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Presentation Template For Past Research

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Template for Research Presentation

Transcript: What recent event is having a similar effect in America? Include details about events that have happened recently that are effected by your event. You may use these resources: Income inequality - Research Project How can a novel like To Kill A Mockingbird lead to positive change? How was your event changed by protests and laws after 1960? 2. What were the effects of your event? details Insert a graphic or video to support More information about effects How is the event related to the novel To Kill A Mockingbird? Be specific about events in the novel that are influenced by the real-life event you are researching. You may include a you tube video from the movie of the novel Insert a video from the research Time Place What led to it? Your research presentation must answer five questions: 1. What is your historical event? 2. What were the effects of your event? 3. How is the event related to the novel To Kill A Mockingbird? 4. What recent event is having a similar effect in America? 5. How can a novel like To Kill A Mockingbird lead to positive change? 1. What is your historical event? Information from research about how the event impacted people To Kill A Mockingbird

Past Research

Transcript: Scholarship Dr Didem Ekici health The healthy body pandemics Textile in architecture housing architectural envelope the air sustainability urban memory self Housing reform and health Dalcroze Institute at Hellerau Garden City, ca. 1912 The Laboratory of a New Humanity: The Concept of Type, Life Reform, and Modern Architecture in Hellerau Garden City, 1900-1914. Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2008. The Garden City Movement Alternating gables and cowl dormers in the small housing designed by Hermann Muthesius, Hellerau (Gartenstadt 7, 1913). Living room in small housing in Hellerau designed by Kurt Frick, the German Workshops, 1914 (Das Eigenhaus in Hellerau, Hellerau: Verlag der Gartenstadt, 1913). Coeditor and author, Housing and the City. Co-edited with Katharina Borsi, Jonathan Hale, Nick Haynes. Routledge, 2022. From Rikli's light-and-air hut to Tessenow's Patenthaus: Koerperkultur and the modern dwelling in Germany, 1890-1914. Journal of Architecture 13 no. 4 (2008): 379-406. House, nature, and healing 1. The light-and-air hut built by Adolf Just near Brunswick, c. 1880 (Adolf Just, Return to Nature!, 1903). 2. The advertisement for the light-air-sport bath in Berlin by Fidus (Kraft und Schoenheit, 3, 1901). 3. The Patenthaus, Hellerau, 2007. (Photograph by Didem Ekici) 4. Tessenow Wall, 1909 (Zeitschrift fuer das Baugewerbe 57 no 2, 1913). Healing Spaces, Modern Architecture, and the Body, edited by Sarah Schrank and Didem Ekici. London and New York: Routledge, 2017. The modern house and the science of hygiene "The Physiology of the House: Modern Architecture and the Science of Hygiene." In Healing Spaces, Modern Architecture, and the Body, 47-64. Surface materiality “Skin, Clothing, and Dwelling: Max von Pettenkofer, the Science of Hygiene, and Breathing Walls.” Journal of Society of Architectural Historians. 75 no.3 (2016): 281-98. Skin, clothing and, dwelling 1. Fabric fibers such as linen, hemp, cotton and silk under a microscope to examine their hygroscopic performance (Carl Flügge, Grundriss der Hygiene [Leipzig, Veit & Co., 1897]). 2. Max von Pettenkofer’s experiment to demonstrate the porosity of brick (Max von Pettenkofer, Beziehungen Der Luft zu Kleidung, Wohnung und Boden. [Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1873]. “Airborne Infection and Breathing Walls.” Gta papers 5, theme issue, Social Distance. (2021): 132-37 Airborne infection and breathing walls Illustration of air currents in a room. From Lewis Leeds, Lectures on Ventilation, p. 26. Source: Deutsches Museum Bibliothek, Munich. Garden Office, Nottingham, 2019 Design and Self Build The structure is composed of structural insulated panels (SIPs) and a ridge beam. The north and south elevations are clad with cedar tongue and groove cladding; the east and west elevations along with the roof are clad with industrial corrugated metal. While the cedar cladding complements the natural surroundings, the corrugated steel refers to the local agricultural heritage as a low-cost material that has been used by farmers for shepherd huts and lambing sheds for decades. The resultant building is highly energy efficient and cost effective. Textile in Architecture. From the Middle Ages to Modernism. Edited By Didem Ekici, Patricia Blessing, Basile Baudez. Routledge, 2023. Textile in Architecture Body, Cloth, and Clothing in Architecture from the Age of Mass Manufacture to the First World War, under revision. Surfaces of Memory Architecture and Anthropocene air The Anthropocene Graduate seminar, 2023 Didem Ekici, Smog over Baoding, China, 2018

Research Template

Transcript: 1. Conclusions- Closing remarks 2.) Recommendations Summary- what to do in the future as a result of the data and research results 3.) Discussion- summarizes in detail the findings of the analysis Start Chapter 2 Mona Hernandez You will need a reference page for your research proposal, this slide serves as the last step in the process and my reference for this assignment References Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research planning, conducting and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson 1.) Statement of the Problem- contains the topic of the study, the research problem within the topic, a justification for the problem based on past research & practice, deficiencies or shortcomings of past research or practical knowledge, and the importance of addressing the problem for diverse audiences 2.) Purpose- consists of identifying the major intent or objective for a study and narrowing it into specific research questions or hypothesis 3.) Significance of the Study- the reason the topic is being researched and investigated 4.) Research Questions- interrogative statements that narrow the purpose statement to specific questions that researchers seek to answer in their studies 5.) Hypotheses- declarative statements in quantitative research in which the investigator makes a prediction or conjecture about the outcome of a relationship Chapter 1 1.) Methodology- analyzes the previous methods of studies from previous years 2.) Restate Purpose 3.) Restate Research Questions 4.) Null Hypotheses- makes predictions that there will be no statistically significant difference between the independent & dependent variables 5.) Population- a group of individuals of the same characteristics 6.) Sampling Instrumentation 7.) Procedure- actually carrying out the research 8.) Time Frame- allotted time to conduct and follow the research 9.) Analysis Plan- the way in which the data and information will be viewed and analyzed 10.) Validity- researchers can draw meaningful and justifiable inferences from scores about a sample or population 11.) Reliability- individual scores from an instrument should be nearly the same or stable on repeated administrations of the instrument and thaty thy should be free from sources of measurement error and consistent 12.) Limitations- potential weaknesses or problems in quantitative research that are identified by the researcher Chapter 3 Chapter 4 End Research Process Template 1.) Results- what occurs after the research is conducted, the answers or solutions Chapter 5 1.) Background- give prior information and knowledge in the subject matter that will be researched 2.) Literature Review- written summary of articles, books, and other documents that describe the past and current state of knowledge about the topic 3.) Definition of Terms- defines any words that will be used that may be unfamiliar to the readers

Research Presentation Template Prezi

Transcript: This is a couple of sentences combining a rewritten thesis statement and something to think about for the audience. (Think of how your topic affects us today, affected the world, or affected history. BIG PICTURE STUFF. ) Same goes here as for topic 1. :) As for those sources, we have to get them properly cited. Getting them cited can be frustrating, but it's really just plugging what information we have into the formulas. Topic 1 from the Outline You will have three bullet points for each slide. They will each be a brief sentence summing up the evidence you got in your research. You will make a notecard for each bullet point with your quotes, paraphrases, or summaries from your research. Not everything you say will be on the Prezi. Topic 5 from the Outline (THIS IS YOUR LAST SLIDE, SO YOU SHOULD NOW TAKE THE TIME TO "PRESENT" TO YOURSELF TO MAKE SURE THE SLIDES ARE IN THE ORDER YOU INTENDED. IF YOU FIND THEY ARE NOT, EDIT AND THE LEFT OF THE SCREEN ALLOWS YOU TO CLICK AND DRAG SLIDES INTO THE ORDER YOU DESIRE. :) Topic 2 from the Outline The same goes here for Topic 1's slide. :) About those want to put the topic number at the top, with the bullet point number in parentheses. Make sure you have a notecard for each bullet point. You need at least one picture for each slide! Be sure that it is relevant to the slide. Be sure to put each picture's link below each picture to show where you got it. Works Cited Topic 3 from the Outline The same goes here as for Topic 1. :) About those quotes, paraphrases, and summaries on your notecards for each bullet point... be sure you mention the source in the sentence. For instance: According to [source], [topic] [evidence]. OR [Source] reports that [topic] [evidence]. Here you will summarize what you found in your research in one strong sentence. (This is your thesis statement.) Thesis Statement Formula: [Topic] is [Research Question Answer] because [sub-question 1 answer], [sub-question 2 answer], [sub-question 3 answer], [sub-question 4 answer], and [sub-question 5 answer]. Conclusion The same goes here as for Topic 1. :) About those paraphrases, quotes, and summaries on your notecards...they should prove the bullet point they are written down for. They are the EVIDENCE. The bullet points are supporting details. :) Your Topic (Research Presentation Template Prezi) [YOUR TITLE!] Topic 4 from the Outline Here you will copy and paste info from your Works Cited Word Document. Be careful that you have a citation for each source you used!

Past Research

Transcript: Current Research ~About one hundred million galaxies are in our universe. ~Three different types of galaxies. Spiral, Elliptical, and Irregular. ~Spiral galaxies are disks with stars, planets, dust, and gas. ~Elliptical galaxies are round have more older stars. ~Irregular galaxies are a random shape that were once a Spiral or Elliptical but were changed by gravitational pull. ~Galaxies changed over time and now are mostly made up of dust, gas, many stars, dark matter, and gravity. ~Rich clusters have more than 1,000 galaxies. Poor clusters have less than 1,000 galaxies. ~1 trillion years orbits from the Local Group will disappear. ~2 trillion years all galaxies outside of the Virgo (constellation) will not be able to be found. ~100 quintillion years objects in galaxies will fall out and the universe will become smaller. ~150 billion years all galaxies will go behind the horizon and communication for galaxies wont be possible. ~3 billion years humans will be able to see all galaxies from Earth! ~3-5 billion years the Milky Way and Andromeda will collide and be renamed to the "Milkomeda" ~Galaxies were created about 13 billion years ago from atoms, hydrogen, and helium colliding. ~In 1785 William Herschel made the first map of the Milky Way, he studied star formation and grouping them. ~In the 1960's quasars were discovered. Quasar is an object that has a lot of power. ~When galaxies were first created they constantly kept crashing into another. Galaxies Past Research Future Research

Past Research

Transcript: Our Project Lung cancer. How smoking cigarettes affects people's health What is Autism? How to understand people with it? And Special Care that is needed? Our project was based on how smoking cigarettes gives you lung cancer we looked up statistics in how many people smoke and how much they smoke. we gave examples of how smoking affects ones health by showing the teeth, gums, lungs, eyes. My group and i also gave examples in how addicts can seek help if they want to get rid of this horrible addiction. Looked up what lung cancer was I learned that kids with autism can go through many types of therapies just so they can learn how to communicate with others socially What I Learned Junior Year What We Did. Sophomore year What i learned/ Gained from doing this project My most memorable part of this project was how high death rates where because of a cigarette smoking addiction and how badly ones health can be affected by this. Water conservation. How to save water? Why do we need water? The California drought. First we learned what water conservation was Learned about the California drought Ways to conserve water Why we should save water Learned what areas are affected by drought in California created awareness in saving water oh Learned what autism was and who it affects. We created a website showing people the needs of a child with autism. Learned how to deal with kids that have this mental condition. Researched what was needed in helping children with it. Showed ways of how one can interact and be friendly with a student with autism Project Period Research By: Guillermo Fierros Freshman year The project

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