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Pros And Cons Presentation Template

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Pros and Cons Presentation

Transcript: COGNITIVE Is a College Degree Worth It? Cognitive Conclusion There are two sides that argue if obtaining a college degree is really worth it: 1) Getting a college degree is worth it 2) Getting a college degree is not worth it More than A Major? Pros and Cons of Getting a College Degree Introduction Getting a college degree is not worth it. Obtaining a College Degree is Not Worth It. - High stress levels can cause health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, mental health disorders like depression and anxiety Stress Leads to Health Problems Stress - Often a better option for young adults to save time and money - Increased job market for trade professions by 2026 Trade professions Trade Professions Having a college degree is not necessary to succeed - There are other ways to educate yourself to become successful Not a Necessity - 1 in 5 households in the United States owe student loan debt - The average house hold income is falling which makes it increasingly difficult to pay off debt Debt Student Loan Debt Pro Point 1 Economics Economically College graduates make more money and have lower unemployment. Pro Point 1.5 Point 1.5 Doctoral degree $1,825 1.6% Professional degree $1,884 1.5% Master's degree $1,434 2.1% Bachelor's degree $1,198 2.2% Associate degree $862 2.8% Some college, no degree $802 3.7% High school graduates, no college $730 4.1% Less than a high school diploma $553 5.6% Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey. Educational attainment Median weekly earnings Unemployment rate "The More You Learn: The More You Earn" Develop and grow as a person. Pro Point 2 Cognitively College exposes students to diverse people and ideas and provides networking opportunities. Pro Point 3 Social Socially Earning a college degree is a major life achievement. Pro Point 4 Personal Personally worth it to earn more money to make oneself more employable to invest in your future security to develop personal skills to fulfill a major life accomplishment and to create a network of support Obtaining a College Degree is Worth It. Obtaining a College Degree is Worth It. Conclusion Getting a college degree is worth it because the benefits that are gained with a degree overshadow any conditions that could be favorable without a degree. Reference Sources: “A Record One-in-Five Households Now Owe Student Loan Debt.” Pew, 2012, “A Record One-in-Five Households Now Owe Student Loan Debt.” Pew, 2012, Winereman, Lea. “By the Numbers: Stress on Campus.” Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2017, “Is a College Education Worth It?”, n.d., college- “Education Pays : Career Outlook.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Pros and Cons

Transcript: Atkins Diet: *dont have to cut out the foods you like *don't get hungry *weight loss *weight maintenance *good health *disease prevention *cravings reduced • Atkins turns your body into a fat-burning body machine By changing the balance of carbs, fats and protein in your diet, you boost your energy level and keep it on an even keel. • The Atkins diet promotes healthy weight loss • Some of the things that people eat on the diet is: 1. Lean meat 2. Vegetables 3. Low calorie/carbs food 4. Low cholesterol foods 5. Fruits • The Atkins diet targets people who are dedicated and committed to losing their desired weight. • The people on the Atkins diet eat 2 snacks per day, and 3 regular sized meals. Overview of Diet: By: Czarria R. Isaac Q. Angela, Savanna R. Why and how it works: increases your metabolism which burns fat it cuts carbs from your diet while your eating more wholesome carbs When you cut down carbohydrates, your body converts from using carbohydrates for energy to burning fat as the primary energy source. This results in weight loss. Atkins dieters are encouraged to eat nutrition-rich foods with vitamin and nutritional supplements as needed. Lowering carbohydrate intake and, in turn, insulin production may help prevent diseases like diabetes. Works Cited: PROS: •*The diet doesn't provide enough energy in the form of carbohydrate, so the body is forced to go into ketosis. This causes additional burden on the kidneys. •*You'll miss out on necessary nutrients supplied by fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This could lead to vitamin deficiencies. •*Low-carb diets such as Atkins can majorly affect calcium levels in the body •*Most Atkins dieters experience constipation, halitosis, and sometimes, dehydration. •*Some risks of taking this diet can include osteoporosis, hypertension, liver and kidney problems, and possible increase in heart disease risk. •*You must account for every gram of carbohydrate you consume which can be difficult for some people to do, especially when you go out to eat. •*Those who return to eating carbs again usually regain all -- if not more than -- the weight they lost during the diet. CONS:

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