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Transcript: INTRODUCTION Science and Technology Group 4 1. Nadia Nurfitri Sofiyani (210604010) 2. Ernita Edris (210604009) 3. Delvi Zalianti (210603025) 4. Marisha Silta Fany(210603026) 5. Alvi Syahrin (210604005) 6. Jalden Darma(2106040) Science and Technology Science and technology is developing continues, even today progressing rapidly. The development is not only in the count years, months, or days, but hours, even minutes or seconds, especially with regard to information and communication technology supported 52 Missio Journal of Education and Culture, Volume 10, Number 1, January 2018, p. 1-136 with electronic technology. The influence extends to various areas of life, including field of education. The influence of the development of science this very fast knowledge and technology have positive and negative impacts. The development of science and technology have a positive impact by being more open and dissemination of information and knowledge from and to the whole world transcends the boundaries of space and time. The negative impact is the change behavior, ethics, norms, rules, or morals of life contrary to ethics, norms, rules, and moral life in society. In response to this situation, the role of education very important to develop impact positive and correct the negative impact. What is the relationship between religion and science and technology? What is the relationship between religion and science and technology? 1 1. The secular paradigm, namely paradigm that views religion and science and technology as separate from each other other. Because, in the ideology of Western secularism, religion has been separated from life (fashl al-din 'an al-hayah). Religion is not denied existence, but only limited to its role in personal relationships man with his god. Religion doesn't rule life public/public. 2. Socialist paradigm, namely the paradigm of ideology socialism which denies the existence of religion altogether. Religion is not yes, there is no connection and connection whatsoever with science and technology. science and technology can running independently and completely free from religion. Paradigm this is similar to the secular paradigm above, but more extreme. In secular paradigm, religion functions in a secular way, that is, it does not its existence is denied, but its role is only limited in relationships man-god vertical. Currently in the socialist paradigm, religion viewed atheistically, which is considered non-existent (in-exist) and discarded completely out of life. 2 3. Islamic paradigm, which is a paradigm that views that religion is the basis and regulator of life. Islamic Aqidah is the basis of all knowledge. Islamic Aqeedah manifested in whatever is in the Qur'an and Al-Hadith-- become qa'idah fikriyah (foundation of thought), which is a principle that is On it is built the whole building of thought and science man. 3 PENGARUH POSITIF TEKNOLOGI TERHADAP DUNIA PENDIDIKAN POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY ON THE WORLD OF EDUCATION POSITIVE EFFECT POSITIVE EFFECT The emergence of mass media, especially the media electronics as a source of knowledge and center Education. Such as the Internet network, Lab. School Computers and others. The emergence of learning methods that new, which makes it easier for students and teachers to learning process. The learning system does not have to go through face-to-face advance. Meeting the need for educational facilities can be filled quickly. The existence of a data processing system of assessment results using technology. NEGATIVE EFFECTS NEGATIVE EFFECTS Students or also students become addicts of the excessive existence of the virtual world. E-learning which can cause shifting of teachers and resulting in the teacher gets eliminated, or also causes creation of an individual because the learning system can be done alone. Students can be exposed to information overload, which is to find endless information available on the internet, so that willing to spend hours on collect and organize information existing, which can finally make someone is addicted, especially regarding pornography and can cost money because only to serve addiction the. Causing apathy in each individual, both for students / students / students and teachers/teachers/lecturers. Frequent access to the internet is feared student/student instead of really make use of information technology by optimal, but instead accesses things which is not good, such as pornography, games on line.

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Transcript: JuduL Dept./Div. Tanggal/Tahun/Bulan XX XX XX XX During this time period, one has the ability to learn and do things that she might not be able to do at a later point in time. Onboarding period It’s also the time that relationships and habits are created, two things that are extremely difficult to mold after they have been established. XX A PM’s onboarding experience is different in three ways. Product managers tend to have more abstract role descriptions than other functions. Product managers can see greater variations in how they operate between roles. Variations and results Variations and results The onboarding phase is the time when a product manager must figure out what makes this particular product role unique, and how to change his day-to-day operations as a result. The Product Manager’s role is more dependent on interpersonal relationships than most functions. Second aspect Relationships They are the connective tissue that sits between other functions, and any breaks in this tissue will have a negative cascading effect. Because relationships tend to be defined by early interactions, a Product Manager needs to make sure she gets them right during the onboarding phase. Result Result If she can build solid relationships, a PM can have a multiplier effect on her team, while bad relationships can turn them into a diminisher. Add value PMs are expected to add value over the long-term horizon. If PMs were to stop coming into work, teams wouldn’t notice much change for the first few days or even weeks. Third aspect This stands in stark contrast to the role of DevOps/SREs, who are necessary to keep a product running every day. Role Role However, over the long term, the consequences of not having PMs would be drastic as they are often the recommender or decider on key product decisions. Effect These decisions can have an exponential effect on both the product and the business. Effect As a result, a PM is better off taking their onboarding slowly and getting it right, rather than trying to jump in and create value immediately. XX XX XX XX During this time period, one has the ability to learn and do things that she might not be able to do at a later point in time. Onboarding period It’s also the time that relationships and habits are created, two things that are extremely difficult to mold after they have been established. XX A PM’s onboarding experience is different in three ways. Product managers tend to have more abstract role descriptions than other functions. Product managers can see greater variations in how they operate between roles. Variations and results Variations and results The onboarding phase is the time when a product manager must figure out what makes this particular product role unique, and how to change his day-to-day operations as a result. The Product Manager’s role is more dependent on interpersonal relationships than most functions. Second aspect Relationships They are the connective tissue that sits between other functions, and any breaks in this tissue will have a negative cascading effect. Because relationships tend to be defined by early interactions, a Product Manager needs to make sure she gets them right during the onboarding phase. Result Result If she can build solid relationships, a PM can have a multiplier effect on her team, while bad relationships can turn them into a diminisher. Add value PMs are expected to add value over the long-term horizon. If PMs were to stop coming into work, teams wouldn’t notice much change for the first few days or even weeks. Third aspect This stands in stark contrast to the role of DevOps/SREs, who are necessary to keep a product running every day. Role Role However, over the long term, the consequences of not having PMs would be drastic as they are often the recommender or decider on key product decisions. Effect These decisions can have an exponential effect on both the product and the business. Effect As a result, a PM is better off taking their onboarding slowly and getting it right, rather than trying to jump in and create value immediately. Effective onboarding is very important. However, most people don’t know how to do it. It’s hard to cater advice to every PM, but frameworks can be extremely helpful. The 3 P’s of onboarding XX One of the frameworks is the “3 Ps of Onboarding.” They stand for: Product, Process, People. Product Guru No person should have a better end-to-end understanding of the product than the Product Manager(s). Depending on the size and stage of the product you are working on, it may take more time to get a deep understanding of the product. Product: "Become the Product Guru" Here are a few specific action items recommended: Download, sign-up,or register for your product. Download Download Go through an initial FTU on each platform. It is extremely important that you document your thoughts at each stage. Document Document Remember, you only get to look at a product with completely fresh eyes once. Login If there are Set up

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