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Protein Presentation Template

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Protein Presentation

Transcript: Proteins -Joel and Natalie Definition A protein is a type of macro-molecule. More specifically a protein is a macro-molecule that are polymers of amino acids. The major function of a protein is to help in metabolism by acting as an enzyme, hormone, or a carrier What is a Protein? Chemical Structure Macro-Molecule A type of molecule that contains a large number of atoms Examples include Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, and nucleic acids Macro-Molecule Amino Acids are organic compound groups that contain amine and carboxyl. A carboxyl group is made up of a carbon atom that is double bonded with an oxygen atom and is single bonded with hydrogen. Amino Acids and Proteins Amino Acids The Connection The connection between amino acids and proteins are when multiple amino acids bond together, they form a protein Amino Acids combine through dehydration synthesis. In this process one of the amino acid chains loses an oxygen and one hydrogen, and the other chain loses a hydrogen atom. They create H20 and the chains combine and become dehydrated. Dehydration Synthesis Dehydration Synthesis Carboxyl Group Examples Amine Group R = More Molecules Another example is Ribose Enzymes: Substance produced by an organism that slows down or speeds up a reaction aka a catalyst Hormones: Regulatory substance produced by an organism and transported in tissue fluids to stimulate specific cells into action Carriers: Proteins that carry substances from one side of the membrane to the other Examples of protein include... Examples of Protein

Protein Presentation

Transcript: Protein Synthesis the process by which the information in a strand of dna is cpoied into a new molecule of messenger rna. Transciption Transcription Translations is the process of translating the sequence of a messenger rna and mrna molecule to a sequence of amino acids during protein synthesis Translation Translation Subtopic 1 Subtopic 1 Subtopic 2 Subtopic 2 large organic compounds made of amino acids arranged in a linear chain and joined together between the carboxyl atom of one amino acid Protein Protein Text Text Pictures Pictures amino acid is and organic compound characterized by having carboxyl group and side chain attached to a central carbon atom Amino Acid Amino Acid Map Map Chart Chart Codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis Codon Codon Timeline Timeline 2019 where DNA guanine always hydrogen bonds to cytosine and adenine binds to thymine A-T C-G Complementary base pairs Complementary base pa is a three letter sequence of Mrna that codes for amino acis Codon chart Codon Chart peptide bond is a chemical bond formed between two molecules when the carboxyl group of one molecule reacts with the amino group of another molecule Peptide Bond Peptide Bond A triplet of nucleotide bases in transfer RNA that identifies the amino acid carried and binds to a complementary codon is messenger rna during protein synthesis at a ribosome. Anti-Codon Anti-Codon Its from RNA is known as translation translatins occurs in the cytoplasm where ribosomes are located. Cytoplasm cytoplasm Structure and DNA is surrounded by a membrane the nucleus houses the cells DNA and directs the synthesis of protein and ribosomes. Nucleus Nucleus Ribosomes are sites in a cell in which protein synthesis takes place. Cells have many ribosomes. Ribosome Ribosome mRNA is translated into protein by the joint action of transfer tRNA and the ribosome, which is composed of numerous proteins. mRNA mRNA Transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) is a type of RNA molecule that helps decode a messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence into a protein. tRNA tRNA Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecule in cells that forms part of the protein synthesizing organelle known as a ribosome and that is exported to the cytoplasm to help translate the information in messenger RNA into protein. rRNA rRNA a gene is a sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that encodes the synthesis of a gene product, either RNA or protein. Gene Gene The process by which one diploid eukaryotic cell divides to generate four haploid cells often called gametes. Meiosis Meiosis A sequence of three nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or start /stop signal during translation. Gene Sequence Gene Sequence Mendel's studies yielded three laws. the law of dominance, the law of segreagation, and the law of independent assortment. Laws of Inheritance Laws of Inheritance

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