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Dance Presentation

Transcript: Absence/Presence by Ann Dils A Little Technology Is a Dangerous Thing By: Richard Provall •Dance educators and performers are hesitant to use technology to express dance •By using technology there is a greater chance of making dance more expressive, thus opening more doors to new opportunities by Lisa Marie Naugle Difference between virtual and real dances Virtual dances are often transparent, you can see through their bodies and see the three-dimensional look at their movement Capture & Swagger Further On... RoseLee Goldberg discusses “Ghostcatching” as…disciplined choreographic premise: strip the body of connotations-political, psychological, racial, even sexual-and concentrate on pure movement as the sole design for dance The fluid transformations of his movement life, and stimulated by the visual and aural elements of the piece exercise powers of association and memory Technology Demands... Abstract Dance Incorporating Technology Discussion Conclusion "Perhaps" movement phantoms Embodiments of Jones’s movements Done in still images, videotape, and sound Three-dimensional depiction of movement Technique/Technology/Technique GhostCatching Resources Both Paul Kaiser and Shelley Eshkar preserve and represent movement quality through their use of color and line The sensors record the motion of finite number of points, not really the whole body, so some of the body is lost “Ghostcatching” influences dance documentation, to preserve the work of dancers and choreographs who are HIV positive or lost to AIDS Figures, Portraits, and Movements One hand, virtual dance opens the possibilities of the dance field to news kinds of collaborations and new ways to envision dance Other hand, we buy into a world where dance will have an uncomfortable home Free form restrictions of race, sex, physical condition, but lose the richness of physical difference as well Dance technique is also a technology. A few techniques are: A dancer's skills Use of technique as a tool to carry put specific actions and performance aspects As a means of expression Underground Info Motion capture: the latest technological advancement “Fix our shadows Forever” Records the generic actions of generic movers i.e Animates Characters for Video Games and movies “Ghostcatching” is valuable as an opportunity to think about dance in the virtual world “Ghostcatching” takes this a step further by letting us see human movement on other-than-human bodies By comparing dancing in the virtual world to real-world dance experiences-a process that seems part of watching all virtual dance, we learn more about virtual space Explanation Formation Preservation project The Dance Motion Capture Program, sponsored by the The Estate Project Preserves and digitally presents the work of visual artists with AIDS Serve as blueprints for dance reconstruction, a virtual dance life after death 1.) Can you think of a way that technology has further inhansed dance as an art form? 2.) Now that we know visual performances such as "Ghsotcatching", and "Still/Here" exist, do you beleive that all dances will become a virutal dance? Or will the visual role of dance only serve as an opportunity for the culture of dance to grow? Dancing in the virtual world increases our need for education, connection, and money In the virtual world our abilities to express ourselves lie not in our bodies but in our access to and facility with technology In the virtual world, kinesthetic feeling is less important than visual impact 1st clip, elegant figure, light blue and white lines 2nd clip, the camera pans through a maze of multicolored vapor trails to catch a nervous figure made of white lines Perspectives of the People Intergral Role Of Technology In “Ghostcatching” the rules of gravity are suspended “Ghostcatching” is an exposition of drawing set in motion Life-sized, sexless, virtual dancers Nervous figure- white, jagged lines, and that the smoother movement is done by blue figures made of more fluid lines Iconic Figures Cont. Absence is important in both dances Still/Here is haunting because although the piece presents people who are very much alive, fighting, and hopeful, some of these very alive people may have already passed away, while the others face painful futures Mentally walk through our lives, picturing even our deaths Difference Still/Here •technology can be compared to dance in a sense that both computers and bodies are “wired” and “connected” •cyborgology helps explain the relationship between dance and technology technology can be a medium of exchange of knowledge and beliefs by people of different cultures. Same can be said about dance as an art form - - Artists have been the creators of new technologies - Technology is dangerous - Avoid discussing its prevalence in dance - Using Technology as a creative partner and an interactive element - The coupling of performance and environment - Integral Relationship with the performer and elements of performance Kaiser & His Work Formed by

Samba Dance Background

Transcript: Samba was initially believed to be sinful and the people of higher society did all they could to prevent this new music from being listened to. However the music continued to be popularized and danced to and now encompasses more than just one culture. Samba dance may not be important to everyone, but to a lot it is. Samba is very important to Brazilians. It is even more important than their five year in a row football championship. The music and dance moves are the love of many in Brazil. The samba dance is in the Brazilians culture and has been for many years. The carnival celebrates the Samba each year, but even throughout the year you can find Samba dancing everywhere; nightclubs, streets, even in some backyards. The dance and music are just a natural part of the Brazilian dance lifestyle and culture. It brings a lot of people together and that's why it's so important. Samba Dance Background Samba dance originated from Africa with the West African slave trade and religious traditions, but has become a huge part of Brazil's culture. SAMBA DANCE Interesting facts "Samba." Elbaz Dance. N.p.. Web. 19 Mar 2014. <>. "The History of Samba." Daance Lovers. N.p.. Web. 19 Mar 2014. <>. "Samba." Umich. N.p.. Web. 19 Mar 2014. <>. "Samba Dance Brazil." Celebrate Brazil. N.p.. Web. 19 Mar 2014. <>. Important people and interetsing facts! 16th Century- African's were imported from Africa to be slaves but their traditions were not forgotten and Samba was a part of that. 1917- Pelo Telephon was the first person to construct a Samba song. 1928- The first Samba school opened under Ismael Silva, called "Deixa Falar" (let them gossip.) End of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century- First official Samba day, celebrated on December 2th to celebrate the freedom of African slaves and what they brought with them- Samba dancing. 1998- First Brazil carnival; first carnival with Samba dancing in it. -Luis Moterio de Costa: Composed "Na Baixa do Sapeteiro" -Pelo Telephone: Made the first Samba song. Timeline of Important Events History of Samba Links There are several schools open just for Samba Dancing. Why is Samba dance important? Important People

Background Presentation

Transcript: 14th Week Consulting interns can be expensive Time and Money Personal Experience Preliminary Design Stage NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 New and Existing Education, Business, and Mercantile Definition of Project This app would be used to provide interns and recent graduates with an outline of guidelines for how to design and review designs of specific occupancies. With the given time frame, I will be writing the information that will go into the app Begin parametric study: Speak with my mentor and Jason to understand more about what critical variables I could concentrate on for this app. Choose those parameters and begin my study Gather information from NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 for new and existing education, business, and mercantile occupancies. By: Breanne Thompson Next Steps (Continued) Finish preparing for Draft of Analysis Pull together and discuss results of project Draw my conclusions and state future work needed Turn in Final Paper! 10th and 11th Week Turn in my parametric study Begin draft of analysis Map out the process of the app for the key elements 15th Week References Next Steps 7th Week Prepare for Final Presentation Summarize my draft of analysis into presentation Work on how to incorporate a live demonstration for my presentation App Development Background Information 8th-9th Week Continuous Process Objective-C for Apple products Java for Android products 6 months of studying Places to Learn: Codecademy, iOS Dev Center, Android Developers Training Hire App Developer will cost thousands Prepare Final Paper Dive into Shark Tank! 1. 2. 6th Week Background Presentation 12th-13th Week

Dance Presentation

Transcript: Woman's Fashion The 50's Dance - The most popular dance in the 50's included: classic pop, swing music, R&B, blues, rock and roll, country, jazz, and folk - Boy fashion for teenagers was very preppy, cowboy, or gang type. - Usually wore colors like blue, black, brown, and grey Video - The 50's era was all about teend finding alternatives to the cultural stereotypes accepted by their parents. - Ballroom- style dances were replaced with athletic, improvisatory and even acrobatic dancing - Teen danced in the 50's fell into categories: slow and fast - For the slow danced couples helped each other close and moved slowly around the dance floor in a type of box step. - For fast rock and roll dances couples often did the swing and other acrobatic moves like the shoot-through and cylinder turns. - Many teens came up with the new dances that reflected the rebelliousness of the time - New danced were also created to mirros the strong beat of Rock n' Roll, a type of music that was widly popular at the time - Women liked the curly, and wavy hairstyles. - Clean and tailored looks that hightighted the figure 8 look - Popular pieces: poodle, pencil, and swing skirts, tea dresses, and Peter Pan blouses Overview - Men usually wore work attire - Teenage girls wore the same style of clothing to all of their activities. - But, when they went to parties thy dressed up. - Introduction to the 50's - History - Music - Costumes Conclusion By Audrey Arnold, Yvonne La Rocca, Madeline Maxwell, and Ana Murphy - The most popular artists in the 50's were Johnnie Ray, Frank Sinatra, and Elvis Presley History of Dance Teenage Girls Music During the 50's - Men used grease to keep their hair intact all day. Teenage Boys 50's Men's Fashion Hairstyles - The 5 most popular songs in the 1950s were: 1. Johnnie B. Goode- Chuck Berry 2. Jailhouse Rock- Elvis Presley 3. Rock Around the Clock- Bill Haley and His Comets 4. Tutti Frutti- Little Richard 5. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin On- Jerry Lee Lewis

Background Presentation

Transcript: Real action and accountability Amnesty International Non-state actors/ Rebel Groups?? ...and what about men?? ignoring male rape victims? would rape exist without a man? Weapons of War: Rape UN as an Arena - NGO's - Discussion and dialogue Arena Instrument Actor Critical Thinking Weapons of War: Rape UN as an instrument UNSC Resolution 1820 (2008) UN as an Actor - UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict Weapons of War: Rape Problems with 1820 "Roles and Functions of International Organizations" "Sexual violence, when used as a tactic of war in order to deliberately target civilians or as a part of a widespread or systematic attack against civilian populations, can significantly exacerbate situations of armed conflict and may impede the restoration of international peace and security… effective steps to prevent and respond to such acts of sexual violence can significantly contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security" (UNSC Resolution 1820, p. 2)" Background Presentation- Kristin Mann Weapons of War: Rape Brief Insight - used to manipulate social control - destabilize communities - weaken ethnic groups and identities Examples: - Sudanese Militia - Rwanda Genocide - DRC Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Increased Data Collection by international organizations - determine humanitarian responses - ensures justice and reparation - provides recognition and dignity

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