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Presentation Using Cloth As Water Background

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Tapa cloth presentation

Transcript: Tapa cloth presentation What is it The Tapa cloth is tree bark from the mulberry tree. It is a soft cloth made from bark and is sometimes used for weddings and funerals. What is it How is it made Soon a 2 ich size strip becomes 4 and then 6 inches. They then start making it into the cloth but still using the grooved side, then, at last, they start using the flat side before the edge of the folded topu is cut to produce a cloth of uniform width. As it is opened up it receives a final pounding with the smooth side of the yeka. Then the completed length of cloth is hung to dry. The small scars in the mulberry tree now produce as holes in the cloth. Once the cloth is dry the woman painstakingly goes through and path these using small offcuts which they glue on the underside of the cloth using a native starchy potato. They also use the potato to glue all the pieces of cloth to produce one big cloth. How is it made The mulberry tree bark is removed and beaten to a fine cloth. The woman rips off the bark from the branches carefully making sure to keep the bark in one piece. The woman seeks the inner layer of the bark. They use a shell or even a knife they make a cut as a starting point. The toto is carefully separated from the husk. They leave the toto out in the sun to dry before being sorted according to size. The toto can be stored for several months before being beaten by a mallet of ironwood called a uka the tool has 4 sides 3 of them grooved to break up the fibres in the toto and 1 side in flat to flatten the toto. It is called a yeka. The toto are soaked overnight to help soften the fibres to help with the beating, they used to submerge the toto in rivers or streams. They beat the toto on a topua, a hardwood log that rests upon sticks and coconut husks which act as shock absorbers and reduce the noise that accompanies the beating. They use water to retain their softness. Men Men In Polynesia and other places by China the men make the Tapa cloth and the woman just do the last patching up at the end but all islands and contries are not all the same. Woman Mostly in Samoa and tonga the woman make the tapa cloth when the men are doing the other jobs around the island. Woman Where and what is it used for What is it used for The tapa cloth is used for both functional and ceremonial purposes. The Tapa cloth has played lots of important roles like weddings funerals and even royalty. Artist Fatu Feu'u Artist Fatu Feu'u He loved doing abstract art mostly in his spare time but loved it too much that he mostly makes those for the studios and for the world to see his work and culture. He also did sculptures and massive art pieces with the letter I and some of them have a cross on them and he loved contemporary art pieces. He loved using lots of textures and colours in his art he usually uses blue or yellow. He loves to use lots of his culture in his artwork and loves representing his culture through his art. Fatu Feu’u uses Samoan symbols and patterns, eyes and faces, different shapes and sizes, 4 leave flowers, and especially birds. Pictures Pictures Where does it come from Where does it come from The tapa cloth comes from... Pacific Islands Tonga Hawaii Fiji Samoa Tahiti Map Map Different names for Tapa cloth Different names for Tapa cloth Tonga - Ngatu Hawaii - Kapa Fiji - Masi Samoa - Tapa Pacific islands - siapo Tahiti - ahu Why is it so highly valued The Tapa cloth is highly valued because people can only make it in particular places like Tonga and Samoa. They can not grow in New Zealand because it is too cold here and the Mulberry tree can not grow. It is so highly valued fro its decorative patterns and symbols. Why is it so highly valued Different cultures and patterns These are the different cultures and patterns on their cloth Tahiti Different cultures and patterns Samoa Clutures Fiji Tonga Other interesting facts Other interesting facts Most of the symbols are usally cultral and representing their culture and telling their story. Ngatu is the Tongan name given to tapa cloth or decorated bark cloth. It's rare to find one as large as this, which hasn't been cut up into smaller sections. This ngatu was specially made for Queen Elizabeth's visit to Tonga in 1953. You can see her initials 'ERII' But you can't see the initials in these photos because they are too far away to see it.

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