Pyramid Diagram
Transcript: EAL students will have diverse learning styles, may be gifted or have a learning disability, and come from different socioeconomic or religious backgrounds even within the same culture. EAL students will have different exposures to education within their home countries. Identity texts, dual language books, online media as ways to transfer home language knowledge. Treasures Assignment - students will have special objects that are important to them culturally. Accessing EAL students' background knowledge is important for their learning. The tone of spoken words and non-verbal cues are important aspects of language. Underlying beliefs and values often lie at the root of miscommunication. Cultural differences can lead to miscommunication. Schmidt, A. (2008). Rare Books. Flickr (Background Image) Van Syla. (2012). Because of You (background music). France. Retrieved from Chart of Values in the United States vs. other countries. Appropriate response of a student with a particular cultural mindset vs. expected response in a Canadian school setting - Scenarios. Culture study of the educational system of various countries. Danger of a Single Story, TED Talks Language may be the only thing students from the same culture have in common. It is important for EAL students to transfer knowledge from their home language to English to assist their learning. Preserving EAL students' cultural heritage and continuing to develop their home language are important factors in their learning. Non- verbal cues: kinesics, proxemics, haptics, artifacts, silence, time. Cultural Values: assertiveness/compliance, dominance/submission, disclosure/privacy, direct/indirect communication, flexible time/time as a commodity. by Karen Leonard March 17, 2014 EAL students are diverse. The 4 stages of culture shock: honeymoon, hostility, humour, home. Assessment, vocabulary instruction, graphic organizers: strategies to help meet the needs of diverse students. Essential Knowledge Background Detail LLED 479: Pyramid Diagram Short-term Information A student's home language proficiency is the strongest predictor of their English academic development. Teachers must be proactive to affirm students' linguistic identity.