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hospital presentation

Transcript: latifa saeed alkhatri 201410227 case presentation patient information pateint details Name : A. I Age : 60 yo Gender : male weight : 134 kg height : 138cm BmI : 40 BMI BMI Chief complaint: Chief complaint A.I come to hospital and was suffering from diffrent conditions severe back pain body pain joint pain palpitation fever Dizzness cough heart burn pain both feet left dorsal pain bilateral leg pain burning sensation more on right one and started form ankle to the knee pallor sluggish capillary refilling dorsalis pedis is not palpable severe back pain body pain joint pa... dorsalis pedis dorsalis pedis patient history patient history social history social history Marrid , and he have 3 children 1 1 Smoker : 20 sticks per day 2 2 Works : he is a teacher in school 3 3 family history Family history Father deied of stroke heart attack aage 59 years hypertension smoker father father alive artrial fibrillation heart failure Mother Mother Healthy siblings siblings siblings history of present illnest History of present illness chronic ischemia chronic ischemia both lower limbs since 2007 , patient came to Ajman specialty hospital suffreing from : leg pain , and burning senstion and swelling started from ankle up to the knee also pain in both feet Peripheral vascular disease commonly affects the arteries supplying the leg and is mostly caused by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaque buildup in the peripheral arteries • Narrows blood vessel lumen and decreases flow to the muscle • Results in pain of the muscle group distal to the lesion chronic lower limb ischemia • Smoking • Diabetes • Hypertension • Hyperlipidemia • Obesity • History of coronary artery disease, stroke, or vascular disease Risk factors : Chronic back pain chronic back pain since 2007 , the Mr A. I suffering from chronic recurrent lower back pain with radiation to the right lower limb assosicated with parasthesia he has history of chronic back pain , and MRI shows lumber disc prolapsed L5-S1 MRI L5 S1 Degenrative disc lesion at L5-S1 abutting both S1 nerve roots , more on the right side . Bilateral mild L3-4 facet joints arthropathies . MRI Normal MRI : S1 L5 Anatomy the lumber spine ( lower back ) consists of five vertebrae numbbered L1 to L5 these vertebrae are attached to the sacrum at the lower end of the spine Anatomy prolapse of the L5-S1 disc will affect the S1 nerve root persistent or fluctuating last longer then 3 months causes : Ankylosing spondylitis • Neoplasms • Infections( TB, Herpes, osteomyelitis) • Atherosclerosis • Visceral pain Chronic back pain : chronic sinusitis chronic sinusitis (allergic) : "2013" PNS (water view ) Mild to moderate mucosal hypertrophy of both maxillary sinuses are noted more evidant on the left side suggestive of sinusitis for clinical correlation . Bilateral Mucosal hypertrophy of inferior nasal turbinate is also notes with evidence of nasal septum deviation to the left . There is no evidence of mucosal thinking opacification or fluid collection in thee other par anasal sinuses for osteomeatal channels patency , further CT evaluation is recommended It is the sinus infection lasting for months or years. signs and symptoms : Pain, tenderness and swelling around the eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead Nasal obstruction or congestion Ear pain Aching in your upper jaw and teeth Cough that might worsen at night Sore throat Bad breath (halitosis) Fatigue or irritability Nausea Chronic sinusitis hyperlipidemia Others Others past medical history past medical history Hospitalization and surgical not recorded Hospitalization and surgical not recorded 2009 to 2017 Lab tests Lab tests 2009 2009 Tumor markers : normal TSH test ( Thyroid - stimulating hormone ) : normal 2010 Antibiotic sensitivity : pencilin - erythromycin resistance CRP : negative Glucose RBC : normal 2010 bacteria type Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in response to the use of these medicines. Bacteria, not humans or animals, become antibiotic-resistant. These bacteria may infect humans and animals, and the infections they cause are harder to treat than those caused by non-resistant bacteria. Antibiotic resistance leads to higher medical costs, prolonged hospital stays, and increased mortality. AB resistant C-reactive protein test is a substance produced by liver in response to inflammation it's measure the ammount of protein called c-reactive protein in the blood it's mesures general levels of inflammation in the body CRP test 2011 CRP tset : positive (12mg/L) ESR test ( Erythrycin sedimenation test ) : Normal Rheumatoid factor : Negative Urine analysis : Every thing was normal Renal Function ( urea , creatinine .. etc ) : Normal HBA1C test : Not diabetic Vit B12 : Normal 25 hydroxy (OH) Vit D : Deficency stool analysis : Every thing was normal 2011 it's an autoantibody that is directed against organism's own tissues , most relevant in rhematoid arthritis Rheumatoid factors test 2012 CRP test : Negative 2012 2013 lipid test : every thing was

Hospital Presentation

Transcript: At SMVS we believe, life matters the most. Escalating costs of health care are proving prohibitive for a large section of the society. Costs should never become a cause for compromise in service, especially in a crucial sector like health care. We give thrust to living a moral life and keep away from addictions of all kinds. We have motivated over 5,00,000 people through these campaigns. We also undertake women awareness campaign and counselling through weekly assemblies. More than 1000 such sessions have been conducted. HH Swamishri HDH Bapji During last one / two decades multifaceted activities across diverse sector, regions and social classes; we have experienced a distinct disparity in the healthcare sector of Gujarat. Project Rationale SMVS Swaminarayan Hospital Environment Awareness This year in Feb-2016 we have organized the “Charity Walk” to aware the people about the SMVS Swaminarayan Hospital & its aim. There were about 10,000 men and women had participated. That was the biggest charity walk in history of Gujarat. Signature of the applicant in full (i) .......................................................First Name: Sadhu Nirlepswarupdasji (ii) Second Name: Gurudevnandandasji Signature of the applicant in full 1. Nature of Activities - Health Care Time Line A MULTISPECIALTY HOSPITAL Tribal Walfare Every year we are organizing more than ten blood donation camp in association with Red Cross in different parts of Gujarat. This year we are awarded by Indian Red Cross Society for blood donation camps by Honarable Rajypal of Gujarat State, Shri O P Kohli. Relief Measures We are doing Notebooks distribution in most backward areas of Panchmahal as well Ahmedabad. But yes, there is a reason. Jay Swaminarayan Health Care Cost will be affordable to common men Needy patients will be served by the available Charity Fund or by Donor Help Card The proposed hospital will function in a newly-built eight story building at Gandhinagar. PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR GRANT UNDER CSR Project Rationale Are being given primary, secondary and higher secondary education. Out of these students more than 1000 students are being given free education or highly subsidized education. The performance of the students is comparable to private schools where students pay a huge amount towards educational fees. The results of the students studying in 10th and 12th standard have been successively 100% for past several years. Our aim is to expand this activity to cover a large number of students from low income group to enable them to get a quality education at a very low cost. State as well as outside the country to help the patients in their own vicinity. We have also organized several blood donation camps in various parts of the state and have made available more than 25,000 bottles of blood to needy patients. We are building a data base of 50,000 blood donors who are ready to donate blood to a needy patient. Swaminarayan Mandir Vasna Sanstha SMVS An International Socio Spiritual Organization Endoscopy CSSD (Central Sterile & Supply Department) Pharmacy Rehab Introduction:SMVS Education Capital Outlay on the following items and Table. Support Services Charity Walk to Support SMVS Swaminarayan Hospital II. List of major activities undertaken during the past three years. Project Highlight With the blessings of Bhagwan Swaminarayan, Abjibapashri and HDH Bapji (PP Devnandandasji Swamishri) and with vision of HH Swamishri (PP Satyasankalpadasji Swamishri), SMVS has endeavored to set up multi-specialty, hospital with advanced medical infrastructure and add a flower in its bouquet of health and humanitarian services. India has 14% tribal population and this percentage varies from state to state and district to district. We operate more than 500 centers in various parts of the country for the welfare of tribal community and to mainstream them through their overall upliftment. We also give scholarships to tribal students for their education and all round development. Yoga Day Established by HDH Bapji (PP Devnandandasji Swamishri), and under his guidance SMVS is currently led by able leadership of HH Swamishri (PP Satyasankalpdasji Swamishri). SMVS Swaminarayan Hospital I/We do also hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my/our knowledge. For any mis-statement of facts, l/we shall be liable for civil/criminal action. Further the undersigned undertakes to submit “Utilization Certificate” in the prescribed format within I5 days of the receipt of any amount, if sanctioned. General Medicine Chest & TB Dermatology Intensivist Pediatric Psychiatry Cardiology Nephrology Gastroenterology Oncology Endocrinology Hematology Rheumatology Pain Management We regularly organize “Mummy Project”, to aware the mother that how to nourish kids for their all around progress. More than 5000 mothers were trained through “Mummy Project”. On one hand, Gujarat has several corporate hospitals with global outlook, but they are beyond the reach of the

Hospital Presentation

Transcript: Sleep Study Home vs In lab What is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea Stroke. Impaired cognitive function. Heart disease Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Premature death Hypertension Irregular heart beat. Driving and work related accidents. Pulmonary hypertension Thick blood Depression. Snoring Obesity Witnessed sleep apnea Day time sleepiness Treatment options What is Sleep Apnea? References: DreamWear nasal mask Presentation by: Alex Childs, Physician Assistant, MPHS Grantsville Medical Clinic photo credit: Central How do we know? photo credit: Pediatric cases Alcohol Pain medication Compliance What increases the risk for all of these? Home vs in lab photos credit: Sleep Apnea How do you know? Sleep study Stroke. Impaired cognitive function. Heart disease Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Premature death Hypertension Irregular heart beat. Driving and work related accidents. Pulmonary hypertension Thick blood Depression. Obstructive photo credit:

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