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Product Information Page

Transcript: Primary: Wood and coal (United States) Before the making of the wax, wood and coal are collected. Primary: Wood (China) Wood is cut down and exported to a paper mill in the US. Helps kids express creativity and explore talents Helps children learn their colours faster and easily A way for parents to occupy their children Can open opportunities for drawers, artists, etc. Many schools and students use it for classwork Crayons are a safe and non-toxic art material Crayons are at a low cost and with the high number of buyers, it improves the economy Makes learning more fun for kids Secondary: paraffin wax (Pennsylvania) The wood and coal are shipped to the Crayola factory where the wax for the crayons are made. Development of Economy/Country Crayola is the number one brand people go to for buying crayons because they are good quality for a great price. Many people purchase these crayons which improves the economy. Studies show that some children are learning better by using art materials, including crayons. Crayons also let people be creative and could lead to possible jobs for many. Crayon wax Product Information Page:Crayola crayons Quality of Life Way of Life Tertiary: Colour pigments added to wax and shaped (Pennsylvania) Once the wax is made, it is shaped and they add colour pigments to the crayons. Secondary: Pulp (US) With the imported wood, the paper is created for the crayon in the paper mill. Tertiary: Paper (US) The paper for the crayon is dyed and assembled with the finished wax. Crayon Wrapper

Product Oriented Template

Transcript: Goals: Digital Display on Extended Network Total Investment Search Engine Marketing Plan is...Show how the schedule will work Plan is....break out impressions plan Audience Target: How does this help my goals: Spec Ad Slide How this helps reach our goals: This helps reach goals by.... Digital Display on Addresses goal by... Insert spec ads here Who we are focused on... Includes: List everything... Audience Focus: Quote: Print Suggestions Plan.... SEM is.... Audience Focus: Plan is...Show how the schedule will work How does this help my goals: Plan is...Show how the schedule will work The Post-Standard Audience Focus: SEO is...... Who are we looking to reach? Also, can throw in Geo-Fencing here. Ask for Video input. $$$$$$$$$$ Search Engine Optimization Mobile Advertising on Extended Network What it is: Mobile Advertising on Plan is....break out impressions plan How SEM helps with your goals: This relates to goals.... Geo- Target or DMA focused in SEM helps with.... Audience Focus: How this helps reach my goals: Who it is you are focused on...and how we will reach them on the site. This relates to goals.... Who are we looking to reach? Also, can throw in Geo-Fencing here. Ask for Video input. 1. Goal Example 1 2. Goal Example 2 3. Goal Example 3 4. Goal Example 4 Who it is you are focused on...and how we will reach them on the site. Who it is you are focused on...and how we will reach them on the site. How this helps reach my goals: Addresses goal by... Keywords to focus on... Company Name This relates to goals.... SEO helps..... Digital Display on How SEO relates to your Goals: Audience Target: Plus...Add your commitment to working with the advertiser or promise "Example Quote" Keywords to focus on.... How does this help my goals: What SEM is:

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