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Product Portfolio Presentation Template

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Portfolio Template

Transcript: ADD YOUR LOGO HERE BEST PORTFOLIO EVER! 2020-2021 Intro Introduction Welcome and thank you for coming to my Portfolio Myself as a Person Personal Statement Share the prompt Read your statement in its entirety Personal Statement Upload your personal statement here. Resume Upload your resume here Physical Health and Nutrition Upload your reflection here. Myself as a Learner Overview of Section Make a table of contents for the different academic sections. Make sure your committee clearly understands that you'll be sharing two pieces in depth, and they will be able to view the rest of your portfolio at the end. In these next few sections I will be sharing work from/about reader, writer, scientist, humanitarian, researcher, and artist. Reader Upload documents (or links) Literature response #1 Literature response #2 Literature response #3 Writer Link to document Link to humanitarian reflection Science Micro to Macro 4. 3. 2. Case Study #2: Genetics Reading Skills 1. Case Study #1: History of Race in US Humanitarian hhtps/:// Link to math reflection Google doc Researcher "I never have liked math, and probably never will" Artist Click to edit text Myself in the World Service Learning and Expedition Culmination Electives Click to edit text Conclusion Conclusion • Wrap up the formal part of the presentation • Allow your committee to peruse your portfolio • Ask for additional questions or comments • Thank your committee for coming and for their time Evaluation • Committee members fill out evaluation • Teachers fill out rubric • Student fills out self-reflection

Product portfolio

Transcript: Sessie notes Erik The Priva world Document Richard LEGEND Programm 15/1 1. Reinder tells 2. Judith tells 3. Discussion 4. Format 5. Design Platform: factory & tools The ‘Priva World’ is a customer’s experience associated with a virtual and a real world which is connected to and gives access to a (material) world of products and services via a fully integrated and extendable platform. This platform ensures the performance of a ‘living and working environment’ and the well being of people, animals and plants, that visualizes information from different applications, different places (multi-site management, offline or online sources, on-premise or off-premise cloud solutions), different data sources (controllers, MES, management), multi-vendor and partner-network related settings. Creating this Priva world collaboration with partners on all sides of the value chain is vital. Priva cannot realize this world on its own. Priva will be focusing on the design of this world, its differentiating edge and the core competences of the organization adding value to this world. Product portfolio visie Product portfolio vision Partner between Priva and customer Integral solution Priva 2014 Resulting in green and happy buildings Priva’s value proposition to its partners in all verticals shall be focused on labor efficiency and a low level knowledge of IT and automation, Summarized the best performing living and woking environments. Priva adds value by increasing the efficiency of the business processes of its partners. tekst Tekst IT trend: The cloud Priva's product portfolio leads to the best performing living and working environment, which means minimal use of natural resources and optimal performance of organisms in this living and working environment over its total life cycle. Happy: the level of performance of organisms in a living and working enviroment The Priva world?? The optimal sustainable platform shall be based on industry standards in order to support various technologies and a multi vendor environment. Tekst Adds Reinder The on-premise part of the product portfolio is most of Priva’s current business. It contains control applications, tooling and Human Machine Interfaces, the hardware and the peripherals. Control applications are segment and geo specific. Essence The platform shall enable and/or facilitate the mobility and operating devices convergence and consumerization trend. At the base and MES layer it is not in the interest of the customer to adopt a multivendor solution. Taking responsibility for e.g. a building automation system composed of components from different vendors is not in Priva’s interest either. Tekst Summarized Earning models Tekst Priva supports the partners competitive position and thereby the partner’s business growth by offering a product portfolio to the partner enabling the partner to create the high performance LWE Tekst The product portfolio shall support hardware, installation and control processes, business process, MES and management and decision making. Green: the level of natural resources consumption of a living and working environment Performance should be interpreted from a value based perspective over the total life time of te living or working environment Best performing means green and happy LWE with a unique user experience IT trend: Consumerisation of devices Tekst Tekst For the segment LWE Priva wants to be a globally leading company that supplies (the speediest and easiest to use) systems that create the best performing buildings Priva shall focus at the MES layer were Priva sees major competitive differentiations and the MES layer is instrumental to achieve Green & Happy Building. The MES layer resides both on premise and in the cloud. Central in the Priva strategy is the partner. The partner is the route to market and together with this partner Priva realizes the best performing LWE Tekst Summarized IT trends: BIG data Priva has a unique proposition that offers added value by delivering high quality and certified products and hence Priva demands a higher price (premium positioned). The Priva proposition shallshall support the complete lifecycle of e.g. a building or a horticulture business, from concept phase to the operational phase. The integral solution, realized by the partners, shall ensure the best performance over the lifetime of the living and working environment. Summarized Priva shall fully support a multi-vendor environment at the Management Information level. Priva shall collect data from all systems, including others, to give insight and overview of the system as a whole. Product portfolio shall support the complete lifecycle, from concept phase to the operational phase. If one uses the Priva platform in all the different phases, one can be sure that at the operational phase the performance contracts are met ensuring an optimal comfort and a unique user experience. The optimal sustainable platform must be able to support Priva’s international ambitions.


Transcript: 02 03 Dynamic Lead Ads retarget Engaged Prospects on Facebook mobile newsfeed and convert them into leads while they stay on social media. Buyers tap your ad and the customized form pops up, already pre-populated with the information they shared with Facebook. We show ads with an exact unit toward which your buyers have shown the highest purchasing intent. The average Cost Per Lead on Facebook among our clients is $39.85 sMedia Inventory includes: Dynamic Bing Ads Smart Offer Drive Engaged Prospects to your VDPs Smart Offer Dynamic Social Collection Ads THANK YOU :) Carousel Upgrade Engaged Prospect Lead Ads We track buyer behaviour on your Vehicle Detail Pages to identify Engaged Prospects among your traffic. 01 On-page behavior on your VDP is the best predictor of both leads and sales Google Analytics does not gauge purchase intent Your Call-to-Action (CTA) button is the only certain proof of successful conversion Machine Learning can optimize & personalize the CTA We optimize using dealership's Google profile data, as well as buyer's real-time behavior The button may change before their eyes if they show purchase intent AI Lead Optimizer We pass this data on to Facebook and formulate a Lookalike Audience with similar traits to your Engaged Prospects. We target their Facebook and Instagram newsfeeds with a tailored carousel ad showcasing up to 10 vehicles, each linked directly to Vehicle Detail Pages. Engaged Prospect Lookalike Engaged Prospect Retargeting PRODUCT PORTFOLIO Provide recommendations based on their interest AI Lead Optimizer Google Search Ads Google Display Ads Google Remarketing Ads sMedia Inventory Direct Mail Retargeting Content Smart Offer presents a coupon to an Engaged Prospects on your VDPs to convert them with timely and relevant “next action” experiences. Information Needed Website representative email CRM Email (where leads go to) Form format (ADF or STAR) Will you use our forms or keep your own? The collection format makes it easier for Engaged Prospects to discover and browse vehicles from their mobile device in a visual and immersive way. An ad features four vehicles under a hero image or video that opens into a full-screen Instant Experience when someone interacts with an ad - all without leaving Facebook or Instagram. On average, a buyer visits < 2 dealerships on average before purchasing a vehicle. Dealers are facing increasing competition of becoming the dealership of choice. The Solution: Engaged Prospect Direct Mail Retargeting How Engaged Prospect Direct Mail Retargeting works Engaged Prospect Retargeting Engaged Prospect Lookalike Engaged Prospect Lead Ads Dynamic Social Collection Ads Dynamic Bing Ads sMedia Inventory In-Market Shopper Behavior Prior to Visiting a Dealership Engaged Prospect Metric The Solution: The Problem: Start from Finding Engaged Prospects for Retargeting Reach Boomers on Bing Bing allows dealers to reach an older audience that rarely conduct their research on Google. Drive Engaged Prospects to your VDPs Dynamic Vehicle Identification Number level advertising that brings Engaged Prospects to your Vehicle Detail Pages sMedia Inventory includes: Google Search Ads Google Display Ads Google Remarketing Ads Smart Offer AI Lead Optimizer Direct Mail Retargeting How Engaged Prospect Direct Mail Retargeting works Reach Boomers on Bing We track behavioral indicators on Vehicle Detail Pages (VDP) and condense them into Engaged Prospect Metric. Our studies have proven these behavioral indicators to be the highest correlated statistic to sales. It is a Universal Digital Metric that helps analyze ROI from all traffic sources. Engaged Prospect Metric

Portfolio Template

Transcript: To Start With... And then...about You! In this story you will enter personal information. You should talk about yourself, what you like, what is important to you. You should talk about your long term goals and what career you would like to work towards. You should also mention something about your family and the activities you like. You should use your "About Me" worksheet to reflect on these questions. In this story you will explain your Curriculum Map and GPA graph. You should incorporate the following information about the Curriculum Map and GPA Graph: This is my Heatherwood Middle School Curriculum Map and GPA. These are all the classes I have taken so far at Heatherwood Middle School. The top left graph shows the credits I have earned by passing all my classes. The next graph shows my cumulative grade point average. This is important for me to understand now because next year in high school I will have to make sure all my classes are mapped out and that I am passing classes so I can earn enough credits to graduate in four years. The next story you will share will be about your Long term goals. The following statements are some ideas that you might want to incorporate: I understand that when I get to high school next year I will have to make sure I have good study habits. I understand that I will have a four year plan to graduate which I must stay on track with I understand that I will be responsible to complete a scholarly paper my junior year I understand that I will have to complete a Senior Project my last year. Therefore, as I begin my eighth grade year I am really going to focus on the following goals From here you will want to elaborate on your school goals for this year. You will need to work through your SMART goal worksheet located on at the back of the ABOUT ME worksheet. These will be personal goals that you believe you need to work on as an eighth grade student to have a successful school year. This will then take you to each one of your classes and the trimester goals your teacher has set. You will need to make sure that you have completed the Goal Sheet Recording form. Make sure that your teacher has sign off on this so you know that you have the written down the correct goal. 1st Period Using your Goal Recording form you should be able to incorporate the following questions into your story about this class: This is what I like about this class This is my goal for this class This is what I need to work on Here is some evidence of my work 2nd Period 3rd Period 4th Period 5th Period 6th Period 7th Period SUCCESS! In this story you want to write about what it will take for you to have a successful school year. You will need to reflect on you strengths and some of your shortcomings. You will need to be very open about this particular story in your presentation. You want to share what you do well and how you want to be recognized for this. You also need to talk about what you need to work on this year. This will be difficult to be honest about what you need to work on. However, this is a very significant concept in goals setting. The ability to recognize one's weaknesses and share how you are going to overcome them is a very mature response. Study Plans This next story will be about your action plan for the school year. After you have shared your goals you now want to put together a plan which will help you to succeed. One of the tools that you can utilize with this program is the Study Plan Graph. Here is what you will need to share with regards to the Study Plan Graph: This is the study plan that I have completed to help me stay on track. There are four parts to it: 1. How I will study 2. The resources I need 3. My weekly class routine 4. A schedule of when my projects and tests are due I will keep this updated and posted so you can help me by checking this. High School This story should be about your thoughts regarding high school. Next school year you will be entering high school as a ninth grade freshman. How do you feel about this? What are some things that excite you about the reality of being in high school? What are the parts of high school that you are really looking forward too? There also has to be some apprehensions! Reflect on your concerns and what you might be worried about. In this story you need to write about how you need to take this school year to help yourself be prepared for the transition. Help!!! Your education at Heatherwood Middle School should be seen as a "partnership" between you, your family and your teachers. Understanding this concept then should allow you to ask for help and support. In this story reflect on what you need to be successful. How can your family support you this school year? How can your teachers help you? And perhaps most of all, how can you help yourself to be the best that you can be? In Conclusion So know you have come to the end of your presentation. Here you must summarize all that you have said. Enjoy the moment. This presentation is about

Portfolio Template

Transcript: Photo caption in a simple sentence here. Photo caption in a simple sentence here. Photo caption in a simple sentence here. Put the text for topic 6 inside your topic 6 frame. You want your explanation to be very specific. You want it to get up to 200 words--but not over 200--while packing as much detail into the explanation as possible. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. (200 words) Title Related photo here Put the text for topic 4 inside your topic 4 frame. You want your explanation to be very specific. You want it to get up to 200 words--but not over 200--while packing as much detail into the explanation as possible. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. (200 words) Photo caption in a simple sentence here. Topic 3 Related photo here Photo caption in a simple sentence here. Put the text for topic 8 inside your topic 8 frame. You want your explanation to be very specific. You want it to get up to 200 words--but not over 200--while packing as much detail into the explanation as possible. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. (200 words) Conclusion Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Topic 9 Topic 10 Topic 11 Topic 12 Related photo here In the introduction, you can explain why you chose to do the product you chose; who you chose as a mentor or teacher and why; or who you job shadowed, where, and why. Topic 12 Use the conclusion to explain why this knowledge has value, how you plan to use it, what you hope to accomplish in life related to it, or how you plan to add to this knowledge in the future. Photo caption in a simple sentence here. Related photo here Put the text for topic 10 inside your topic 10 frame. You want your explanation to be very specific. You want it to get up to 200 words--but not over 200--while packing as much detail into the explanation as possible. Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. (200 words) Related photo here Related photo here Related photo here Photo caption in a simple sentence here. Photo

Product Portfolio

Transcript: The organization tries their best to avoid Learning linked to Operant Conditioning Motivation : SOCIAL Bentec organizes an annual picnic for employees and Future Plans Mumbai,Maharashtra Management games played, during the managerial and motivational To strive relentlessly with an aim to achieve excellence in all businesses that we ventures into, with the objective of becoming an organization that all its employees and associates are proud of us. By : Rahul Vasani (A002), Rashi Jaising(A009) & Jeet Thakrar ( A033) and Abhishek Agarwal (A039) Salary increases depending on their performance. PLATFORMS Social employee clashes for a smooth work culture. " Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers " 91-22-66951620 Financial Incentives include yearly bonus. Top Level Create a sense of Unity - establish SMART objectives Promote a sense of value- reward, recognize efforts of the employees Encourage a sense of responsibility- need feel dedicated and responsible for their work are taught. SEO Increase exports, in Southeast Asia, USA, Middle East and Africa. Learn from their mistakes. Operant Conditioning is concerned primarily with learning as a consequence of behavior. For example when Bentec loses a customer ( stimuli) they ask their distributors what went wrong and try improvising on it. SUGGESTIONS Low Level CMS Organization Structure BENTEC ORGANOCLAYS About Middle Level . Employees are also given promotions and their families " Always treat your employees exactly as you want to them treat your best customers " . An Insight into Vision Employees References Hiring Process Motivation and Training Product Portfolio

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