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Professional Presentation Proposal Template

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Ozmosis Research: Professional Presentation Template

Transcript: Interactive Q&A Sessions Clarity and Conciseness Interactive Q&A sessions promote audience participation and knowledge exchange. Encourage questions that spark insightful discussions and enrich the overall presentation experience. Clarity in responses is key to effectively addressing queries. Be concise and structured in communication to deliver information accurately and engage the audience. Engage with Confidence Addressing Audience Queries Engaging with audience queries demonstrates expertise and builds credibility. Ensure responses are concise and relevant to maintain audience interest. Company Capabilities Exploring Visual Elements in Design Discover the wide-ranging expertise of Ozmosis Research, encompassing cutting-edge technology, data analysis, and strategic insights. Design Elements Effective handling of audience queries is crucial for engaging presentations. Delve into strategies for addressing questions with confidence and clarity. Incorporating the essence of the dotted grey circle in the logo and the blue, white, and grey color scheme to create a visually appealing template for presentations. The design elements used in Ozmosis Research's visual template focus on simplicity, elegance, and harmony. Clean lines, minimalistic approach, and balanced composition are key characteristics of the design elements. Background of Ozmosis Research Ozmosis Research is built on a foundation of curiosity and excellence, striving to push the boundaries of knowledge and technology. Logo Inspiration The Logo of Ozmosis Research is inspired by the concept of cohesion and interconnectedness, represented by the dotted grey circle. It symbolizes unity and innovation in design. Exploring Ozmosis Research Color Scheme The color palette of blue, white, and grey chosen by Ozmosis Research conveys professionalism, trust, and modernity. Blue symbolizes stability, white represents purity, and grey adds sophistication to the overall design. Delve into the origins and mission of Ozmosis Research, a journey of innovation and discovery. Color Scheme Consistency Maintain consistency with the blue, white, and grey color scheme to reinforce the company's branding in all presentations. 1 Incorporating Design Elements Implementing the Visual Template Incorporate the dotted grey circle from the logo as a background element to create a visually appealing template. Efficiently integrate the circle design and color scheme into your presentations for a cohesive and professional look. Crafting a Visual Template 2 6 Incorporating Brand Elements The visual template for Ozmosis Research borrows inspiration from the dotted grey circle in the logo, creating a professional and visually appealing design for company presentations. The Ozmosis Research Template The visual template reflects the essence of Ozmosis Research through the integration of the logo's dotted grey circle and the blue, white, and grey color scheme. Enhancing Visual Appeal The design elements in the template enhance the professional image of Ozmosis Research, creating a visually captivating presentation format for various audiences. 3 Professional and Visually Pleasing Company Presentations Audience Interaction Engage the audience through interactive discussions, polls, and Q&A sessions to foster participation and interest. Engagement Strategies Effective audience interaction and visual engagement are crucial for captivating presentations. Visual Engagement Techniques Utilize captivating visuals, animations, and storytelling to enhance audience engagement and convey complex information effectively. 4 5 Enhancing Visual Appeal Visual elements such as imagery, color schemes, and design play a crucial role in capturing audience attention. Incorporating visually appealing graphics and layouts can enhance the overall presentation impact and leave a memorable impression. Brand Consistency Maintain uniformity in visual elements across all slides to reinforce brand identity. Use the circle design as a recurring motif and the color scheme consistently for brand recognition. Utilizing the Ozmosis Template Message Clarity Usage Suggestions Maximize the impact of your presentations with strategic use of the Ozmosis Research template. Incorporate the dotted grey circle design from the logo subtly in the background for a professional touch. Utilize the blue and white color scheme for a clean and modern aesthetic. When crafting content for presentations, focus on concise and impactful messages that align with the company's objectives and values. Clear and coherent messages resonate with the audience and leave a lasting impression. Crafting Clear Messages Effective communication is key to conveying your ideas. Clarity in message delivery ensures understanding and engagement from your audience. Adding final touches... * Summarize each point you made * Give quick call-backs so your audience remembers * Make it clear this is the end Getting it ready... Thinking cap on... Fine-tuning... This is

Proposal template

Transcript: The Impact of Self-Grading on Middle School English Students’ Writing Skills Angelica Smith - University of Maryland Abstract Superficial teacher feedback on writing assignments combined with little to no student effort to reflect on any feedback keeps students from the opportunity to refine essential metacognitive skills. Previous research indicates that self-grading is an effective strategy for students to practice metacognitive awareness. After 9 weeks of instruction incorporating either self-grading or providing traditional teacher feedback for reflection on writing assignments, gains of 85 seventh graders’ writing scores for organization will be analyzed to determine the extent to which the metacognitive experience of self-grading improves performance. Empirical evidence should help teachers ascertain whether the time-consuming practice of self-grading is valuable to student learning. Statement of Problem Peer- and Self-assessment are not as widely practiced as they could be because teachers' goals are to save as much time as possible and to ensure grade accuracy for all students. Logistical, pedagogical, and metacognitive benefits of peer- and self-assessment were contested and needed to be put to the test. Students don't reflect on teacher feedback on writing assignments and miss out on opportunities to refine metacognitive skills necessary for learning. Significance The proposed study contributes more knowledge about the benefits of self-assessment on student learning The proposed study helps teachers ascertain the value of incorporating self-assessment into their regular practice in improving performance, despite how much time is required for planning and preparation. Research Foundation The Impact of Self- and Peer-Grading on Student Learning Philip M. Sadler and Eddie Good After a Supreme Court decision in favor of peer-grading in classrooms, Sadler and Good decide to put benefits of self- and peer-grading to the test that are of teacher interest (p. 13) Participants included four middle school science classrooms Issues of interest: Student grades as substitute for teacher grades Student grading as a tool for student learning Results: High correlation between teacher and student grades Bias within student grading in self- and peer-assessment Self-assessment students made most gains in test scores Rationale for Proposed Study Test familiarity could have effected results Realistic assessment to determine student learning Research Questions / Hypotheses To what extent does the experience of self-assessment (training and process) impact students' writing organizational skills? Students who participate in self-assessment will improve their writing organizational skills significantly more than comparison students. Methods Participants 113 students in 4 sections of seventh grade English and their teacher No previous instruction on concept being taught during data collection Same age-range as students in original study / Studying different content Measure Scoring Guide for Writing - five or six traits writing rubric; traits include: Ideas & Content, Organization, Word Choice, (Voice,) Sentence Fluency, and Conventions; scores range from 1-lowest to 5-highest. The proposed study will target scores in Organziation. Different from measure in original study in that it is county-/teacher-designed, not student-designed, and assessess aspects of writing instead of science. Procedure All students receive instruction on the Well-Developed Paragraph (WDP) formula: a tool students are required to use to structure WDP's when writing literary analysis. 2 sections in control group (receive traditional teacher feedback on writing assessments); 2 sections in experimental group (trained and participate in self-assessment process) Of the four WDP's written to assess mastery of reading and writing skills, organization scores for first and fourth WDP will be collected. Data Analysis To what extent does the experience of self-assessment impact student's writing organizational skills? Descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) are calculated in both groups for the first and fourth WDP. Gains from first to fourth WDP are calculated, and mean gains are found. t-test is conducted to determine the significance of the gains in both groups. EDHD 662 Fall 2012 Awareness of progress and performance Ability to modify strategies mid-task Evaluating Reference Sadler, P. M., & Good, E. (2006). The Impact of Self- and Peer-Grading on Student Learning. Educational Assessment, 11(1), 1-31. Assess final product Evaluate strategies used Planning Monitoring Theoretical Foundation: Metacognitive Regulation Selecting strategies Choosing/acquiring resources

Proposal template

Transcript: The Challenge Why Taming Tigers? 1 Day Experiential Equine workshop - Step away from the day-to-day and work as a team on a challenge which is stretching for everyone Build understanding of your own Tiger and the Tigers within the team, plus strategies to tame him Experience the "Hero's Journey" in one day in order to anticipate the journey of change you are about to experience Put yourself to the test physically and mentally with support from your colleagues One to one consultation and coaching over 6 weeks SMT members will: Build an intensive relationship of trust and openness with their facilitators Become very honest with themselves about their personal blocks, attitudes and Tigers (and develop strategies to minimise them) Understand their contribution to the team and to the success or failure of the Evolution project Commit, hearts and minds, to the project by identifying the business critical and personally critical outcomes of the project Team Contract workshop: Aligning the team behind a shared goal, team rules and a powerful sense of purpose and momentum (with roadmap) to deliver on the vision The result is a contract, signed, owned and policed by the the team itself which defines exactly what is required to achieve success and how to get there Tigers are tamed, rulebooks re-written, the team is out on the pitch Quarterly review: Setting the compass together makes the Tiger roar. Delivering on the contract agreed makes him roar again. During 2013 we will help the SMT maintain momentum, address obstacles, upgrade the team culture and apply the 10 Rules to tame the Tiger who WILL roar if the goal is bold enough...which it is. Group of peers, reporting from their silos Differing levels of commitment to the goal Resistance to change, fear of change "This is how we do it here" "Who can I blame?" Senior executives Distrust of each other "This isn't going to affect me" "We can do this without assistance" Team driving forward the ambition Completely aligned Out on the track "How can we do it better?" "I am responsible" Team of inspirational leaders Trusting each other to deliver "I am part of creating the future" "To achieve this we must change...and that means accepting help" (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr doodles We aren't neutral - we are as responsible for delivering your ambition as you are This is what we do. We help leadership teams to set and achieve their bold goals We are business focused. This isn't a "jolly", a conventional "team offsite" or a "team building" programme. It is about business We are experts in our field (4 books published, 150 years combined experience in the change industry, additional 150 years experience in business and public sector leadership roles) But don't just take our word for it... From notes Steve Hardy, Chief Executive, AXA Personal Lines Experiential workshop - 2 days Quarterly review - 4 x half day sessions To The current reality... Notes "It's stunning how it's worked. Our organisational goal and the words Taming Tigers are everyday phrases now. We are seeing real change." Evolution (cc) photo by jimmyharris on Flickr (cc) photo by Franco Folini on Flickr Double click to crop it if necessary Bold ambition The very shape of the business needs to change The SMT is under scrutiny - Is it a strong team? Does it believe in the vision? Is it trusted to lead this change? The SMT needs to become even more sophisticated to succeed The full SMT will be in place by September - the clock is ticking outlook from the top (Note to SMT) You will need to be: Fully committed to the "Amazon" vision Speak honestly (the process will support that) Learn how to tame the Tiger Be willing to try something different Commit the time to driving forward the vision Treat us as part of the business, an extension of your team Team Contract workshop - 3 days offsite plus action steps Option 1 investment: Experiential phase: £6750 Consultation phase: £13,500 Team Contract workshop: £19,850 Quarterly review: £12,000 TOTAL: £52,100 plus VAT and expenses Includes: 16 months of support from Taming Tigers for the SMT to re-write industry rulebooks and drive forward the new business vision as a team A tried and tested process made bespoke for you A combination of individual development, team bonding, experiential learning and open, honest dialogue facilitated by world class experts A committed team at Taming Tigers who will not only help you set the team's compass but achieve the goal, whatever it takes photo frame The objectives - Consultation and Coaching - 3 x 2 hours over 6 weeks Place your own picture behind this frame! (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr details map Option 2 investment: Experiential phase: £6750 Team Contract workshop: £24,750 TOTAL: £31,500 plus VAT and expenses Includes: 2-3 months of support from Taming Tigers for the SMT to re-write industry rulebooks and identify the roadmap to drive forward the new business vision as a team A tried and tested process made bespoke

Professional Proposal

Transcript: Professional Proposal Special Education students are required to take state standardized testing Best Option Available It is unfair to ask these students to take standardized tests, and they should not be taking them if they do not have the ability to perform well on them Special Education Re-phrasing questions is often helpful for special education students, but this is not allowed during standardized testing Essentially, students taking these tests are being set up to fail Students who have taken mostly instructional-level classes experience frustration due to lack of exposure The ACT is a test of college-readiness, and many special education students are not college bound Students should be tested at the level in which they are performing in school Alternative assessments are available for a small percentage of the population, but many students end up taking the standardized test they should not Leveling the Playing Field If we truly want to understand what special education students are capable of, they should be tested appropriate to their capabilities Best Option Available Cont. How can we expect these students to take a test on material their same-age peers have been exposed to in their classes, when most students with disabilities never come close to taking such classes By definition students with disabilities are already behind their same-age peers Even with extended time, some are not able to complete the tests Compare all student to themselves in order to identify individual growth At a Disadvantage Cont. At a Disadvantage

Professional Writing Proposal Presentation

Transcript: We need to improve students' communication skills in the academic and in the professional world. The Middle Road... Rated Most Important By Employers There was a 4.24 point improvement average on the Accuplacer, class-wide. Reading comprehension 63% English language 62% Writing in English 49% Mathematics 30% Foreign languages 11% Offer a Composition 1050 with required grammar-intensive Plus One lab for regularly enrolled students during fall and spring semesters. The Current Situation Writing Enhanced Curriculum A Proposal by Patricia S. Taylor Representative Sample Percentage of employers who rate the following basic skills as “very important” for high school graduates: There was a 10 point increase on the low end of the overall score range from pre to post test on the Accuplacer. Many students are able to write in the style that is dictated by their particular discipline, but have a lack of skills in Standard English Grammar. Proposed Solution My solution serves two purposes: Source: The Conference Board, Are They Really Ready to Work?, 2006 Does in-depth Standard English Grammar instruction help students communicate more effectively? Standard English is the only legitimate dialect of English YES! One Side of the Argument... Research Limitation A writer's ideas may be exceedingly bright, but they are useless if they cannot be understood. 76.9% of students improved their lab diagnostic scores by an average of 4 points. Questions? The Present Solution While all dialects are linguistically equal, every civilization has dialects that are considered more overtly prestigious than others. This is a normal linguistic phenomenon. The ability to adapt to the standard form of a language often determines an individual's success in a society. The Problem With the Present Solution Composition 1050 With a Required Grammar-Intensive Plus One Lab 1. It facilitates the longitudinal study by providing a better representative sample. Students should be given the opportunity to take pride in their unique dialects and use them in creative ways, but should be taught to have a solid grasp on written and oral Standard English and develop good code-switching abilities in order to be successful in academia and in life. There was a 2.58 point improvement average on the lab diagnostic, class wide. The Braves Academic Readiness Program (Raising the BAR) Emphasis on Standard English is linguistic discrimination The Other Side of the Argument... 2. It helps students have a better control of Standard English grammar and be more successful in academics and the professional world. Standard English Dominates the American Academic and Buisness World. Current Research and Proposed Solution to the Problem 64.1% of students improved their Accuplacer test scores by an average of 11 points. Summer 2011

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