This PC is selected by default. PowerPoint automatically saves your presentations to a temporary folder while you are working on them. If you forget to save your changes or if PowerPoint crashes, you can restore the file using AutoRecover. PowerPoint presentations are saved in the .pptx file type. However, there may be times when you need to use another file type, such as a PDF or PowerPoint 97-2003 presentation. PowerPoint makes it easy to share and collaborate on presentations using OneDrive. To convert a presentation To create a new presentation from a template To save a presentation Sharing presentations IntroDuction Save and Save As Using AutoRecover To change the default save location To create a new presentation Compatibility Mode Introduction Exporting presentations

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