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Red Ribbon Powerpoint Template

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Red Ribbon

Transcript: Red Ribbon DRUGS Drug Questions The message is that drugs ruin lives. What message is the ad trying to relay? Questions Why do you think this ad is so effective? Why do you think this ad is so effective? The ad conveys the message very clearly. I guess I would make it a bit longer. How would you change or edit the ad to make it more effective, if at all? More questions Why did you choose this particular video? I was curious about the effects of cocaine. Why did you choose this particular video? Identify 3 things you learned from the segme... I learned that people get chills and sudden heats. I learned that people burn their nose and it can bleed. I learned that the high only lasts about 15 to 30 minutes. I already knew that people get addicted to this extremely easily. Identify 3 things you learned from the segment and 1 thing you already knew. One person’s friend was shot and killed when he tried to rip off a drug dealer. Even more questions How did the drug substance mentioned affect the life or lives of one of the people who shared their story (be specific)? b. Cocaine can be called Coke c. Cocaine is a powdered drug. d. Cocaine can also be called white. e. Cocaine is the 2nd most trafficked illegal drug in the world. 3. Among young adults aged 18 to 25, the past year use rate was 6.9%. a. Under the READ THE BOOKLETS section, select one brochure (or the KIDS HEALTH site link) and find 5 facts or data within it. List those facts here: Another question

red ribbon

Transcript: These beautiful brooches are unisex and designed to make you stand out from the crowd on World AIDS Day and beyond. They are a long-lasting symbol of awareness and support, whilst being a modern, special approach to the traditional ribbon. What is it about “I came up with the theme, ‘Love Yourself. Be Drug Free,’ because drugs are such a harmful thing for your body,” said Alexa. “If you are choosing not to take them, you obviously love yourself because you aren’t harming yourself. “ Symbolization? When did it start? Red Ribbon Week eventually gained momentum throughout California and later the United States. In 1985, club members presented the "Camarena Club Proclamation" to then First Lady Nancy Reagan, bringing it national attention. Red Ribbon Week began after the kidnapping, torture and murder of DEA agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena in 1985.[1] Camarena had been working undercover in Guadalajara, Mexico for over four years. His efforts led to a tip that resulted in the discovery of a multimillion dollar narcotics manufacturing operation in Chihuahua, Mexico.[1][2] and his pilot, Captain Alfredo Zavala-Avelar (taken separately on the same day). Everyone can make a difference in the world." Enrique Camarena lived passionately his whole life with that theme. It is important for every youth and adult all over the world to remember his message. who started it? “I came up with the theme, ‘Love Yourself. Be Drug Free,’ because drugs are such a harmful thing for your body,” said Alexa. “If you are choosing not to take them, you obviously love yourself because you aren’t harming yourself. “ become the annual catalyst to show intolerance for drugs in our schools, work places, and communities. Each year, during the last week in October, more than 80 million young people and adults show their commitment to a healthy, drug-free life by wearing or displaying the Red Ribbon. By: Yoselinn Camara Why we do it for Red Ribbon why only at school red rebbion day... Symblo Why is call red ribbion day?

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