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Sand Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Sea Sand Sand is ubiquitous. It makes up most beach and river deposits. Sand is concentrated by selective transport. Sand is left at beaches at the finer clay particles are washed out to sea. A medium sized river takes about a million years to transport a sand grain 100 million downstream. Naturally arid climatic and soil conditions that create conditions favorable for wind and water erosion. Sufi Produced from river streams and banks Fine in quality unlike pit sand. Has rounded grains generally in white-grey colour. Has many uses in the construction purpose such as plastering. Taken from seas shores Brown colour with fine circular grains. Avoided for the purpose construction of concrete structure and in engineering techniques because it contains salt which tends to absorb moisture from atmosphere and brings dampness. Eventually cement also loses its action when mixed with sea sand that is why it is only used for the local purpose instead of structural construction. SAND! Sand Composition And Shape Most sand is make of quartz. Resistant to weathering. The farther from its source rock a sand is, the closer it is to pure quartz. But many "dirty" sands contain feldspar grains, tiny bits of rock (lithics), or dark minerals. In few places, black basalt lava breaks down into black sand (almost pure lithics. In even fewer places, green olivine is concentrated to form green sand beaches. River Sand Fifi Lack of “baseline” data that would allow comparisons of pre-mining and active mining conditions for air and water quality. A loose granular subtances, typically pale yellowish brown, resulting erosion of siliceous and other forming a major consistent of beaches, river bed, sea bed and deserts. cont'd... Properties Of Sand Classified under coarse sand. Also called badarpur in common language. This type of coarse sand is produced from deep pits of abundant supply Generally in red-orange colour. Sharp, angular and certainly free from salts Mostly employed in concreting. Particle Size and Distribution - The source rock and weathering transportation history of a sand usually results in a particle size distribution that can be characteristics of a sample. Surface Texture - The surface of a sand grain can vary between being smooth to frosted (Smooth indicates chemical reaction and frosted indicates wind action) Types Of Sand Complications in urban areas caused by numerous sources of air pollution. Jiha Dini cont'd... Pit Sand (Coarse Sand) THANK YOU! ^_^ Que By : Shear Failure Characterizing Properties of Sand Nadia


Transcript: Past Present Even though our time living is miniscule compared to the time we spend dead, we always make an impact on the human race. Similar to the movement of sand on a desert, we move place to place like a traveler settling in one location to another. Humans discover and travel leaving their marks on the rest of humanity from the ground we step on to the air we breathe. With time, sand slowly covers up the older sand burying it deep much like how human generations take the place of older generations. Future “Sand grains bang about in deserts and wear down their angles.” (Dillard 101) "Air routinely carries intimate fragments of rug, dung, carcasses, leaves and leaf hairs, coral, coal, skin, sweat, soap, silt, pollen, algae, bacteria, spores, soot, ammonia, and spit, as well as 'salt crystals from ocean white-caps, dust scraped off distant mountains, micro bits of cooled magma blown from volcanoes and charred microfragments from tropical forest fires.'" (Dillard 124) Theme “Mostly, the continents’ streams and rivers make sand. Streams, especially, and fast rivers bear bouncing rocks that knock the earth, and break themselves into sharp chips of sand.” (Dillard 67) “Time had stuffed Peking man, and all his pomps and works, down a red fissure in a blue cave wall at Zhoukoudian.” (Dillard 146) “Under that wall’s foundation, he learned over years of digging, was another high wall, and—oops—another, and another.” (Dillard 125) “New sand is young and sharp.” (Dillard 100) Sand “Mostly, waves and longshore currents spread river sand coastwise, and longshore currents spread river sand coastwise, and waves fling it back at the continents’ feet.” (Dillard 68)


Transcript: Manipulation of sand SAND Did you know how sand is uses in the real life ? You can find sand in: .beach .mountains .gardens .some plant .desserts .soil .etc Properties of sand Glass is formed by heating sand to its melting point, objects are then either cost or blown to their desired shape and allowed to cool slowly, glass is made from a mixture of sand and other materials. NO! Liquid to glass . As glass . Playing with sand . Filling our beaches . Making Sand Art .making sand castles . Investigating Experiments with sand . Helping Animals live How sand is changing the states DATE: 24th September,2013 More interesting facts Where can we find sand? SAND credits Eugene Elizabeth Ken From rock to sand Sand is made from rock it can be made in to glass too. Sand grains range from 8/10,000 to 8/100. When waves and rocks bash into each other, the rock will break into little pieces and make sand. In usual life we goes to the beach and play with the sand. There are more than no one knows of how much sand are in the world, sand is a natural use. NO! YES! Sand are rough, they are really small, no two sand grains look the same. They are dull and opaque, although it feels very soft it is actually really hard. Manipulation of sand When waves and rocks bash into each other, the rock will break into little pieces and make sand. Glass is used every day, we use it to drink water. We also use it to make windows and to make life much more beautiful. We also use it to make mirrors. Reference that we used When do we use sand in the real world How sand is changing states CREATED BY: Elizabeth,Eugene &Ken when you heat sand over 1,500 degrees the sand will start to go liquid. There is some sand in soils and plants. Sand is a very easy word to find around the world. We always see sand everyday. A grain of sand might be under your shoes. YES! What is sand beach When the sand is melted, you will put the sand in a mixture with other materials and cool it before carving it into the shape of glass. Did you know ? How glass is used? Sand into Liquid Photographs of sand being used in real life. Physical or Chemical change We use Wikipedia encyclopedia, brain pop, wiki answer, Britannica, ks2 bitesize and woodland NO! TEAM: Elizabeth,Eugene &Ken Making glass is a chemical change because it was sand and the state of glass has changed. When rock is changed to sand it is a physical change because sand is still part of the rock.

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