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Presentation Template For Direct Sales

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Direct Sales

Transcript: Step 1: Find a Tupperware consultant, meet up with them. Step 2: Purchase 1 out of 2 Tupperware sales consultant starter kits. Step 3: Read the information given to you in the starter kit. Step 4: Decide how you want to sell Tupperware. Step 5: Sell Tupperware products and start earning commission. Mia Bath & Body Avon How to begin selling Avon: Order some samples for people who might be interested in buying. Distribute brochures to people you can find on a regular basis. Consider setting up a party to help get you started on sellling Avon products. How to get started: Tupperware Tupperware *Up to 35% commission.* You get the opportunity to sell a variety of Tupperware products and earn income based on the amount of product you sell each month. Avon 1- Choose your starter kit. (There are 3 to choose from) 2- Choose a date for your opening party. 3- Share. Apply to become an Avon representative. (You can do it online, on the Avon website). Complete a discussion with the corporate representative. (This is not an interview). Pay the fee to get started. (You can find out how much you need to pay by checking with your local office). Start your online training. Set up your website -- This will probably be your main source of income. How to become a Tupperware sales consultant: *Up to 35% commission* Avon Mia Bath & Body "Mia Success Plan" - as long as you’re active, you will ALWAYS earn money from the people in your team and organization. Website Links: Tupperware *Between 20% and 25% commission.* Direct Sales *Training and support both in person and online.*

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