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Rubric Template For Powerpoint Presentation

Create your presentation by reusing a template from our community or transition your PowerPoint deck into a visually compelling Prezi presentation.

Rubric for Hero Presentation

Transcript: Grading the Prezi Presentation 20 pts. -- Well rehearsed with smooth delivery that captivated the audience. Outstanding quality. Excellent audience engagement (making eye contact w/ most of class) w/ few stumbles & an audible voice. 12 pts. -- Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that held the audience's attention most of the time. Very good connection with audience. (You made good eye contact with class members.) 10 pts. -- Delivery was not smooth but it held the interest of the audience most of the time. Average quality. Engagement w/ audience needed improvement. 5 pts. -- Delivery was not smooth and audience's attention was often lost. Poor engagement with audience (making little to no eye contact with class members. Works Cited Rubric - 100 points. 20 pts. -- Made excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc., to enhance the presentation. Typeface colors and sizes were visually pleasing and large enough to read. Used four design principles throughout. 15 pts. -- Made very good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc., to enhance presentation. Typeface choices usually visually pleasing and legible. Used at least three design principles most of the time. 10 pts. -- Made use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc., but occasionally these detracted from the presentation. Followed two design principles w/ inconsistent effects. 5 pts. -- Made use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc., but these often distracted from the presentation. Followed one design principle. Presentation Organization 10 pts. -- All research articles, images, and video sources were listed in proper MLA format. 8 pts. -- Most, but one or two research articles, images, and video sources were listed in MLA format. 5 pts. -- Some research articles, images, and video sources were listed, but others were not. Some sources not in proper MLA format. 0 pts. -- No sources were cited. Works Cited page missing. Content Graphic Design 20 pts. -- Content was well organized according to the required topics. Covers all aspects. 16 pts. -- Content was well organized but not fully responding to the required topics. Covers most aspects. 13 pts. -- Content was organized but some pieces seemed out of place. 8 pts. -- There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just many facts and not much analysis. 30 pts. -- In depth coverage with details and examples. Subject knowledge was excellent. You covered all of the required aspects in excellent and balanced detail. 24 pts. -- Included essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appeared to be very good. You fully covered all but one or two of the topics, which were hinted at, but not fully described. 20 pts. -- Included essential information, but many areas needed detailed information and/or you failed to address several topics. 10 pts. -- Included minimal information and you answered only one or two of the topics. Information was not balanced: too much detail on one or two aspects and not enough on others.

Presentation Rubric

Transcript: Your task Multimedia Plagiarism is a major concern. You may use quotes from your sources, but nothing longer than a phrase or sentence, and only for effect. What counts as an effective use of images in a presentation? What should the presenter avoid? Work together with another partner pair to combine your expectations into a list of 5-6 measurable outcomes in order to evaluate our presentations. Submit via Google Docs (save a copy in each person's folder) Quantity Your final task Audio Now that you have a collecting of advise and warnings, create a rubric for a successful presentation with a partner on Google Docs. Here's an incomplete example... Your task Computers closed. Use notebook to record ideas. At each stage, I'm going to give you a minute or two to write down your ideas about what makes a presentation successful. You will be submitting your list today. Content Originality What makes a multimedia presentation successful? What do you want to see in others' presentations? What should be avoided? Essential Elements Quality We know that the audio for the presentation must be recorded. What do we need from the audio portion of the presentation? What should be avoided? How will we recognize quality content in a presentation? Aside from a checklist of information, what will count as achieving or excelling? I usually avoid this question, but... How much information is enough? How will the presenter know if his or her presentation contains the required amount of information? Presentation Rubric Images

Presentation rubric

Transcript: My knowledge of the media environment was augmented and the research trajectory clearly understood? (Likert scale) The the delivery confident and engaging leaving me feeling informed and able to ask relevant questions? (Likert scale) The language and structure of the presentation add value to the clarity of your intended work Your presentation details and explores your overall plan, the canon, your method and some parameters of the T&T context Clear and detailed exploration of the canon that provides the theoretical underpinnings of your area. (10) Detailed presentation of the method AND its limitations, presuppositions and its analytical expressions. (15) Elucidation of your research question and any sub-questions, indicating what informed them and why you framed the work in this way. (15) Delivery Aim of the research is situated in sufficient contexts that elaborate its usefulness to the field The rationale is clear and the goals achievable Delivery breakdown [30] Presentation rubric Content breakdown [40] Why is this research important? What can it yield? What are its limitations? (10) You have thought through what you want to achieve and explained how you will achieve it. You have eliminated alternative methods for mining this data and explained why. (10) Logic breakdown [20] Content You own the material you are presenting and can speak lucidly on your intended study We are edified by your performance that reflects your enthusiam, erudition and plan for developing knowledge Logic You build a rapport with your audience through: persuasive devices tone eye contact and body language. (10) Your narratives are cohesive and can be heard and followed easily. (10) Your material is free from errors and the language is well chosen and compelling. (10) Peer assessment [10]

Rubric Presentation

Transcript: Rubrics in Education C: Why Use a Rubric? Think about a time that you received a poor grade. Do you understand why you received the grade you did? What could you and/or the teacher have done differently? Bell-ringer Writing Rubric " A rubric is a scoring tool that explicitly represents the performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work." Oral Presentation Rubric R: What is a Rubric? Poster Presentation Rubric - clear intro - thorough research to support the argument - clear conclusion - organized, coherent writing style - focus on grammar - points allotted within each column Grading scale: 1 (weakest) - 4 (strongest) - clear and original idea - well-organized - academic language use (no slang) - speaks clearly and does not mispronounce words - has prepared the presentation - focus on neatness - punctuation & writing is coherent - proper grammar - photos included - explanation provided - presentation adheres to time assigned and expected Why is a rubric a good tool for evaluation? Why Rubrics Are Used Rubrics... Increase transparency towards assignment expectations Ensures grading standards are unchanged over time Maintains consistency in the presence of multiple graders Provides a fair evaluation by both teacher and student How Rubrics Help Student Performance Advantages to Student Communicates expectations and requirements of assignment Helps students monitor their areas of strength and growths alongside weaknesses and areas requiring improvement Reduces anxiety towards assignments The rubric can be used as a road map to plan out an assignment How Rubrics Benefit Teachers Advantages to Teachers Provides a snapshot of the strengths and weaknesses of your class Reduces time spent on grading due to uncertainty Evidence to justify certain grades to parent/guardian Features of a Rubric K: Features of a Rubric Criteria Must be specific Gradations (usually 4-6 or 3-5) Descriptors for performance level Descriptions Descriptive language Continuity Difference in quality should match Reliability Allows teachers to arrive at similar scores Validity Measures what is central to the performance, not what is easy to score Features of an Emerging Rubric K: Emerging Rubric Does not allow for flexibility Criteria is too general Too lengthy Tasks are not related to the skills Uses negative language, such as "none," or "never" - too long/too many columns - it is too wordy, not concise - the criteria is mixed - learning outcomes are not clear - the levels of proficiency are not logical - repetitive: "the extent" R: Emerging Rubric Example Features of a Good Rubric Authentic to student's experience Language is easy to read Specifies expectations Includes examples Reveals a student's level of success K: Good Rubric - clear & concise, not too wordy - designates specifies areas for evaluation - appropriate amount of columns/rows - clear progression of evaluation R: Good Rubric Example How to Make Your Own Rubric: K: How to Create a Rubric? Scores across the top, criteria down the side Define your goal What should students know and be able to do? How do you know that students have met these standards? Language is key! Use action verbs! Language should be appropriate for grade level Include all of your expectations (neatness, organization) Teach students how to use it K: Bloom's Taxonomy An example template... With a Template Complete This Rubric 1. Is there anything you would change about this rubric? Why or why not? 2. What would you want students to know before writing their essay? Follow-Up Questions - is a great resource to utilize for exploring different materials from other teachers and finding rubrics online! - Collaborate with your colleagues and work together to create one and adapt a previous to your specific class purposes Steal It From a Colleague Possible Difficulties of Incorporating into Content Classrooms C: Possible Difficulties Language used in rubric is unclear, abstract, or not scaffolded Criteria is too general and does not fit the specific assignment Concrete examples might be more effective Scales are not straightforward Suggestions/Adaptations Differentiate the assignment simplify modify and change learning goals and grading criteria Suggestions/adaptations What else do you think is important about rubrics that we may have not touched upon? Exit Ticket

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