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Powerpoint Stoplight Chart Template

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Stoplight Project

Transcript: Stoplight Project Dress and Morals Traditionalists Centrists Modernists -Modernists embraced the changing culture. -The modernists were usually the children/teens in this scenario because they liked the idea of wearing shorter dresses, and having dates unchaperoned. Liberty vs. Order Automobiles Traditionalists -Traditionalists rejected the changing culture. -Parents wanted to "stop" teens from driving because they thought it caused more teen pregnancies. -Teens had more freedom, therefore they could go on dates without chaperones and sometimes that would result in teen pregnancies. Centrists Modernists Liberty vs. Order Music and Dancing Traditionalists Centrists Modernists Liberty vs. Order Evolution Traditionalists Centrists Modernists Liberty vs. Order Red Scare (Immigration and Communism) The red scare was an event where immigrants from South and East Europe came to the United Sates, and that caused some radical tensions and controversy. Traditionalists Centrists Modernists -Modernists embraced the changing culture. -The modernists loved the idea of communism and immigration in the United States. -Since the radicals had such a strong belief on this matter, the pay raids began. Liberty vs. Order Freedom vs. Order was a big part of the Red Scare. The Red Scare was making the immigrants lose all their rights and freedom, but they fought back and gained back some rights. Dress before the 1920's -Traditionalists rejected the changing culture. -They wanted to "stop" all cultural changes. -Parents in the 1920's were often traditionalists because they didn't like the skimpy ways of dress, and the morals of the new generations. -They wanted to keep chaperones on dates, and keep teen girls wearing long, modest dresses. -Traditionalists rejected the changing culture. -They wanted to "stop" all cultural changes. -Christians in the 1920's were often traditionalists because they didn't like how this theory went against God's word. We think he is the creator of all because that is what the bible says. -Sometimes traditionalists banned the idea of evolution from being taught at schools. Dancing before the 1920's Dancing during the 1920's Madylin Vander Zwaag Dress and morals caused a lot of controversy when they changed so drastically in the 1920's. Before the changes occurred, teens had strict dating rules. They had chaperones on dates, and street rules. Later teens started wearing skimpier dresses, and wore more makeup. They also ended having chaperones on dates. The controversy was between traditionalists, centrists, and modernists. The new automobiles and roads created a lot more freedom for the children and teens of the 1920's. They could date without parents with them, and they people were able to commute easier. The traditionalists didn't want change because they didn't think they would have order anymore. They were also worried that the new automobiles would cause more car accidents. The new dress and morals created a lot more freedom for the children and teens of the 1920's. They could wear as much makeup as they wanted, they could choose what clothes they wore, and they were allowed to go on unchaperoned dates. The traditionalists wanted to stop the changing culture because they wanted more order. The centrists didn't exactly hate the idea of the red scare, but they didn't exactly want to have all immigrants come in to the U.S. Freedom vs. Order was a major key in the evolution. Modernists thought they had the right to believe in it without the traditionalist getting mad. Traditionalists liked how it was before without the idea of evolution and they wanted the order back. -Centrists are right in the middle of traditionalists and modernists. -They evaluated the changing culture. They didn't totally hate it, but they were cautious. -I think a centrists during the 1920's would allow their kids to have unchaperoned dates, but they wouldn't let them go off and buy super short dresses (flappers). -They would want their children to have freedom, but not too much freedom. Evolution caused a lot of controversy in the 1920's. Traditionalists couldn't even imagine what life would be like with the idea of evolution. Many christians were traditionalists in this scenario because they thought it went against the bible. Modernists were definitely on board with the new idea of evolution. Evolution was the theory that different types of organisms grow and develop into different forms. -Modernists embraced the changing culture. -The teens would like the new freedoms of being able to drive. It changed the ways of dating for them. -They were able to date without parents watching them, but this caused a big spike in teen pregnancy. Automobiles and roads before the 1920's -Centrists evaluated the changing culture. They didn't totally hate it, but they were cautious. -I think centrists during the 1920's would allow their kids to listen to the new high energy music because they would want them to have some freedom. -They would still

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.


Transcript: Bus's are another easily accesible way for locamotive transportation in Paris. The first, is taking the readily avaliable metro train to each location. The metro, in rush hour, runs every two minutes and is a very convinient source of quick transportation. Frequently tourists and residents of Paris bike to their destinations. However, this is more of a form of transportation for tourists. By: Eleanor Ross Moving and working in Paris can become a chore if one has to take a car from place to place. Walking to and from your location in Paris is one of the more preferred ways for transportation according to locals who live near their jobs. Once one understands their location in relation to their destination it becomes the preferable route because it is not only shorter than other routes, but it is quicker. Overall, Paris residents and tourists have many options to choose from when making a trip to their destination in Paris. Transportation in Paris Although driving from place to place in Paris is a strenuous activity, some people still drive everyday. However, there are also alternitive ways to get to one's destination in this lively city. Therefore, if one lives in Paris they know not to take a car, anywhere! The traffic in Paris is terrible and parking is near impossible to find. The simplest and often fastest way to move around in Paris is to walk. Overall, there are three optimal ways to move around in Paris. Some buses go into suburbs outside of Paris. These buses run every 17 minutes during weekdays and every 12 minutes during the weekend, making it a favorable way to move around in Paris. Since 2007 biking has become more of a form of transportation in Paris because the comparny and owns 18,000 bicycles and 1,230 bicycle stations with each station every 300 meters. Paris is a beautiful place to inhabit and to visit. Living in Paris, one has many ways to transport themselves from place to place in this bustiling city.

Stoplight Safety

Transcript: Why Yield? * T-intersections can cause more accidents because drivers do not yield right-of-way to those arriving first Yield if crossing over lane traveling in different direction Where to Stop: before sidewalk before a stop line before a crosswalk If nothing else is present: line your front bumper with beginning of intersection Why use caution at T intersections? Uncontrolled Intersection Controlled Intersections Yield to the vehicle on the right Yield = To give up right of way INTERSECTIONS Signs, Rules, and Procedures An intersection that controls the flow of traffic by using a sign or signal Traffic officers are those authorized to control traffic flow including police officers, fire police, construction zone flag workers and school crossing guards Basic Right of Way First to arrive is first to leave An intersection is where at least two roads cross and drivers are forced to interact with people potentially crossing their path. Dangers: other drivers may not stop or yield drivers crossing each others paths might not look before entering intersection Traffic officers take precedence over signs, signals or pavement markings. For example, a traffic officer may: Signal you to stop at a green light Signal you to drive through a red light or stop sign An intersection lacking regulatory signs or signals Red = STOP Yellow = SLOW Green = GO What is an Intersection? Traffic Officers Turn Arrows Green Arrow: You may turn in direction of arrow Red Arrow: Wait for a green light/arrow to turn Flashing Lights Flashing Red: Treat like stop sign Flashing Yellow: Use caution HEIL HITLER Turning on Red Right turns permitted unless sign posted Must yield to all traffic before turning Left turns permitted only if turning from a one-way onto another one-way Actions to Take: Watch for oncoming traffic Slow down Come to a full stop if conditions apply Dominic Calabria / 3 4 MILE Victoria Lee / 2 3 MILE Stop Sign Traffic Light Yield Sign

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