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Presentation Background Images Png

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Multiple Background Images

Transcript: The last background image will be the bottom layer. Beware of trying to cram in too many overlapping images. All of the normal background image properties apply, they are just separated by commas. Background Properties background-image: url(image1.png), url(image2.jpg); background-size: 25%, cover; background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat; background-position: 50% 75%, center; Layered Images Here image1 will be on the top layer, while image3 will be the bottom layer. Remember, transparencies are only supported with certain image formats. You can overlay as many background images as you want, but remember that backgrounds affect visibility of site content. Background images can add variety and help make your page stand out. For example, in this presentation, the flying origami birds are the background image. Sometimes one background image isn't enough. Fortunately, CSS allows us to layer multiple background images. The first background image listed will be the first layer, followed by the second, etc. Below is a basic example of layered background images. Adding Multiple Backgrounds div { background: url(image1.png), url(image2.png), url(image3.png); } Multiple Background Images Adding multiple backgrounds is easy. Just add the next image in the same way you would a background image, separated by a comma. Multiple Background Images Be careful not to put opaque images on top or you won't see the the other layers. div { background: url(image1.png), url(image2.png), url(image3.png); } Sample Page For example:

Transcript: The exosphere usually begins about 520 km up, but there is do definable boundary to mark as the end of the thermosphere and the beginning of the exosphere. Even at heights of 800 km, the atmosphere is still measurable. impact is that there are different weather occurs. Almost all weather occurs in the troposphere. Most thunderstorms don't go much above the top of the troposphere. questions 1. How is the ozone layer helpful to humankind? 3. How does the temperature change throughout the atmosphere? In this region, the temperatures again fall as low as -93 c (-195 F) as you increase in altitude. The ozone layer, which absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet radiation, is in this layer. The air is extremely thin at this level. The name troposphere is derived from the greek tropein, which means to turn or change. The temperature in this region increases gradually to -3 c, due to the absorption of ultraviolet radiation. The exosphere is the region where molecules from the atmosphere can overcome the pull of gravity and escape into outer space. The thermosphere As you climb higher in this layer, the temperature drops from about17 to -52 degrees Celsius. (63 to -62 degrees Fahrenheit.) - absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet radiation. Ozone is the triatomic from of oxygen. Ninety-nine percent of air is located in the troposphere and stratosphere. - there would not be enough molecules bombording your body to transfer heat to your skin. The temperatures in this region can go as high as 1,727 c. THe atmosphere Layers of the Atmosphere - warm to very cold to hot again. Because your getting closer to the sun. Though the measured temperature is very hot, if you exposed your skin to the thermosphere, the perceived temperature would be very cold. This is because there are so few molecules present at this height. There would not be enough molecules bombarding your body to transfer heat to your skin. helps the pressure of air. which is protecting us from the sun's ultraviolet radiation's. The Mesosphere Human Impacts What accounts for this change? the exosphere This part of the atmosphere is the densest. There are five layers. First layer is the Troposphere, next is the Stratosphere, after that is the Mesosphere, then the Thermosphere, the last one is the Exosphere. The troposphere starts at the Earths surface and extends 16 km. 4. What percentage of the atmosphere would you pass through if you could travel as high as 80km above sea level? It has its own magnetic field It coincides with our ocean, and the two have a very similar flow stream, not only that but the two are symbiotic Our atmosphere is what keeps our oxygen circulating around the planet, and filters out the harmful UV radiation It's surrounded by a layer of radiation known as the Van Allen Belt The mesosphere starts just above the stratosphere and extends to 80 km. The Stratosphere In the Troposphere the human Mesosphere has the air mass that Compared to the troposphere, this part of the atmosphere is dry and less dense. extra facts The Stratosphere has the ozone layer The exosphere starts at the top to the thermosphere and continues until it merges with interplanetary gases, or space. - gas particles absorb ultraviolet and x-rays radiation from the sun. However, molecule concentrations are very small. Over 99.9 percent of the atmosphere's mass lies below the mesosphere. 5. Why would the thermosphere not feel hot to a person? The Troposphere 2. How is the Ionosphere helpful to humankind? The thermosphere starts just above the mesosphere and extends to 480 km. The stratosphere starts just above the troposphere and extends to 48 km. - 99.9%

Background Images

Transcript: Placing a background image requires more than just using the background-image property. There are other properties that you will need to familiarize yourself with in order to successfully place your image on your web page. These background CSS properties include: background-color Sets the background color of an element. background-image Sets the background image for an element. background-repeat Sets how a background image will be repeated. background-attachment Sets whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page. background-position Sets the starting position of a background image. See the examples on the next slides. Background Images Let's put it all the properties together. body{ background-color: #333; background-image: url(../image/mountain.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: top left; } According to the order of the properties matter. You don't need each of the properties or in other words one or more of the items can be missing. However, it should maintain the same order. To help me remember, I think of pancakes. Because pancakes need syrup. In this case, the background order needs CIRAP. Color, Image, Repeat, Attachment and Position. When adding a background image to your website, it is important to understand what file types work the best to improve your download speed. Example of file types for background images: .png .jpg .gif Tip - In order to change a photo file type like a .jpg, .pdf or .eps file to a .png file on a Mac, open the file in Preview. Then on the file menu and choose export. Near the bottom of the menu click format and select .png and then click on save. It's that easy. Background Properties Adding a Background Image The background-image property sets one or more background images for an element. The background of an element is the total size of the element, including padding and border (but not the margin). By default, a background-image is placed at the top-left corner of an element, and repeated both vertically and horizontally. Background Fixed Image Despite your decision to use a background image, it's still recommended that you use a background color as a default. body{ background-color: #333; background-image: url(../image/mountain.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; } The reasoning behind the additional use of background color, is in case the browser does not load for your user. That said, make sure you choose your default color wisely. You don't want a neon color to blow your user experience away and distract them from your content or product. (unless you want to bring back the 80's to your site) A background image added to a website with no content. body{ background-image: url(../image/mountain.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; } Background Image Color Background Image Repeat Background Images Conclusion Background Images Background Image File Types When the background is fixed, the text on your page scrolls while the background does not move. The last item I want to discuss is background positioning. This property will set the starting position of the background image. For example, the standard starting position is the top left of a website here in the U.S. because our language is read from left to right. In countries that read from right to left a positioning that would work best would be top right. body{ background-image: url(../image/mountain.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: top left; } Background Image Positioning Putting It All Together body{ background-image: url(../image/mountain.png); background-repeat: repeat; } Background Images are an impactful aspect or your web page design. Learning how to apply a background-color as a default and placing and background-image within your body div in your CSS file are the first two key steps. Depending on what type of image you have will then help you to decide whether or not you will need to utilize the other background properties. The additional properties are background-repeat, background-attachment and background-position. Lastly, remember when dealing with background properties, don't forget to pass the CIRAP. In order to add a background image to your site, you need to apply the background-image property to your <body> tag in your CSS file. Example code: body{ background-image: url(../image/mountain.png); } The url destination is mapped to the location of the file image through the direct path in the folder structure. The majority of websites use some form of a background image to enhance their user experience. Some sites choose to use simple backgrounds like Other sites like use only a color for their background, leveraging white space to to highlight their content. body{ background-image: url(../image/mountain.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } Background Image No

PNG Presentation

Transcript: - Existing Station Map Identifying the Problem -Developing a Game Plan Break into Two Teams of 2-3 Teams Worked in Separate Areas Survey Until it Rains at 3 O'clock New Hydro Dam, Canal and Generator New Power Lines and Poles to Connect to the Dam - Updated Survey of the Station Include Existing Utilities: Water Sewer Power Telephone - Expansion Plan for Future Building and Infrastructure Before Trip Plan College of Nursing Priorities Station Needs Papua New Guinea Hospital Priorities Network Hubs 2014-2018 20/20 Vision and Beyond Current Well is Inadequate Poor Water Pressure New Tower is Required or Single House Purification Water Lines Needed at Primary School Increase Capacity due to Growth Student Body Growing by 25-45 Per Year New Dorms Needed New Classrooms Needed Mission Station Situation 4 New Telephone and Internet Hubs College of Nursing 2013-2016 Banis Area Expansion -Define Problem Statement Security Increased Capacity Infrastructure Improvements Improve Security for Students Avoid Space Conflicts with Hospital Gantt Chart FULL FUTURE MAP FUTURE PLAN - Growth Plan -Report Checked by Licensed Engineer -Final Report Sent to Client -Final Conference Call with Dr. Dooley and Hospital Administration Storage Flex Space Demolish Old Hospital New Operating Theaters Inpatient Ward Outpatient Space Administration space Power Lines -Learn How to Develop City Plans Water Mumu -Fund Raise -Provide an Up-to-Date Survey of the Station -Develop a 5-10 Year Expansion Plan -Provide them with Valuable Information for Applying for Grants Establish Security Perimeter for Hospital Establish more Direct Routes -Proposal Accomplished by Communicating with Dr. Scott Dooley and Station Administration Identifying Campus Needs New Buildings Proposing a Solution 1,044 Minor Surgeries Completing Work Work Plan Housing Zone Map Men's Dorm Toilet Block Replacement Women's 2-story Dorm Men's 2-story Dorm Demolish Cliffside Buildings Behind College of Nursing New Academic Library, Offices, Student Center, and Cafeteria Post Trip Work: Two Deliverables $25,000 Expanding College of Nursing: 25 New Students a Year Understanding the Culture Merging Data Sets - Surveying Trip Welcome to Papua New Guinea As-Built Map Phased Expansion Plan Senior Engineering Project with a Mission Focus Mumu Student Center and Cafeteria Sewer - Dan Tanner Buildings, Power Lines, Property Lines, Canal -NNU data Sewer, Phone, Water, Roads, New Buildings, Canal Kudjip Nazarene Hospital Water Lines Phased Expansion Plan Kudjip Primary School 2013-2017 Family Housing Consolidation Recreation Center Playground Survey Map Hazards While Surveying 58,728 Outpatients 2-story Classroom Buildings New Teacher Housing New Assembly Hall Expanding Hospital - Trip Video Outline -Learn to Survey 1,912 Deliveries Hospital 556 Major Surgeries Parallel Line New Pumping Station Small Treatment Plant Move Septic Tank Storage and Receiving 2017-2018 Increase in Staff for all Departments Housing Increases Needed to Accommodate Influx Visiting Doctors, Missionaries Need Housing Security Perimeter Demolish Old Surgery Wing Build Circle Connecter Road Increase Sewer Capacity Close Bisecting Hospital Road New Operating Room Relocate Administration to Old Hospital Convert Old Administration to Outpatient Clinic New Inpatient Ward Sewer 2014-2017 Roads Missionary Kids School 2015-2018 How We Can Help? - Background Information -Prepare Pre-Trip Plan DAY 1 Roads -Infrastructure Gap -Family and Tribes -Living off the Land -How this Affects the Design Process As-Built Map Addressed Problems - Engineering Capstone Design Mission Project Concept Taught to Survey by Kyle Kashmitter Hospital College of Nursing Housing General Infrastructure Survey Method Expanding Schools: 1,000 New Students Well, Tank, and Waterlines 12 Duplexes and 5 Houses Athletic Field, Park, and Playground Additional Housing in Second Phase - Topcon Total Station and Prism Primary Schools Connecting Data Points College of Nursing Number and Function for Each Building Hospital Upgrades 2013-2019 Cliffside Lodge 2015-2016 Senior Design Project Mission trip to Papua New Guinea Dam and Canal New Housing Necessary Talked at Local Churches and Sent out Personal Letters Last Year: Making Foam Churches in Peru Kudjip Nazarene Mission Hospital New Storage and Receiving Building New Entrance Road 5,772 Admissions 10 - Year Plan Outdated Utilities Power Building Directory Missionary Conference Center Merging Data Sets Connecting Data Sets Constructing a Layered Map System Overloaded Improvements will be Needed to Match Expansion Old Lines Must be Overhauled What is Senior Design?

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