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Transcript: An activist is either a leader or a follower. Their role is completely determined by the situation. 1. Gamified Strategy : Gamification By using a game with mechanisms of rewards, motivation to keep playing, and identification of roles, activists make learning about movements easy and fun. What do students act for most? Youth & Student Movements 1. Protest and Violence Lobbying is a strategy of activism to describe the cases of activism that impact policy-making Lobbying has the same goal as activism: influence decision makers Contributing Successful cases of activism combine traditional, digital, and innovative tools of activism. Innovative tools are an adaption of traditional or digital tools developed by activists. Following Now you move from single-step actions to more invested courses of action. This step is a significant contribution of time, money, or social capital. You might join the group, make a large donation, or attend many events. Slacktivists believe they are involved in a virtual network, but they are only truly raising awareness, another strategy previously mentioned. Innovative Tools of Activism 1. Shock Your Audience a) Attempt to scare you, horrify you, and make you feel like a bad person for not taking immediate action b) Advocating audience to use their new knowledge to do something Owning: What do NIMBY and Grassroots have in common? Scary and provocative tactics of raising awareness. Now that we understand the four strategies of activism, let's take a look at what holds the strategies together: The Four Corners of Activism 1. Activists 2. Social Movements 3. Grassroots and NIMBY Movements 4. Youth & Student Movements The Three Strategies to Raising Awareness: Yes. First let's look at the definition of activism: action or involvement as a means of promoting, impeding, or directing political and social change. NIMBY and Grassroots Movements What is Empowerment? R Levels of engagement can be best understood through a pyramid visual. You are making major commitments, and find a passion in the organization. You might publish about the campaign or participate in public speaking. When an organization has more members and allies, the resources increase. #BlackLivesMatter started in 2012 after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the murder of Trayvon Martin. In their own words, "Rooted in the experiences of Black people in this country who actively resist our dehumanization, #BlackLivesMatter is a call for action and a response to the virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our society." Networking through the hashtag, and raising awareness for a cause shows the overlapping of strategies. No direct legislation has been formed as a result of #BLM's activism, however they have made it a discussion worldwide. 3. Virtual --> Real What are examples of traditional tools of activism? signs graffiti petitions merchandising leaflets Organize networks in order to gain allies This is a conceptual introduction to the interactions between media, activism, and democracy. Overview: 1. Walk through of the four strategies of activism 2. Where do these strategies overlap? (Examples of activism) 3. The Four Corners of Activism 4. Tools of Activism Types of Networks: 2. Make Your Audience Think a) The concept behind this strategy is that consciousness will initiate a change b) Asks the question: What will you do to help? Observing YouTube websites podcasts (Source: "What ISIS Really Wants" by Graeme Wood) Activists Can ISIS be considered activism? Role Digitalization: the integration of technology into everyday life What are examples of innovative tools of activism? music apps digital storytelling music Case Study: Is ISIS an example of activism? Activists utilize collective action at the local level to affect change at the local, regional, national, and international levels. A lot of movements start at the grassroots level, and then when a "trigger event" occurs it becomes a larger-scale issue. Observing: Introduction: An activist is either a supporter or an activist. We saw this in the Engagement Pyramid earlier. The activist needs the supporters to succeed. Protest and Violence does not overlap with Empowerment and Lobbying. If you make it to the final stage of activism (Empowerment and Lobbying), you will not need to resort to violence. If you are trying to use violence to influence policy-making, it is not considered activism. There are three main typologies of digital activists: 1. Thinkers 2. Builders 3. Doers What do youth act for most? Matrix Presentation Claire O'Brien Media Activism and Democracy Fall 2016 Following: Social movements share 3 common features: This networking is in-person,for example, NGO's. Traditional Tools of Activism 2. Pirate Party M This is ISIS's biggest downfall. Ultimately they are trying to impact the political system, however as a terrorist organization they don't have any outright government supporters. This hinders the group from becoming active in government and lobbying

Matrix Presentation

Transcript: Matrix Presentation Strategies: Adaptive & Motor Name: Marie Smith Age: 21 months old outcomes/goals: Assessed with the Battelle Developmental Inventory, Second Edition, and many deficits were found in Adaptive, personal-social, communication, motor, and cognition. Goals for her are to embed strategies in her natural environment to assist her in reaching developmental milestones appropriate for age. Embedded Strategies would include: Provide Marie with proper positioning so she can look and listen to a story, talk to Marie for more than 10 seconds. Associate spoken words with familiar objects. Encourage your child to put two words together when talking about actions of toys during play. For example, talk about toys jumping into the bath with the same type of sentence, such as, "Fish jumps! Dog jumps!" This will allow her to fill in new words more easily. Speak to Marie about the groceries you are putting in the cart. Encourage Marie to wave to strangers at the store. Conclusion Embedded strategies would include; Adaptive: Providing Marie adaptive utensils, and modeling eating during mealtime. Use straws to help build articulatory skills. Allow Marie to explore what is on her plate, and let her play with her food. Provide a sippy cup with a straw to work on adaptive skills. Motor: Provide adequate tummy time for her. Lay her in prone position (on her stomach) give her objects to look at. Prompt her to start rolling over by moving object just out of sight. Give her small toys to start grabbing. Provide her sitting time throughout the day without support to help build trunk control. Have Specialized bath seats, and a variety of toys in the tub to help Maria work on her small motor skills. Marie’s testing through the BDI-2 revealed many areas of developmental delay. One of Marie’s strengths is her family’s readiness to address the concerns in her development,Depending on her response to the embedded interventions, further evaluation from a Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist may also be necessary. The interventions are structured to enhance her current level of function by being embedded in her natural environment. Marie's Case Study Jessica Buckmeier EDSE 422Y Strategies: Communication & Cognition

Matrix Presentation

Transcript: By: Ashley Dworak in Secondary Schools Work-Based Learning What are the benefits and best-practices for work-based learning programs in secondary schools? Analysis of Student Perceptions Analysis of student perceptions of the psychosocial learning environment in online and face-to-face career and technical education courses. Purpose Analysis Findings Examine high school students perceptions of face-to-face vs. online Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses Carver, D.L., & Kosloski Jr., M.F. (2015). Analysis of student perceptions of the psychosocial learning environment in online and face-to-face career and technical education courses. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 16(4), pp. 7-21. Carver, D.L., & Kosloski Jr., M.F. (2015). Analysis of student perceptions of the psychosocial learning environment in online and face-to-face career and technical education courses. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 16(4), pp. 7-21. Analysis Findings 745 students completed a survey at the end of the course 5-point Likert scale Categories including: instructor support student interaction & collaboration personal relevance authentic learning active learning student autonomy enjoyment. Example of questions: Instructor Support Student Interaction & Collaboration Personal Relevance Authentic Learning Active Learning Student Autonomy Enjoyment Figure 1. Modified items in survey (Carver & Kosloski, 2015, p.14) Online In Person Differences between general and talented students’ perceptions of their career and technical education experiences compared to their traditional high school experiences Differences in Students' Perceptions Gentry, M., Peters, S.J., & Mann, R. L. (2007). Differences between general and talented Understand the different perceptions of general and talented students in a CTE program vs. a traditional high school 51 students were interviewed after 9-weeks Half-day at CTE, other half at high school Interview factors included: Appeal Challenge Choice Meaningfulness Self-efficacy Coding of data was done to find themes Perceptions of CTE program were superior to traditional high school Themes were: Student Autonomy Effective/Caring Teachers* Similar Interest Peers Relevant Content Analysis Purpose Findings students’ perceptions of their career and technical education experiences compared to their traditional high school experiences. Journal of Advanced Academics, 18(3), 372-401. School-to-Work transition of career and technical education graduates School-to-work Transitions of Graduates Packard, B. W., Leach, M., Ruiz, Y., Nelson, C., & DiCocco, H. (2011). School-to-Work transition of career and technical education graduates. The Career Development Quarterly, 60, 134-144. To analyze CTE high school graduates during their school-to-work transition, specifically their adaptability to barriers 40 students, all were first generation college students Baseline survey completed to find career narrative Students were to outline their current school and work activities Follow-up interviews were conducted at 6 months and 1 year after graduation Four themes developed: Job loss altered career plans, n=20 25% felt validation in career Limited financial access to college, n=14 40% of participants furthered their career goals by going to college Graduates experienced loss of education-related support, n=26 30% did not have any support at graduation CTE served as a back-up plan, n=4 Persued other careers goals Analysis Purpose Findings Promoting Career & College Readiness Promoting career and college readiness, aspirations, and self- efficacy: Curriculum field test Martinez, R.R., Baker, S.B., & Young, T. (2017). Promoting career and college readiness, aspirations, and self-efficacy: Curriculum field test. Career Development Quarterly, 65(2), 173-188. doi:10.1002/cdq.12090 To examine the effects of a curriculum intervention designed to improve career and college readiness of early adolescents of low socioeconomic status. Curriculum intervention was superior to an individualized learning mode Enhancements were shown in post-education knowledge and college readiness self-efficacy Post-educuation aspirations were not affected Variances were due to individual variables (gender, ethnicity, etc.) Analysis Purpose Findings 163 ninth-grade students With the curriculum intervention, the goal was to increase: post-education going knowledge (PEG-K) post-education going access aspirations (PEG-AA) college readiness self-efficacy Pre/Posttests were given Tests were varying from true/false to 3-5-point Likert scales Effects of High School Career Education The effects of high school career education on social-cognitive variables McWhirter, E.H., & Rasheed, S. (2000). The effects of high school career education on social-cognitive variables. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47(3), 330-341. To examine five variable effects of a 9-week career education class: career decision-making self-efficacy vocational-skills self-efficacy

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