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Presentation Background Galaxy Images

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Multiple Background Images

Transcript: The last background image will be the bottom layer. Beware of trying to cram in too many overlapping images. All of the normal background image properties apply, they are just separated by commas. Background Properties background-image: url(image1.png), url(image2.jpg); background-size: 25%, cover; background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat; background-position: 50% 75%, center; Layered Images Here image1 will be on the top layer, while image3 will be the bottom layer. Remember, transparencies are only supported with certain image formats. You can overlay as many background images as you want, but remember that backgrounds affect visibility of site content. Background images can add variety and help make your page stand out. For example, in this presentation, the flying origami birds are the background image. Sometimes one background image isn't enough. Fortunately, CSS allows us to layer multiple background images. The first background image listed will be the first layer, followed by the second, etc. Below is a basic example of layered background images. Adding Multiple Backgrounds div { background: url(image1.png), url(image2.png), url(image3.png); } Multiple Background Images Adding multiple backgrounds is easy. Just add the next image in the same way you would a background image, separated by a comma. Multiple Background Images Be careful not to put opaque images on top or you won't see the the other layers. div { background: url(image1.png), url(image2.png), url(image3.png); } Sample Page For example:

galaxy presentation

Transcript: Food Water Humans Animals Plants / seeds Clothes Wolf Kinetic,electrical,light Howl =Wolf Ears=Rabbit By: Andrea and Maria Taiga Moon It is helping you transfer the entire population of our new planet Wolves have skin that protects them from the cold and chase other animals for food Rabbit=the rabbit can hide in dirt or trees If the rabbit gets removed from the food web the wolf will have to find something else to eat. Wolf Wolf= Can run fast away from predators Galaxy The moon helps us have night Nonliving The end learned The bear survives in the environment because there are caves to live and interact going to the river to pick up your food Weather Rainforest Incomplete the Galaxy, the earth is in danger Wind, hydro electrical, chemical Listen = Rabbit Hunt=Wolf Complete Mountains: Mountains are formed by tectonic plants a volcanic system. Metamorphosis Wind energy:Wind energy is energy that is used with turbines,And can also be used from systems of this type of energy range from small to generate energy Alternative energy Food Ocean Hydro electrical energy:It is obtained from the use of the gravitational potential energy of water systems clasping this type of energy are called micro turbines. We chose this biome because it has mountains and land to survive. Desert Food web / interaction Valleys: valleys are formed by flowing water. The space ship leaving planet earth Rabbits Positive and Negatives In our biosphere will be cold but in spring and holidays be a little hot and have a little rain. Positive= The humans get to survive by food. Description of different kind of energy's On my planet there is lots of vegetation so that the rabbit can find food and interact hiding in the bushes Types of energy in our planet _________________________ Our planet Dac Hemlock The sun is growing every day and soon it will explode No rabbits Water cycle: Structures and Functions Sun Taiga Bear= th e bears can make a loud noise to protect themselves from predators Rabbit carbon dioxide: Atmosphere House Biomes Mountains Rivers Valley iron Temperate forest The sun rays effect planet earth Are sun is growing every day and soon it will explode Cycles Kinetic:it helps us create electricity Tundra Weathering,erosion,deposition ___________ _____________ The plants will likely not get much precipitation and run out of thirst,and since it will be a bit colder than planet earth the animals well perhaps die from the cold. Coniferous trees Bears Solar energy Light:To see were we are going in our way. Living Inherited The carbon dioxide cycle uses organisms make photosynthesis from the atmosphere by plants. Landforms Chemical energy:it is produced in the chemical reactions.A battery or a battery having this type of energy. The sun rays are effecting planet earth Land Electricity: so light works solar energy Oceans Oxygen Gravity Climate Plains coal kinetic energy The water cycle is the sun,and is also has condensation,evaporation,and precipitation. Why do we need it Negative=they are taking the life of animals. Bear

Galaxy Presentation

Transcript:,of%20super%2Ddense%20cosmic%20objects.,total%20starlight%20of%20the%20galaxies. Galaxies Presentation By: Raza Ali Galaxies Galaxies Definition: a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction The Center of a Galaxy At the center of most galaxies there is theorized to be a black hole. This theory is widely accepted and would explain how the center of a galaxy has such a large gravitational pull At the center of the Milky Way we have Sagitarius A, a supermassive black hole that we recently took a picture of, and it is theorized to hold a mass of 4.3 million times our sun, or 8.26 x 10^36 kg. The Missing Matter Galaxies should slow down closer to the edge This is due to Centripetal Acceleration and the Universal Gravitation equations that we learned, as the force will get smaller and smaller, so the velocity should also get smaller This doesn't happen, instead the planets and systems on the edges of many observed galaxies continue to move at an unexpected constant velocity, leading scientists to theorize about a special type of matter that is creating a force to give them that velocity, and have given it the name Dark Matter The Doppler Effect Doppler Effect The Doppler Effect explains why the sound of moving objects either increases as the object moves towards you or decreases as the object moves away from you. The Effect This picture above explains the Doppler Effect the best. The Doppler Effect occurs when a moving object emits sound waves. As it moves closer to an object that is standing still the frequencies will create a louder noice, but as it moves away from an object it will lower in volume Why It Matters Light acts as both a wave and a particle, but in the case of what I am talking about today, we only care about how it acts as a wave. light is effected by the Doppler Effect as it will do the same things as sound if it is moving towards an object. The light waves will have a higher frequency when moving towards an object and a lower frequency when moving away, leading to different being detected by our telescope Red Shift and Blue Shift Red Shift/Blue Shift Red Shift and Blue Shift is pretty much the name of the Doppler Effect for light. As stated before the light will change in frequency, and if you check your light wave graphs you will what colors it change to. Different Types of Redshift There are 3 different types of Red Shift. 1. Relativistic Redshift 2. Gravitational Redshift 3. Cosmological Redshift Galactical Movement Using Redshift/Blueshift we can map the galactical movements within our universe. This can allow us to predict the positions of galaxies in the future and can also allow us to slowly perceive the way the universe works. This use of watching Redshift/Blueshift proved to us that the universe is expanding The Andromeda Galaxy Andromeda Collision The Milky Way will eventually crash into another galaxy, with that galaxy being the Andromeda Galaxy. Sagitarius A and a Black Hole inside of B023-GO78 The "Collision" "Collision" This is a "Collision". I say collision barely anything is actually going to crash into other stuff. The amount of empty space between galaxies means that a collision like this will only really affect the centers of the galaxies. Timeframe of Collision 1.7 Billion Years Before wrong 5 Billion Years in the Future 400 Million Years After 1.6 Billion Years After 1.5-0.5 Billion Years Before 18.3 Billion Years After 1.4 Billion Years Before

galaxy presentation

Transcript: Galaxy Presentation by Dylan Kha and Johnny Ni Milky Way Stars and Galaxies Solar System Stars and Galaxies Galaxies Galaxies A galaxy is a cluster of millions and billions of stars, dust, and gas all held together by gravity. There is possibly a black hole is in the center of a galaxy. Irregular Galaxies An irregular galaxy is a galaxy that does not have a distinct regular shape, unlike a spiral or an elliptical galaxy. They are among the smallest galaxies and are full of gas and dust. Having a lot of gas and dust means that these galaxies have a lot of star formation going on within them. This can make them very bright. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are examples of irregular galaxies. They are two small galaxies which orbit around our own Milky Way Galaxy. About 20% of all galaxies are irregulars. Spiral Galaxies A spiral galaxy is flat with a bulge in the middle which is usually a black hole. It is called a spiral galaxy because of its arms that rotate around the center black hole. Our galaxy is the Milky Way, which is a spiral galaxy, which includes millions of stars even bigger than our sun. Elliptical Galaxies Galaxies come in many shapes and sizes. Among the largest are the “elliptical galaxies”, massive ball-shaped galaxies made up of trillions stars. The densest regions of the universe provide perfect conditions for growing elliptical galaxies. In rich clusters, galactic collisions are common. The largest galaxies pull in many smaller ones and build themselves by cannibalizing their neighbors. In dense galactic clusters, like the Coma Cluster located nearly 300 million light-years from Earth, the majority of galaxies are elliptical galaxies. In this cluster, they have all congregated towards the cluster’s center leaving the remaining spiral galaxies out towards the edges. Facts about galaxies Elliptical galaxies contain some of the oldest stars because they do not have the ability to form new stars. Elliptical galaxies are so bright that if Earth were located inside of one, there would always be day light everywhere no matter the time of day. A lot of irregular galaxies probably began as an elliptical or spiral galaxy that crashed into another galaxy. From the southern hemisphere of Earth, two other galaxies can be seen with the naked eye. A small galaxy is one that contains less than a billion stars. Stars Solar System Stars are is a large ball of burning gas in space. Stars appear to us as small points of light in the sky on clear nights. The central core of a star is extremely hot and produces energy by fusion, the fusing of elements usually hydrogen in this case. Some of this energy is released as visible light, which makes the star glow. Our sun, the center of our solar system, is a yellow star of average temperature and size. Facts about stars Stars that are blue are typically much hotter than the average star. At the most conservative estimate, there are at least 10 billion trillion stars in the universe. Stars are formed from dense knots contained in large clouds of dust and gas called nebulae. One in four Americans believe that the sun orbits the Earth, rather than the other way around. Every day, approximately 275 million new stars are formed in the universe. Thank you for watching!

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